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ITC Mission and Vision

– ITC recognizes that each customer’s organization has ​unique
requirements ​which align with its individual culture and goals. With this
holistic understanding, our mission is to design, develop and integrate
an individualized solution to help our customers realize their vision.
– ITC is a world-class, global integrator providing continuous
improvement, cutting-edge innovation and quality solutions to our
customers and partners with the highest rating for employee

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ITC Values

• Perspective
• Commitment
• Collaboration
• Results
• Innovation
• Continuous Improvement
• Passion

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“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is perspective, not
the truth”
-Marcus Aurelius

What you see depends not only on what you look at, but also where you look from.
As a world-wide solutions provider, ITC understands the “global accent”. We respect
all cultures, beliefs and backgrounds and see the value these different perspectives
can bring to the table when creating a solution. This diverse mindset allows us to
quickly put ourselves “in our customer’s shoes” to understand their requirements
and provide solutions that fit their unique organizational needs.

Qualities We Embody:
Global awareness, intercultural, culturosity, humility, open-minded

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“Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is harder than living them day after
-Arthur Gordon

ITC is committed not only to the success of our customers and our industry
partners, but to the health and wellness of our families, communities and the
environment. As a HUBZone firm we understand that economic strength helps to
develop communities and create strong families, which are the foundation for
our personal commitment and values. At ITC, commitment is an act, not a word.

Qualities We Embody:
Social responsibility, service, awareness, giving back, loyalty

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“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”
-Henry Ford

Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t, therefore ITC
employees are open to the ideas and recommendations of all team members.
We encourage our experts to continually seek peers who challenge and inspire
them to think bigger and better. As a team we will develop much stronger
solutions than individuals working alone. Collaboration divides the task and
multiplies the success.

Qualities We Embody:
Shared mission, celebrate all successes, respect, professionalism, forgiving,

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“However beautiful the strategy, you should also look at the results.”
-Winston Churchill

At ITC we understand you cannot build a reputation on what you are going
to do. Therefore we focus on actions that produce results for our customers.
We take achievements a step higher by showing the value and impact our
solutions bring to our customers. Success is a result, not a goal.

Qualities We Embody:
Quality, responsive, customer problems are our own, empowered, excellence,
customer focus, resourceful, “don’t talk to talk”

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“You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
-Andre Gide

At ITC we believe that innovation starts with having an open and curious mind. Then requires
bravery to embrace the change and challenges that come with abandoning the status quo. We
understand we cannot solve a problem by using the same kind of thinking we used when we
created them.

Qualities We Embody:
Creativity, embrace/adapt to change, leadership, vision, calculated risks, enjoy challenges

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Continuous Improvement
“I am easily satisfied with the very best.”
-Winston Churchill

At ITC we believe that things can always be better so we constantly strive to push
ourselves out of our comfort zone. We encourage our employees to make mistakes,
then learn from them. We know no one is, nor ever will be, perfect, so we do not
expect that. Instead we want to create an environment where employees feel they
have room to grow and explore in their professional development and career,
knowing that ITC has their back.

Qualities We Embody:
Intellectual curiosity, integrity, personal and company growth, development,
resilient, learn from failure, value of education

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“Passion is the genesis of genius.”
-Galileo Galilei

Passion is the most important value at ITC. Nothing great in the world has
ever been accomplished without passion. We know our employees have a
passion for what they do and it shows to our customers. Passion is why we
are all here and at ITC we recognize and celebrate that every day.

Qualities We Embody:
Purpose, inspiration, dedication, intrinsic motivation, integrity, tenacious,

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