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Do you know who is she ?

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First let's watch
the video and then
tell me did you
know who are we
going to talk about
today ?
Yes correct she is marie sklodowska curie 
Her early life 
• Marie curie was born In Warsaw in the
kingdom of Poland in 7th Novmber 1867
she was the fifth child and she was the
youngest too. Her father
Wladyslaw Sklodowski was a biologist
and teacher and her mother
Bronislawa Sklodowski who was a
principal of a school for girls ,  when she
was 12 years old her mother died
because tuberculosis ( kind of illnesses )
and Unfortunately after 2 years her
sister died 
curie Achievements
• In 1895 there were a scientist called
Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen who has produced
the electromagnetic radiation also known as
the X-ray but he didn't figure out any ways to
produce the X-ray, so she decided to work on
the uranium which is one of the chemical
elements in the periodic table and because of
her hardworking they have find out that the
radiation is not produced because an
interaction between molecules but comes
from the atom itself and in 1898 Maria has
discovered polonium and it's also one of the
chemical elements and in 1911 she won the
nobel prize in Physics ,  and Marie also has
built a hospital to treat the diseases with
polonium in her city warsaw in 1932 
Marie curie death 
• On1934 Marie went make to her hometown Poland she didn't know
that it was her last time to see Poland after a few months Marie died
on 4 July at the age of 66 at the hospital she was taking her medicine
in because of the bone Marrow failure as a result of getting a lot of
the dangerous chemical radiation and before her death in her last
year she wrote a book about the radioactivity.
• However Marie curie was one of the greatest scientists.

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