Revision of Fundamentals

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Digital Circuits

Dr. Anup Vibhute

Professor, DYPIT, Pimpri
• Syllabus and Teaching Scheme
• References
• Course Outcomes
• Revision of fundamentals
• Unit I- Digital Logic Families (05 Hrs)
Classification and Characteristics of digital Logic Families: Speed, power
dissipation, figure of merit, fan in, fan out, current, voltage, noise immunity,
operating temperatures and power supply requirements. TTL logic. Operation of
TTL NAND gate, active pull up, wired AND, open collector output, unconnected
inputs. Tri-State logic. CMOS logic: CMOS inverter, NAND, NOR gates,
unconnected inputs, wired logic, open drain output. Interfacing CMOS and TTL,
Data sheet specifications.
• Unit II Combinational Logic Design (08 Hrs)
Definition of combinational logic, canonical forms, Standard representations for
logic functions, k-map representation of logic functions (SOP and POS forms),
minimization of logical functions for min-terms and max-terms (upto 4 variables),
don‟t care conditions, Design Examples: Arithmetic Circuits, BCD to 7 segment
decoder, Code converters. Introduction to Quine- McCluskey method, Quine
McCluskey using don‟t care terms, Reduced prime implicants Tables.
• Unit III Combinational Circuits (06 Hrs)
Adders and their use as subtractor, look ahead carry, ALU, Digital Comparator,
Parity generators/checkers, Multiplexers and their use in combinational logic
designs, multiplexer trees, Demultiplexers and their use in combinational logic
designs, Decoders, Demultiplexer trees.
• Unit IV Sequential Logic Design (08 Hrs)
1 Bit Memory Cell, Clocked SR, JK, MS J-K flip flop, D and T flip-flops. Use of
preset and clear terminals, hold and setup time and metastability. Excitation Table
for flip flop, Conversion of flip flops, Typical data sheet specifications of Flip
flop application of Flip flops. Registers, Shift registers, Counters (ring counters,
twisted ring counters), ripple counters, Mod-n counters, up/down counters,
synchronous counters, lock out, Clock Skew, Clock jitter. Effect on synchronous
designs, Sequence Generators.
• Unit V State Machines (07 Hrs)
Basic design steps- State diagram, State table, State reduction, State assignment,
Mealy and Moore machines representation, Implementation, finite state machine
implementation, Sequence detector. Introduction to Algorithmic state machines-
construction of ASM chart and realization for sequential circuits
• Unit VI Programmable Logic Devices (08 Hrs)
Programmable logic devices: Detail architecture, Study of PROM, PAL, PLA,
General Architecture, features and typical specifications of FPGA and CPLD.
Semiconductor memories: memory organization and operation, expanding
memory size, Classification and characteristics of memories, RAM ROM,
EPROM, EEPROM, NVRAM, SRAM, and DRAM. Designing combinational
circuits using PLDs.
Text Books & References:
• Text Books:
T1. R.P. Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 3rd Edition.
T2. Thomas Floyd, “Digital Electronics”, 11th Edition.
T3. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Logic and Computer Design”, Prentice Hall of India, 4th Edition.
T4. Taub and Schilling, “Digital Principles and Applications,” TMH.
• Reference Books:
R1. Anand Kumar, “Fundamentals of Digital Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India, 1st Edition.
R2. J. F. Wakerly, “Digital Design- Principles and Practices,”, Pearson, 3rd Edition.
R3. M. M. Mano, “Digital Design,” Prentice Hall India.
• Other Books:
O1: A. K. Maini, “Digital Electronics- Principles, Devices and Applications”, John wiley & Sons, 2007.
O2: Parag. K Lala, “Principles Of Modern Digital Design”, John wiley & Sons, 2007
• MOOC / NPTEL Courses:
• 1. NPTEL Course “Digital Circuits” 108105113/
• 2. NPTEL Course “Digital Circuits & Systems”
• 3. NPTEL Course “Digital Electronic Circuits”
Teaching Scheme:
• Theory: 03 hrs. / week +1 Extra
• Credit – 03
• Examination Scheme:
• In-Sem (Theory): 30 Marks
• End Sem (Theory): 70 Marks
• Paper Pattern:
• ISE- Unit 1- 15 Marks
Unit 2- 15 Marks
• ESE – Unit 3- 18 Marks
Unit 4- 17 Marks
Unit 5- 18 Marks
Unit 6- 17 Marks
Course Outcomes: (COs)
• After successfully completing the course students will be able to:

• CO1: Classify and characterize the digital Logic families.

• CO2: Apply basic logic gates and various reduction techniques for building
digital logic circuits.
• CO3: Analyze, design and implement combinational logic circuits.

• CO4: Analyze, design and implement sequential circuits.

• CO5: Implement and Differentiate between different finite state machines.

• CO6: Design combinational digital systems using PLD.

Lets Revise:
Lets revise few concepts related to functions of gate, Boolean laws:
• Elements Of Digital Logic
• The term logic refers to something which can be reasoned out.
• Several logic statements when combined form logic functions. These logic
functions can be formulated mathematically using Boolean algebra
• Boolean algebra is mathematics of logic. It is one of the most basic tools available
to the logic designer that can be effectively used for simplification of complex
logic expressions.
• Variables are the different symbols in a Boolean expression.
• There are four basic logic elements using which any digital system can be built.
They are the three basic gates—NOT, AND and OR gates, and a flip-flop.
• Many operations can be performed by combining logic gates and flip-flops.
• Some of the more common operations are arithmetic operations, comparison, code
conversion, encoding, decoding, multiplexing, demultiplexing, shifting, counting
and storing.
• Other Applications like Frequency Division, Data Transmission

• Integrated Circuits (ICs):

• ICs may be classified as analog (linear) and digital.
• Digital ICs are a collection of resistors, diodes, and transistors fabricated on a
single chip.
• The chip is enclosed in a protective plastic or ceramic package from which pins
extend for connecting ICs to other devices. There are two main types of packages:
dual-in-line package (DIP) and the flat package.
• Integrated Circuits (ICs):
• Levels of Integration-
• Small scale integration (SSI): The least complex digital ICs with less than 12
gate circuits on a single chip. Logic gates and flip-flops belong to this category.
• Medium scale integration (MSI): With 12 to 99 gate circuits on a single chip,
the more complex logic circuits such as encoders, decoders, counters, registers,
multiplexers, demultiplexers, arithmetic circuits, etc. belong to this category.
• Large scale integration (LSI): With 100 to 9999 gate circuits on a single chip,
small memories and small microprocessors fall in this category.
• Very large scale integration (VLSI): ICs with complexities ranging from
10,000 to 99,999 gate circuits per chip fall in this category. Large memories and
large microprocessor systems, etc. come in this category.
• Ultra large scale integration (ULSI): With complexities of over 100,000 gate
circuits per chip, very large memories and microprocessor systems and single-
chip computers come in this category.
Gates and Its Functions:
• OR Gate:
• The output of OR = 1 when either input or all inputs are 1 and output = 0 when all
input are 0
• Y=A+B
Gates and Its Functions:
• AND Gate:
• The output of AND = 1 when all inputs are 1 and output = 0 when either or all
input are 0
• Y=A .B
Gates and Its Functions:
• NOT Gate: Inverter
• Output of NOT gate is 1 when input is 0 and output is 0 when input is 1
Gates and Its Functions:
• NAND Gate: Universal Gate
• Output = 1 if at least one input = 0, Output = 0 if all inputs are 1
Gates and Its Functions:
• NOR Gate: Universal Gate
• The output of NOR Gate = 0, if any one input is 1 and output = 1, if all inputs are
• Y=
Gates and Its Functions:
• XOR Gate:
• For XOR gate output=1 if both inputs are different and output=0 if inputs are
Boolean Laws and axioms:
• Axioms or postulates of Boolean algebra are a set of logical expressions that we
accept without proof and upon which we can build a set of useful theorems.
• Axioms are nothing more than the definitions of the three basic logic operations-
Boolean Laws and axioms:
• Boolean Laws:
• Ex-NOR / XNOR Gate
• Draw the symbol
• Write the function equation
• Write the Truth Table
• Draw the Electrical Analogue
Gates and Its Functions:
• XNOR Gate:
• For XNOR gate output=1 if both inputs are same and output=0 if inputs are
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