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Unit 12 Software

Development Assignment
Bianca Prisacariu
Review the finished software
Final Evaluation

• The currency converter program meets the original requirements and purpose by providing accurate and up-to-date exchange
rates for a variety of currencies. The program is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it accessible to people of all skill
levels. Overall, the program is an effective tool for anyone looking to quickly and easily convert currencies.
• The software program has received positive feedback from users, who have found it to be an effective and user-friendly tool
for currency conversion. The program meets the original requirements by providing accurate and up-to-date exchange rates for
a variety of currencies, as well as a feature that allows users to save their preferred currencies for quick access in the future.
• There were no major constraints that affected the program's ability to meet its requirements. However, there can be some
additional features that could be added to the program in the future, such as the ability to track currency trends over time or
to set up alerts for certain exchange rates.
• The final software program closely matches the initial designs, with all the original features and functionality included. The
quality of the code is high, with well-organized and efficient code that is easy to maintain and update. However, there were a
few changes made during the development process to improve the program's usability and functionality based on the user
feedback that made the program better for the users. Overall, the program is well-designed and well-executed.

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