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Eastern (asian) culture

Western (white) culture
Achmad Faiz Azizi
Aulia Ramadan
Febby Yulianti
Nafisatin Nida
Eastern cultures tend to be more collectivist,
while Western cultures tend to be more
individualistic. This means that Eastern cultures
place a greater emphasis on group harmony and
cooperation, while Western cultures place a
greater emphasis on individual achievement and

Eastern cultures also tend to be more traditional,

while Western cultures tend to be more modern.
This means that Eastern cultures tend to value
older traditions and customs, while Western
cultures tend to be more open to new ideas and

Presentation 2023

InDIVIDUal worth
In Eastern cultures, individual In Eastern cultures, it is
worth is often determined by
one's family, community, and important to be respectful of
social status. In Western one's elders and superiors. In
cultures, individual worth is Western cultures, it is important
often determined by one's
to be assertive and stand up for
personal achievements and
accomplishments. oneself.
Presentation 2023

In Eastern cultures, there is a strong emphasis on

personal character. People are expected to be honest,
Attitude towards character trustworthy, and hardworking.
In Western cultures, there is a greater emphasis on
personal freedom and self-expression. People are not
expected to conform to the same standards of behavior.
Position of
yourself (work) P
In Eastern cultures, it is important to be
humble and modest. People should not brag
about their accomplishments or take credit
for the work of others.
In Western cultures, it is important to be
confident and assertive. People should be
proud of their accomplishments and should
not be afraid to take credit for their work.
Presentation 2023

Eastern cultures tend to value traditional
skills, such as craftsmanship and agriculture.
Western cultures tend to value more technical
skills, such as engineering and computer
Eastern cultures tend to be more reserved in expressing
emotions. People are expected to keep their emotions
under control, even in difficult situations.
Western cultures tend to be more open in expressing
emotions. People are not expected to hide their
emotions, even if it means making a scene.
Eastern cultures tend to be more punctual
than Western cultures. People are
expected to be on time for appointments
and meetings.

In Western cultures, it is more common to

be a few minutes late.
The way thinking

Eastern cultures tend to be more holistic in their

thinking. They tend to see the world as a complex
system, and they believe that everything is
Western cultures tend to be more analytical in their
thinking. They tend to break down problems into
smaller parts, and they believe that the best way to
solve a problem is to focus on one part at a time.
The way P
Eastern cultures tend to be more indirect in
their communication. They often use
euphemisms and indirect language to
avoid offending others.
Western cultures tend to be more direct in
their communication. They are not afraid
to say what they mean, even if it means
being blunt or rude.
At the group/at party

Eastern cultures tend to be more group-
oriented. They value cooperation and
harmony, and they often put the needs of the
group before the needs of the individual.
Western cultures tend to be more
individualistic. They value independence and
self-expression, and they often put the needs
of the individual before the needs of the
Eastern cultures tend to have more
hierarchical leadership structures.
Leaders are often seen as figures of
authority, and they are expected to be
respected and obeyed.
Western cultures tend to have more
egalitarian leadership structures.
Leaders are often seen as equals, and
they are expected to be collaborative
and consultative.
Eastern cultures tend to have more arranged
marriages. Parents or other family members play a
significant role in choosing a spouse for their child.

Western cultures tend to have more love marriages.

and they are not subject to the same level of
parental control.

Eastern cultures tend to value family and community more

than Western cultures. Vacations are often spent with family
and friends, and they are seen as an opportunity to relax and
Western cultures tend to value individual freedom and self-
expression more than Eastern cultures. Vacations are often
seen as an opportunity to explore new places and
Stand up tall
and say
“i’m not afraid”

thank you

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