Lucero Villalobos Napan-Contabilidad IV-diurno

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MÓDULO: Idioma extranjero

U.D. Comunicación interpersonal
DOCENTE: Mary Maldonado Perez
ALUMNA: Leydi Lucero Villalobos Napan
 He: Darling! Do you remember the days when we were young?
 She: Sweetheart! Alzheimer’s disease is wiping away my memories.
 He: But I’m here. I Will never let your forget. Do you remember! There was fountain
 He: It was very beautiful. And that cinema. It was a theatre and it was red.
 He: That supermarket. It was a restaurant. It was purple. Your favorite colour.
 He: I was a waiter there and i was very awkward.
 He: You were a student.
 She: I remember, i was 18 years old. I was very beautiful.
 He: You are still very beautiful.
 She: You were 20. You were always on that corner.
 He: And my eyes always on you!
 He: And your father was always at the balcony.
 He: He was always angry with me.
 He: There was a dance club at the end of the road.
 She: I will never forget it, because it was the place where i felt in love with you.
 He: Those were the days!

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