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Ch:6 Tele-banking/eBanking

Tele to edit Master subtitle style Click banking, e-Banking, Mobile Banking, Corporate Banking, Personal Banking and Internet Banking



The function of tele-banking services is based on the voice processing facility available with the bank computers. The caller, generally a customer of the bank, will be able to call the bank any time and enquire balances or transaction history and to transfer funds between accounts. In this system , the banks computer



The voice processing facility, provided in the software, identifies the caller, by keyword and provides him services, with suitable reply. Some banks use a telephone answering machine, in which case the service is not tele banking per-se but simply a telephone answering system


Apart from tele-banking, another system, simple and for limited service is also available, known as voice mail facility. There are several foreign banks now offering , very advanced touch-tone telephone answering services, which route the customers call, directly to the department concerned of the bank. 4/15/12


Touch-tone telephone answering services, also allows the customer to leave a message for the concerned desk or the department, if the customer is not available. In this system, each service representative has his or her voice mail post bag in which the messages are stored and retrieved upon his return, to his desk. 4/15/12


With the help of the telephone answering system, the enquiries are most common in computerized railway reservation system. Tele-banking facility is available wit the help of a voice response system (VRS) Basically the system accepts only tone dialed inputs (i.e, from callers 4/15/12 phone instruments by dialing up

VRS-additional facilities..
1. On line feature of changing existing customer password with the new one desired. 2. Password for necessary security and protection. 3. Information about sanctioned limit and drawing limit of an advance/loan amount. 4. Speaking out past five transactions 4/15/12 made in the account

VRS additional facilities

5. Requisition of cheque books and statements of account can be placed on phone. 6. The tele-marketing featuresinformation about the latest rate of interest, information about various schemes in the bank for deposits or loans and advances. 7. Tele-banking enables marketing of 4/15/12 banking products

VRS-additional facilities
9. General information about the bank products, nearest ATM location, etc may be available. 10. Accessibility is 24x7, anytime, anywhere. 11. Transactions are restricted to fund transfers on telephonic information. 12. Cost effective and time saving to the customer as well as the bank.


This is process of enabling financial transactions through operating mobile by the customer. This is one of the recent developments in banking technology and this area of technology may escalate to a further height, as the mobile technology is progressing to different heights.


As and when debits or credits effected to a customers account, on account of legitimate banking transactions, such information's are conveyed to the mobile number of the account holder. The account holder is provided with timely information as to credit or debit, to his account, facilitating smooth conduct of account and 4/15/12


Banks have fixed financial limits, like for example, RS:2000 and above, for the purpose of conveying, instantaneous information as to debit or credit, in the account. This ensures better security to the customer. All other service envisaged under electronic banking may be made 4/15/12 available under mobile banking


Ideal for corporates and companies The facilities rendered are allowing access to a designated computer terminal to ascertain the position of the account:-

a)Previous days closing balance b) days credit to the account c) days debit to the account
4/15/12 d)Clear balance in the account

Corporate banking branches..

Specialized branches of the bank, exclusively for the needs of corporate customers are established in sensitive locations. These branches are fully automated with modern IT infrastructure These branches are provided with project consultancy link These branches are also provided 4/15/12 with qualified personnel in the art of

Corporate banking branch..

Conspicuous feature of the corporate banking branch is that a small number corporate customers deal Non corporate customers may have to deal with regular branches, in view of certain banking prescription in corporate banking branch Some of the asset/liability products may not be available here

One stop shop service is enabled to

Corporate banking branch..

If the corporate loan portfolio is large enough, this type of branch may have a project consultancy division, attached to it. Besides expert manpower, sophisticated software is used in project formulation, appraisal and project finance. Besides existing projects, corporates 4/15/12 establish new projects,

Corporate banking branch

The volume of business in corporate banking branch is very, although few corporate customers deal Automation of corporate banking branch with sophisticated infrastructure is necessary for vital functions and transparency. Corporate banking branch helps in the profitability and regulating the 4/15/12 ratio of the banks. CD

Corporate cash management

If the corporate entity is having units spread across the country, the aggregation of cash balance at each center, can be ascertained at a designated time of the day. Such a facility would enable the corporate entity to understand its intra day liquidity and effective management of scarce resources. Also, the corporate entity need not


Corporate cash management

Conversely, the corporate entity, by effective cash management/liquidity management, may off-load certain of its debt obligation, either on time or make pre-payment depending its liquidity position. Such a situation imparts further profitability in the form of reduced interest and other costs. Debt/equity can be managed better


Corporate cash management

Corporate cash management has conferred many advantages to the customer base, whereas the benefits accruing to the bank are in terms of availability of huge float funds, lesser cost in rendering service, less dependence on manpower, speedy delivery of service, resulting in high customer satisfaction and patronage.

Better profit/productivity-economy of

Corporate cash management.

Corporate entity can ensure smooth transfer of funds, intra bank or inter bank, incurring very little cost and small time Corporate entity can structure an international remittance and transmit the same to the banks, to facilitate immediate remittance Establishing letter of credit, a bank 4/15/12 guarantee, domestic or foreign, is

Corporate cash management.

The issues relating to exports or imports also can be dealt with the assistance of a P C at the corporate office and this P C need not be dedicated for the purpose. Up gradation in the technology infrastructure at the bank branches and the corporate entity, confers distinct advantages, in terms of faster product delivery, better 4/15/12

Personal banking

Banks have retail banking modules for individuals Through various devices these products are delivered in view of up gradation in the technology. Technology devices also display product features and in view of stiff competition between the banks, the over all response to customers 4/15/12 enquiry is immediate.

Personal banking..

Centralized data warehousing enables the bank to reach, any information of a customer quickly Customer has many options like telebanking, mobile banking, net banking to transact with the bank Of late banks have started, counseling centers on asset and liability products to promote personal 4/15/12 banking.

Personal banking

Retail customers constitute a large chunk of clientele base of banks The more the number of customers, the dispersal of credit risk is more and the credit default risk may be managed better. More number retail customers enhance the brand equity of the bank and in the automated regime, 4/15/12 volume of work has no impact on the

Internet banking

American scientists in charge of defense research, created a network of linked computers, spread over wide geographical area, and this mission was then called associated research project agency-ARPA. Defense personnel from different locations, collected intelligence from these network of linked computers, sharing one anothers computer 4/15/12

Internet banking

Transmission control protocol/internet protocol-TCP/IP used in ARPA-net. This device is popularly known as internet, now. REQUIREMENTS OF

INTERNET A computer, a phone line and the knowledge of transmission control protocol/internet protocol(TCP/IP), the 4/15/12 collection of linked computers, form

Internet society

Internet society, a non profit and non governmental organization, brings users of internet community together. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the main standards organization for internet. IETF has large international community of network designers, 4/15/12 operators, vendors and researchers

Internet society.

Internet technical standards are set by IAB- Internet Architecture Board, an important arm of IETF-Internet Engineering Task Force. Internet banking sites can be segregated in to three levels-viz:

1.First level or website level 2. Second level or value added services level

Internet level

In the first level of implementation of internet banking, the website level, the customers are able to visit the website of the bank and collect, information on various products and services available. This level is therefore an information level. The products and services of each 4/15/12 bank may vary. The customers

Under this customer can opt for available products

Internet banking-value added service level-2nd level

Customer also can download prescribed forms and also fill in the forms for onward transmission to the bank Again normal personal interaction with the bank staff is not required, as far as procuring the stationery, 4/15/12 besides all preparatory work relating

Fund based transaction is possible and request for registering change in address, e-mail ID, phone number facilitated. Financial and non financial transactions possible. Structured messages like the one to facilitate SWIFT format, bank guarantee, letter of credit can be 4/15/12 initiated. Here customer will provide

Internet bankingtransactional website- 3rd level

Transactional website-3rd level of internet banking

Inter bank and intra bank remittances may be initiated by the customer In such customer initiated transaction, bankers role is mostly confined to verification of most of the vital data and hence there is no scope for delaying the transaction, as basic data creation is already done by the customer. 4/15/12

Transactional website-3rd level..

The customers are guided about the procedure of accessing the banks network and in terms of security, certain precautions are taken. The consent of the customers for internet banking is obtained, with an explicit undertaking with reference to systemic risk or situations beyond the control of banks. Transactions are password protected


Features of internet banking..

It is a medium of delivery of banking services and a strategic tool for business development Internet banking is largely used as a marketing/advertising tool and for the reciprocal benefits of the customer and the bank. It is used for general information on deposit products and application 4/15/12 form downloading.

Features of internet banking

Internet banking can be used for filling in applications/documentation and transmission Even a loan proposal can be submitted or processed and documentation process also can be continued in the internet banking. It handles receipts, review and payment of bills on line.

Accounts can be accessed to retrieve

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