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In the Name of

The Most Merciful and Compassionate the most gracious and beneficent, Whose help and guidance we always solicit at every step, at every moment.

Signals and Systems

Signals and Systems

The University of Faisalabad

Signals and Systems

Out line
What is Signal? What is System? Overview of Specific Systems

Examples and Mathematical Representations

Signals and Systems

What is Signal?

Signal is basically a pattern of variation of some form. Signals are variables that carry information. Mathematically, it is a Function of one or more variables.

Conveys information on the nature of physical phenomena.


Signals and Systems

Classifications of Signals

Continuous Time Vs Discrete Time Signals.

Signals and Systems

Continuous Time Vs Discrete Time Signals

Contains a values for all real numbers along the time axis. In contrast to this a discrete time signal often created by sampling a continuous signal.

It has a values at equally spaced intervals along the time axis.


Signals and Systems

Continuous Time Vs Discrete Time Signals

Signals and Systems

What is system?

An entity that manipulates one or more signals to accomplish the function, thereby producing a new signals.

Signals and Systems

Examples and Mathematical Representations

Consider the simple circuit, the pattern of variation over time in the source and capacitor voltages, Vs and vc are examples of signals.

Signals and Systems

Examples and Mathematical Representations(Continue)

As in the figure the variations over time of the applied force f and the resulting automobile velocity v are signals.


Signals and Systems

Examples and Mathematical Representations(Continue)

Signals are represented mathematically as a function of one or more independent variables. -Speech signal can be represented by acoustic pressure as a function of time. -Pictures can be represented by brightness as a function of two spatial variables.


Signals and Systems

Examples and Mathematical Representations(Continue)

In case of continuous time signals, the independent variable is continuous, thus these signals are defined for a continuum of values of the independent variables. On the other hand the discrete time signals , the independent variables takes only the discrete set of values.

Signals and Systems

Examples and Mathematical Representations(Continue)

The symbol t is used to denote the continuous time independent variable and the independent variable is enclosed in parenthesis (.).
The Symbol n is used to denote the discrete time independent variable and it is enclosed in brackets [.].

Signals and Systems

Examples and Mathematical Representations(Continue)


Signals and Systems

Signals and Systems

The University of Faisalabad

Signals and Systems

Out line

Transformation of the Independent Variable -Time Shifting

-Time Reversal
-Time Scaling


Signals and Systems

Transformation of the Independent Variable

A central concept in signals and systems Analysis. We will study the simple modification of the independent variable, i.e. the time axis.

We will examine the following classes of transformations. -Time shift -Time Reversal -Time Scaling


Signals and Systems

Time Shifting

A very simple and important class of transformation of the independent variable. A time shift in discrete time and a time shift in continuous time is explained below.


Signals and Systems

Time Shifting in Continous time


Signals and Systems

Important to Note .

X(t-t0) represent the delayed version of the signal if t0 is Positive and if t0 is negative the signals represents the advance version.
Signals related in this fashion arises in applications such as sonar, radar and seismic signal processing.

Signals and Systems

Time Reversal

Second basic transformation of the time axis. The figure below explains the Time Reversal in which the signal x[-n] is obtained from the signal x[n] by reflection about n=0. So if x(t) represents an audio tape recording, then x(-t) is the same tape recording, played backward.

Signals and Systems

Discrete time signal x[n] and x[-n]


Signals and Systems

Continuous time signal x(t) and x(-t)


Signals and Systems

Time Scaling

Another transformation is time scaling. The figure explains the time scaling process, suppose x(t) is the tape recording, then x(2t) is the recording played twice the speed and x(t/2) is the recording played half speed.


Signals and Systems

Time Scaling


Signals and Systems

Class Particiapation

Examples on Board..


Signals and Systems

Signals and Systems

The University of Faisalabad

Signals and Systems

Out line

Periodic Signals Even and Odd Signals

The Unit Step and Impulse Functions


Signals and Systems

Periodic Signals

An important class of signals that we encounter frequently. The signal that is unchanged by time shift of T, that is it has the property , x(t)=x(t+T)

Square wave with A=1 and period T=0.2 S is shown in the next slide.

Signals and Systems

Periodic Signal (Continue)


Signals and Systems

Periodic Discrete Time Signal

A discrete time signal is periodic with the period N, where N is positive integer, if its is unchanged by time shift of N, i.e., if x[n]=x[n+N] Also x*n+ is periodic with period 2N, 3N,.

A fundamental period N0=3 is shown in the next slide.


Signals and Systems

Periodic Discrete Time Signal(Continue.)


Signals and Systems

Even and Odd Signals

A signal x(t) or x[n] referred to as an Even Signal if it is identical to its time reversed counter part., i.e with its reflection about the origin so, x(t)=x(-t) - Continuous Time Signal or x[n]=x[-n] - Discrete Time Signal


Signals and Systems

Even Signal Example


Signals and Systems

Odd Signals

A signal is reffered to as odd if, x(-t)=-x(t) - Continuous Time Signal or x[-n]=-x[n] - Discrete Time Signal Figure on next slide showes the examples of odd signal.


Signals and Systems

Odd Signal Example.


Signals and Systems

The Discrete Time Unit Impulse Sequence

One of the simplest discrete time signal is the unit impulse or a unit sample which is defined as .,


Signals and Systems

The discrete Time unit Step Sequence

A second basic discrete time signal is the discrete unit step, denoted by u[n] and defined by .,


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