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Being organized

Which words come up

to your mind when talking
about being organized?

06/28/2023 2
How do you describe being organized ?
oOrganized - to plan things carefully and keep things neat. We are looking for a person who is well organized.
oDisorganized - not properly planned and controlled. I'm afraid this company is very disorganized.
oPunctual – always on time. Never late. I am a very punctual person.
oFocused – giving a lot of attention to something. I need to focus on improving my English skills.
oPurge – get rid of something, remove. He purged all documents from his desk.
oPerfectionism – to set extremely high standard. Sarah is a perfectionist. She spends hours on her tasks to make sure they are done perfectly.
oSystematical – having a system, method, or plan. I need to approach my studies in a systematical manner.
oAccurate – correct in all details. Exact. She was filling the documents very accurate.
oChaotic – not having a system, mixed up. The classroom was chaotic, some students were running around.
oDisciplined - showing a controlled form of behavior or way of working. Discipline is important to achieve success.
oEfficient – doing something productively. He is a highly efficient worker.
oPrioritize - setting as the most important. Putting in a first place. I is difficult to prioritize school and work.


How do you physically organize your workspace?
Can you give me an example of a time when being organized helped you?
What organizational tools do you use?
How do you prioritize your daily tasks?


How to be organized – 6 habits of highly organized people.
Why it is important to be organized?
What is the first habit?
What will happen if you choose a system that is easy to use?
What does develop a routines mean? Why is it important?
When is your best time to study?
When you feel more energized?
What is habit number 3?
Why having a deadline in important?
Are you a perfectionist? Why?
Do you need to be perfectionist in order to get everything done?


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