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Causes and Effects on our Environment

Prepared By: Erwin M.

Distinguish climate change from other phenomena
Explain how climate change occurs
Cite causes and effects of climate change on our environment
Difference between WEATHER, SEASON
- The main difference is a ‘measure of time’

 Weather is only temporary

 Season is a period during which the weather remain almost the same for many
 Climate describes the typical weather condition in an entire region for a very
long period of time – 30 years or more
TROPICAL – hot and humid zone, the average
temperature are greater than 18°C year-
round and there is more than 59 inches of
precipitation each year.

DRY – climate zone is so dry because

moisture is rapidly evaporated from the air
and there is very little precipitation
TEMPERATE – there are typically warm
and humid summers with thunderstorms
and mild winters

CONTINENTAL – These regions have

warm to cool summers and very cold
winters. In the winter, this zone can
experience snowstorms, strong winds,
and very cold temperatures – sometimes
falling below -30°C
POLAR – extremely cold even in summer the temperature
here never go higher than 10°C
What is climate change?
– It refers to a long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns.
Understanding Climate
Greenhouse Gases
 Naturally Produced by Earth
water vapor (H2O)
carbon dioxide (CO2)
methane (CH4)
nitrous oxide (N2O)

 Industrially Produced
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
Understanding Climate
Greenhouse effect
Natural Greenhouse Effect
-caused by natural amount of greenhouse gases and is vital to life
-in the absence of natural greenhouse effect the surface of the earth
would be approximately -18°C

Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

-additional radiative force resulting from increased concentrations of
greenhouse gases induced by human activities
Understanding Climate
Global warming
Long term heating of the Earth’s overall temperature causing climate
change which poses a serious threat to life on earth.
 Natural Phenomena – shifts in
temperature due to variations
in solar cycle, emissions from
volcanoes, and levels of
carbon dioxide

 Human Activities – burning of

fossil fuels like coal, oil, and
phenomenon variation in solar cycle
• All the energy and heat on the earth
comes from the sun
• The sun’s activity is actually different
over time, which can change how much
energy actually hits the earth
• Every 11 years the sun’s magnetic cycle
ramps up into overdrive
• Changes in the sun’s magnetism
produces a greater number of sunspots,
more energy and cause solar eruptions
of particles
phenomenon Emissions from volcanoes
• Volcanic eruption changes earth’s entire
temperature for a short period of time
• Eruptions send large amount of ash and
particles into the atmosphere, blocking
some of the sun’s rays from hitting the
earth and causing cooling effect
• It also emit large amount of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere
phenomenon Levels of carbon dioxide

• Outgassing from the ocean

• Decomposing vegetation
• Naturally occurring wildfires
• Belches from ruminant animals
Human Activities Burning of fossil fuels
– generates greenhouse
gas emissions that act like
a blanket wrapped around
the earth, trapping the
suns heat and raising
Human Activities Clearing lands and forests
• Releases carbon dioxide
Human Activities Landfills for garbage
• Major source of methane
Effects of Climate Change
• Intense drought
• Water scarcity
• Severe fires
• Rising sea levels
• Flooding
• Melting polar ice
• Catastrophic storms
• Declining biodiversity
How do people experience climate change
in diverse ways?
• Health
• Ability to grow food
• Housing
• Safety and work
• Sea-level rise
• Saltwater intrusion

 People living in small island nations and developing countries are

more vulnerable to climate impacts.
 In the future the number of climate refugees is expected to rise
Record of Earth’s Temperature
• RA 9729 “Climate Change Act of 2009”
-An act mainstreaming climate change into government policy
-establishing the framework strategy and program on climate change
-creating climate change commission and for other purposes

RA 10174 “Amending RA 9729”

- An act establishing the peoples survival fund to provide long-term
finance streams to enable the government to effectively address the
problem of climate change
Causes and Effects
• Ozone layer sits in the
stratosphere between 15 km
and 30 km above the earth and
shield us and other living
things from the sun’s harmful
ultraviolet radiation.
What is ozone?
• Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive gas composed of
three oxygen atoms.
• It is both natural and man-made product that
occurs in the earth’s atmosphere.
• Ozone is formed when heat and sunlight cause
chemical reactions between oxides and nitrogen
and volatile organic compound which are known
as hydrocarbons
• This reaction can occur both near the ground and
high in the atmosphere
• There are up to 12,000 ozone molecules for every
billion air molecules ( 1 billion = 1000 million)
The ozone layer

It protects all life from solar radiation

Less ozone-layer protection from UV lights overtime will damage
crops and lead to higher skin cancer and cataract rates
Stratospheric Ozone
• Good ozone
• It forms about 10 to 30 miles above the earths surface and forms a protective
layer – called the ozone layer

Ground-level Ozone
• Bad ozone
• Ozone harms human health and the
environment when it forms close to the
• The most significant things that cause ground-
level ozone to form are oxides of nitrogen,
VOC (volatile organic compound) and UV
Effects of Ground -Level Ozone

• The emission sources that contributes to ground-level ozone are

typically found in urban areas, strong winds can also move it into rural
areas causing them to have high amounts of ground level ozone.
• People with respiratory conditions such as asthma, or those who are
active outside on days when ozone amounts are high can feel:
• Shortness of breath
• Wheezing
• coughing
Ozone Depletion
• When chlorine and bromine atoms come into contact with ozone,
they destroy the ozone molecules.
• One chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before
it is removed from the stratosphere.
• Ozone can be destroyed quickly more than it is created
Ozone Depletion Natural Causes
• Ozone layer has been found to be depleted by certain natural
processes such as:
• Sun-spots
• Stratospheric winds

• It does not cause more than 1 to 2% of the ozone layer depletion

• Volcanic eruptions are also responsible
Ozone Depletion Unregulated rocket launches

 It causes more depletion

of ozone layer than CFCs

 If not controlled, this

might result in a huge loss
of ozone layer by the year
of 2050
Chlorofluorocarbons Refrigerators, air-conditioners,
solvents, dry-cleaning agents

Halons Fire-extinguishers
Carbon tetrachloride Fire-extinguishers, solvents
Methyl chloroform Adhesives, aerosols
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons Fire-extinguishers, air-conditioners,
Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion
Human Health
Humans will be directly exposed to the harmful ultraviolet radiation of
the sun
Skin diseases
Quick ageing
Weak immune system
Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion

• Direct exposure to ultraviolet
radiations leads to skin and eye
cancer in animals
Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion
• Plants minimal growth, flowering
and photosynthesis
• Forest have to bear the harmful
effects of the UV rays
Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion
Marine Life
• Planktons are greatly affected by the exposure to harmful UV rays
• If the planktons are destroyed, the organisms present in the food
chain are also affected
Solutions to Ozone layer Depletion

• Avoid using ODS

• Minimize the use of vehicles

• Use eco-friendly cleaning products

• Prohibit the use of Nitrous Oxide


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