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Autopsy Protocol..

Lecture 5

Autopsy on Decomposed,
Mutilated Bodies, Fragmentary
Remains And Skeletal Remains

Autopsy on Decomposed,
Mutilated Bodies, Fragmentary

• A Mutilated Body is a body, which is
deprived of a limb, or a part or one which is

• In such situations, the soft tissues, muscles

and skin may still be attached to the bones.

• Fragmentary Remains include inly the

fragments of the body, such as; Head, Trunk
or Limb.

• When The Mutilated Body or Fragmentary
Remains are received for autopsy, vey
careful examination of the available parts
is required, to discover the Evidence of
Crime. Which is the main objective.

• The examination is done by a team

comprising of, Forensic Expert, Anatomist,
Dentist, Anthropologist and Radiologist.

• Casual Examination of these
specimens is likely to result a failure.
Hence the autopsy will go Negative.

• Number of questions can be

answered with ascending degree of
completeness, depending upon the
type and condition of the material

• There may be other situations of mass
disaster resulting in Mutilation of the bodies.

• During Bomb Blast, the bodies are extensively

mutilates and bodies are splits into parts and
there is mixing of parts also.

• In Air Crash or Rail Accidents, similarly

situation comes across.

• In such situation there is mixing of Parts of

various Bodies (Commingling).

• It is mixing of Body Parts of various Humans
in some Mass Disaster, like; Bomb Blast,
Earth Quack, Air Crash or Train Accident.

• More than one of same body parts are

certainly due to bodies of more individuals.

• Sometimes a Mass Grave is discovered, in

which many bodies are buried.

• The Objectives are,
• 1. Source, Whether Human Or Animal
• 2. If Human, Then Its;
• 3. Does it relate to same individual,
• 4. Most important objective will be
then it’s,

– A. Identity
– B. Age
– C. Sex
– D. Stature
– E. Race
– F. Special Features
– G. Cause of Death
– H. Time Since Death

Protocol Of Examination Of
Fragmentary Remains Or Bones

• The Protocol of examination

remains the same as for
Autopsy, with a little different

Establishment Of Source
• The Fragment of the Body or Skeleton or a Single
Bone presented will be examined to establish,

• The source whether It is Human or Other Species.

The knowledge of Anatomy and morphological
examination will confirm.

• In case of doubt about the origin, the soft tissue in

dry form should be sent without addition of
preservative and Human Specific Immunological
Test (Precipitin Test) should be done and it will
settle the issue.

• The addition of preservative, like;
Alcohol, Formalin and Mercuric
Chloride will interfere with the
precipitin test.

• The Anti-globulin Inhibition Test is

more sensitive than the precipitin test
but it is highly technical.

Parts Belong To Same Individual
• Then the next issue is that, Whether all the
presented parts belong to the same individual ?
This issue usually arise in mass disasters.

• For this objective, reconstruction of the body is

done, whether different parts can be fitted
together or not ? They can be fitted together
and there is no disparity or duplication.

• Testing for similarity of Blood Group and

Hemoglobin from different parts is suggested.

• If it is not possible, then at least try to
reconstruct different portions of the
body which conform with each other.

• If there is duplication of body parts,

mean, Two Right Hands or Two Same
side Feet, Then obviously the can not
belong to one individual.

• Now the next most important objective is
•1. Age:
– All the parameters from Head to
Toe should be applied,
– Hair
– Teeth (Primary or Secondary)
Age by Incremental Lines
Gustafson’s Method
– Bones

– Lower Jaw
– Calcification Of Laryngeal and Sternal
Cartilages and Hyoid Bone
– Sacrum
– Cranial Sutures
– Pubic Bone (Symphyseal Surface)
– Changes in Joints
– Color of Hair of Scalp, Beard, Mustache
and Pubes

• 2. Sex:
− The organs which are last to putrefy like: Prostate in
Males, Ovaries and Non-Gravid Uterus.

− In their absence, the nature and character of soft

parts and configuration of Pelvis are quite helpful

− Study of Bones also help is determination of Sex. The

Pelvis, Skull, Mandible & Sacrum are most important
bones regarding Sex Determination.

− Nuclear Sexing can also be performed, In which;
– In Females we look for,
– Barr bodies (in Non-Dividing Cells)
– Davidson Bodies (In Leucocytes)
– For Males,
– If Hair available, Like; Sexing from root
sheath cells of the capital hair will
demonstrate the presence of Y-
Chromosome. This will confirm Male.

•3. Race;
− Skull, Pelvis, Mandible & Hair give very important
information regarding race.

− The Morphological Examination of these will help.

− Certain Indices and Measurements, like; Cephalic

Index, Sacral Index, etc;

− Nasal Bridge Height, Nasal Aperture Shape,

Fascial Prognathism, Palate Shape, Incisors,

• 4. Stature:
• This can be done even from the part of the body.
• Stature will be equal to,

• 1. Length from tip of middle finger to the tip of middle

finger of the opposite arm when fully extended.

• 2. Symphysis Pubis normally form exact center from

20th year to 25th year. So the stature will be twice the
length from Vertex to Pubes or Heel to Pubes.

• 3. Length of one Arm and Multiply by 2 and add 30 cm

for the clavicle and 4cm for the sternum

• If only bones are available then, especially the
long bones help in this matter.
• Certain Formulae have been devised.
• A Multiplication Factor has been developed by
studying population of various region.
• Determine the length of the bone and multiply
with Multiplication Factor of it, and we can
asses the Stature of the individual.

• 5. Acquired Characteristic &
Congenital Abnormalities:

• Finger Prints,

• Dental Stature,

• Personal Property or Articles & Belongings in body’s

close vicinity,

•Congenital Features,
• Moles,
• Special Characteristics,
− Congenital
– Deformities
– Abnormalities
− Acquired
– Tattoo Marks, Piercing of Ears, Condition of
Palms, Scars, Deformities, Amputation Marks
& Scars,
• Evidence of any Disease,
– Gall Stones, Uterine Fibroid, Appendicectomy
Scar Mark, etc;

• Determination of Blood Group Antigens, A, B
and H from the teeth pulp will help in
establishing Identity, if this is known.

• Selected X-Rays, like; Dental X-rays, Skull

or other X-Rays which were done if during
life can help by taking those X-Rays. We can
compare by Superimposition Technique and

• Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) can give
valuable information when comparison
samples are available. NAA is a nuclear
process, used for determine the
concentration of elements in a vast amount.

• NAA has become important in Forensic

Science, that the minute amount of
certain trace elements can serve as
quiet characteristic in the identification
of the object.

Cause Of Death
• This is quite difficult to determine.
• It is possible when there is some evidence
indicative of some Ante-Mortem Violence,
as injury to some part or organ or vessel, or
sometime bullet id recovered from the body.

• As Mutilated Fragments putrefy quickly, so

the Ante-Mortem in nature injuries will

• Clues like, Depressed Fracture of Skull,
Fracture of Hyoid Bone, Fracture
Dislocation of Cervical Vertebra, Cutting
Injuries on Bones or Fracture of Multiple
Ribs gives an important clue about the
cause of death.

Time Since Death

• The probable time since death can be

estimated, fro the post mortem changes
appearing on the soft tissues in fresh bodies.

• If putrefaction has started, then the

decomposition changes and their stages will
help in estimation.

Autopsy Skeletal Remains

• The scheme for the examination Bones is the same
as that for the Mutilated Bodies.

• The objectives are;

1. Source whether Human or Animal
2. Belongs to one or more individuals
3. Age
4. Sex
• Race
• Identity
• Special Features
1. Cause of Death
2. Time Since Death

Source, Whether Human or

• This is done by,

• 1. Gross Anatomical Characteristics
• 2. Microscopic Characteristics
• 3. Chemical Analysis
• 4. Precipitin Test:
– This test will settle the issue.

Belong To One Individual or More

• The mix up of bones occurs due to more than

one person being buried at same place.

• This can be determined from the number of

bones received.

• Noting the side which it belong, checking for

their fittings, Duplication and Morphological

• For example, If the Skull belongs to a Female
aged about 18 years, and other parts should
also be of a female about that age.

• Similarly there can be only one single bone,

eg; One Right Humerus.

• However, Supernumerary Ribs, Toes and

Fingers must be kept in mind.

• The State of Epiphyses of Long Bones, State of Teeth
if present.

• Lower Jaw, Calcification of Laryngeal and Sternal

Cartilages & Hyoid Bone, changes in the Sacrum,
Closure of Cranial Sutures is studied.

• Condition of Symphyseal surface of the Pubic Bone,

changes in Joints, Histological Examination of Teeth
and Cross Section of Mid-Shaft area of Femur, Tibia
or Fibula.

• By examination of Pelvic Bones, Skull, First
Cervical Vertebra, Mandible, Scapula,
Clavicle, Sternum, Ribs and Long Bones.

• But recognizable Sex differences are

present only after Puberty.

• This can be calculated, if Long Bones, Femur,
Tibia, Humerus or Radius is available using
various formulae of Dupertius & Hadden,
Trotter & Glesser and Multiplication Factors
devised by Indian Scientist.

• For example; The Length of Humerus

multiplied by 5 is a quick method of
estimation of Height.

• This cab determined by Examination of Skull,
Mandible & Teeth, Pelvis and Limb Bones.

• Mal-united Fractures, Healing Fractures or Deformities
of Bone are helpful.

• If Skull is available, and if previous X-Rays are available,

the Super-Imposition Photography may be helpful.

• Similarly any X-Ray of any bone during life, may be

compared present one.

• Blood Group antigens A, B & H can be determined from

the pulp will be very useful.

Special Features
• A meticulous examination of the ends of
Long Bones can be determined.

• If the Bones are having cuts by sharp

weapons, or Sawn through, or Gnawed
through by Animals and Medulla eaten.

Cause of Death
• This is quite difficult to determine.

• But sometimes clue can be available.

• Fractures, especially of Skull, Hyoid, Ribs and

other Bones should be looked for.

• Knife marks on Cervical Vertebral Bodies and

other Bones.

• An opinion on these Features however, is difficult since
the Ante-Mortem Nature disappear rapidly after death
due to Decomposition.

• Foreign body, as Bullet, when present will be helpful.

• Bones or their Charred remains may be subjected should

be subjected to Chemical Analysis for Detection of
Metallic Poisons, like Arsenic may not be destroyed by

• Neutron Activation Analysis technique help to detect

certain poisons in quantities, below the limits of
conventional analysis.

Time Since Death
• This is also a difficult issue.

• Bodies lying in open fields, may be

skeletonize even in a day, if attacked by

• In the process of Skeletonsiation, Soft

Tissues disappear first, then Articular
Cartilages, and finally Ligaments.

• In case of Fracture, examination of Callus after
dissecting it longitudinally Amy give clue to
determine Time.

• If Bones are Foul smelling and humid, time is

between 1-3 months.

• After advancement in Putrefaction, Bones loose

Organic Matter and become Light & Fragile. Such
bones are dark or dark brown in color.

• Complete destruction of bones take place in 3-10
years,But it will again will depend upon,
− Age of Individual
− Nature of Soil &
− Manner of Burial
• Damp, Marshy and Clayey Soil favor Putrefaction.

• Whereas Un-Covered bodies putrefy in much less



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