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Session 6

Law and Media-1

• Right to equality (Ar ticle 14-18)

• Right to Freedom (Article 19-22)

• Right Against Exploitation (Ar t 23-24)

Fundamental • Right to Freedom of religion (Ar t 25-28)

Rights • Cultural and educational rights (Art 29-


• Right to Constitutional remedies(Article

• right to freedom of speech and

• right to assemble peacefully and without


Right to • freedom to form associations and unions,

• right to move freely throughout the

freedom territor y of India,

• right to reside and settle in any par t of

the territor y of India and

• right to practice any profession or to carry

on any occupation, trade or business
Ar t ic l e 1 9 (1 )(a ) o f the Co ns ti tut io n o f Ind ia
g ua ra nte es t he fre ed o m o f sp ee ch a nd exp re ss i o n
b ut no t e xpres sl y inc lud ed the fre ed o m o f pres s.
The p hra s e ‘s pe ec h and e xp res si o n’ i s o f ver y
wi de c o nno ta t io n, ‘exp re ss i o n’ nat ural l y
p re sup po se s a s ec o nd p ar ty to who m t he i de as

Freedom of a re exp ress ed o r c o m munic a ted . But it i s im pl i ed

t ha t fre ed o m o f sp ee ch a nd exp re ss i o n inc lud es
fre ed o m o f pres s al s o. T he fre ed o m o f expre ss io n,
Press t hus , inc lud es t he freed o m to pro p ag a te o ne’s
o w n v ie ws and t he v i e ws o f o t he rs a nd free do m
to co mm uni c ate v i ew s to o the rs . Tha t fre ed o m i s
ens ure d by free do m o f t hei r pub li c at io n and
c ircul a ti o n. In s ho r t , t he freed o m o f s pe ec h a nd
exp re s si o n i nc l ude s the li be r ty o f t he p re ss
Ar ticle 19(1)(a) of the Constitution
guarantees freedom of speech and
expression only to human beings who are

Whether citizens and non-citizen nationals and

foreigners do not enjoy this right. Rather

Press is juristic persons, corporations, societies,

associations are not citizens. This right is
available to natural human beings having
Citizen citizenship of India. Whereas, Article
19(1)(a) gives freedom to press on the
plea that press is constituted of citizens
Although Article 19(1)(a) does not
mentioned the freedom of the press, it is
the settled view of the Supreme Cour t
that freedom of speech and expression
also includes freedom of the press and
circulation, i.e. the right to print and
Continue.. publish what one pleases, without any
previous permission. Therefore, the
imposition of pre-censorship on
publication is violative of the freedom of
the press, unless justifi ed under clause
(2) of Ar ticle 19.

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