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12hr = 360°
1hr = 360°= 30°
1min = 30 = 1°
60 2

60min = 360°
1min = 360° = 6°
15min = 90°
Gain time & exact time :
In a clock , when min hand rotates for 60 min then the rotation
gap of hour hand is 5min . So that the
Min hand gains 55min over hand hands
Rotation. That means :

55 min gain in = 60 min

1min gain in = 60 = 12 min
55 11 5
5 min gain in = 12 5 = 5 min
11 11
Opposites ,coincide and right -angle

There are 11 coincide (except 11:55) in 12 hrs.

So that total 22 coincide in a day.

There are 11 opposites (except 5:55) in 12 hrs

So that total 22 opposites within 24 hrs / in a day.

Then In every hour the clock forms 2 right angle, and in 12

hours it forms 22 right angle (except 2:55 and 8:55)
So that in total 44 right angles in 24 hours.
Questions for practice

1 An accurate clock shows 7 a.m. Through how many

degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock
shows 1 p.m.?

A. 154° B. 180°
C. 170° D. 160°
Questions for practice

2 By 20 minutes past 4, the hour hand has turned

through how many degrees? If then the clock is 12

A. 100° B. 110°
C. 120° D. 130°
Questions for practice

3 At what time between 5.30 and 6 will the hands of a

clock be at right angles?

A. 44 minutes past 5
B. 44 ( 7/11) minutes past 5
C. 43 ( 7/11) minutes past 5
D. 43 minutes past 5
Questions for practice
4 What is the angle between the minute hand and the
hour hand of a clock at 5.30?

A. 05° B. 15°
C. 25° D. 35°
Questions for practice
5 How many times in a day, the hands of a clock
are straight?

A. 22 B. 24
C. 44 D. 48
Questions for practice
6 In a clock displayed at a wall, the time displayed is 9
o'clock in the morning. Through how many degrees will
the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 3 o'clock in
the afternoon?

1. 120 degree 2. 160 degree 3. 180 degree

4. 260 degree 5. 150 degree
Questions for practice

7 How many minutes are lost by a clock per day, if its

hands coincide every 64 minutes?

1. 35 minutes 5 11
2. 205 minutes 5 11
3. 305 minutes 5 11
4. 25 minutes 5 11
5. Cannot be determined
Questions for practice
8 At what time between 6 a.m. and 6:25 a.m. will the
hands of a clock be at right angles?
1. 16 minutes past 6 2. 16 minutes past 6
4 11
3. 16 minutes past 6 4. 45 minutes past 6
5. 15 minutes past 6
Questions for practice
9 At what time between 7 o’clock and 8 o'clock will the hands
of a wall clock point in opposite directions?
5 6
1. 5 minutes past 7 2. 5 minutes past 7
11 11

3. 6 minutes past 7 4. Cannot be Determined

5. None of the above

Questions for practice
10 What is the angle between the hour hand and the
minute hand when the time is 7:30?

1. 32° 2. 43° 3. 54°

4. 45° 5. 23°

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