Rib Fracture

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By the end of the session, the participants are able to:
• Explain the signs and symptoms of rib fracture
• Perform the correct first aid management to the victim
Reasons of choosing the topic
• The most common injury sustained following blunt chest trauma,
accounting for more than half of chest injuries from nonpenetrating
• Rib fractures are usually not life-threatening injuries, but if a rib
pierces a vital organ the severity intensifies and medical assistance
must be called immediately.
• Anatomy
• Mechanism of injury
• Signs and Symptoms
• First aid management
• Demonstration and practice
• Summary
• Quiz
• Q&A
• Closing
• Upper part of the trunk
• Formed by 12 pairs of ribs
• Rib cage protects vital organ :
heart, major blood vessels and
• Extend downwards also protects
liver and spleen
Mechanism of injury
• Elderly : fall from standing
• Adults : motor vehicle accident
• Youth : secondary to recreational
and athletic activities, as well as
by nonaccidental trauma.
Signs and
• Bruising, swelling, or a wound at
the fracture site
• Pain at the side of injury
• Pain upon taking a deep breath
• Shallow breathing
• Movement of the chest is
asymmetric and uncoordinated
• Sign of internal bleeding
First Aid Management
1. Make sure scene is safe
2. Check responsiveness
3. Apply bandade and arm sling
on the injured side
4. Seek for Seek medical
assistance by transporting the
victim take to the hospital
How to apply the bandage & arm sling

1. Apply padding to the wound

2. Support the arm with other hand,
slide bandage underneath the arm,
put top end bandage around neck
3. Fold lower end of the bandage up
over the forearm to meet the top of
bandage at the shoulder
4. Tie two ends of bandage together
5. Twisting the end of the bandage
and tucking it in
6. Securing the arm with another
bandage around to the chest
• Painful and breathing will become difficult for the casualty
• Use our six steps how to apply the bandage and arm sling to ensure
you are providing the right care necessary for rib fracture
Direction: please answer True or False for the following statements;

1. Pain upon taking a deep breath is one of the rib fracture symptoms
Answer : TRUE
2. For rib fracture management, apply one or two broad bandage,
securing the arm on the uninjured side
Answer : FALSE
Correct : Apply one or two broad bandage, securing the arm on the
injured side
Question & Answer

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