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1. Explain the connection between the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics, temperature, thermal equilibrium, and
temperature scales STEM_GP12TH-IIg-49
2. Convert temperatures and temperature differences in the
following scales: Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin
3. Define coefficient of thermal expansion and coefficient of
volume expansion STEM_GP12TH-IIg-51
4. Calculate volume or length changes of solids due to
changes in temperature STEM_GP12TH-IIg-52
5. Solve problems involving temperature, thermal expansion,
heat capacity, heat transfer, and thermal equilibrium in
contexts such as, but not limited to, the design of bridges and
train rails using steel, relative severity of steam burns and
water burns, thermal insulation, sizes of stars, and surface
temperatures of planets STEM_GP12TH-IIg-53
6. Perform an experiment investigating factors affecting
thermal energy transfer and analyze the data—identifying
deviations from theoretical expectations when appropriate
(such as thermal expansion and modes of heat transfer)
7. Carry out measurements using thermometers
8. Solve problems using the Stefan-Boltzmann law and the
heat current formula for radiation and conduction
(1 lecture) STEM_GP12TH-IIh-56
Temperature is usually associated with the
hotness or the coldness of an object. When
you touch an object, you do not only “sense”
its temperature but also its conductivity. For
example, a metal spatula feels hotter than
wooden spatula with the same temperature
because of the metal’s higher conductivity.
Common Units of Measurement in
• Celsius Scale
• Fahrenheit Scale
• Kelvin Scale
The change in temperature is referred to as
“” (Celsius degree) or “” (Fahrenheit degree).
Conversion of Temperature

where and are readings in the Celsius and

Fahrenheit scales, respectively.
where denotes reading in Kelvin scale.
• Thermal Contact – a situation where
systems can exchange energy with each
• Thermal Equilibrium – a situation where
systems cease/stop exchanging energy.
“ If system C is in thermal equilibrium with both
systems A and B, then systems A and B are
also in thermal equilibrium with each other.”
Suppose system C is a thermometer. When thermal
equilibrium is reached, the thermometer measures
the temperature of both systems A and B. Hence,
both systems A and B have the same temperature.
Because systems A and B are in thermal equilibrium
with each other, we can conclude that two systems
are in thermal equilibrium if they have the same
Based on this concept, temperature can be
defined as a property that determines whether
an object is in thermal equilibrium with other
objects or not.
The change in the dimension of an object due
to temperature change.
The change in the length of a body when the
temperature changes is called linear
expansion. The change in the length of an
object is proportional to its initial length and
the change in the temperature The
proportionality constant is called the
coefficient of linear expansion.
To find the final length , note that .
The unit for the constant is or
Volume expansion is the change in the volume
of materials when temperature changes.
The change in volume is proportional to the
initial volume and the change in temperature
The proportionality constant is the coefficient of
volume expansion denoted by .
∆ 𝑉 =𝑉 0 𝛽 ∆ 𝑇
Taking note that

𝑉 =𝑉 0 (1+ 𝛽 ∆ 𝑇 )
Coefficient of Expansion of Some Materials
Material Coefficient of Linear Coefficient of
Expansion, (1/C0 or Volume Expansion,
1/K) (1/C0 or 1/K)

Note that aluminum has a greater coefficient of
linear expansion than copper. Thus, for a given
increase in temperature, aluminum expands
more than copper.
Rollers and expansion joints are built to allow
for seasonal changes in length.
Internal energy is the sum of all the energies
of a body– the kinetic energy and the potential
energy of all the particles of the body. It is also
sometimes called thermal energy.
Heat is the energy being transferred between
bodies with different temperatures. It flows
spontaneously from a body with higher
temperature to a body with lower temperature.
It is energy in transit, which is not contained by
an object. Therefore, a body contains internal
energy but not heat.
Because heat is energy in transit, it has the
same unit as energy. Some of the commonly
used units for heat are the following:
• Calorie (cal)– the amount of energy needed
to raise the temperature of of water from to
• British thermal unit (Btu)– the amount of
energy needed to raise the temperature of
of water from to
• Joule (J)– the SI unit for energy. It is
equivalent to .
Note the following:
(mechanical equivalent of
The heat required for temperature change of a
certain material with mass is
𝑄=𝑚𝑐 ∆ 𝑇
where is the specific heat capacity, which is a
quantity that varies for different materials.
Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat
required to change the temperature of a unit
mass of the substance by one unit degree.
The SI unit substance Specific Heat substance Specific Heat
Capacity or Capacity or
for specific
capacity is Aluminum 910 Lead 130
either or Beryllium 1970 Mercury 138

Copper 390 Silver 234

Ice (near 2100 Water 4186
When heat is absorbed or released by a
material, it can either (1) change the
temperature of the material without changing
its phase, or (2) change the phase of the
material without changing its temperature.
Latent heat is the amount of heat needed to
change the phase of a given material without
changing its temperature.
Heat is absorbed by materials ( is positive)
when its phase is converted in the direction of
solid-liquid-gas. Likewise, heat is released ( is
negative) when the phase of the material is
changed in the direction of gas-liquid-solid.
Classifications of Latent Heat
• Latent heat of fusion is the amount of heat
needed to change the phase of a unit mass
of a substance from solid to liquid or from
liquid to solid.
• Latent heat of vaporization is the amount of
heat needed to change the phase of a unit
mass of a substance from liquid to
gas or from gas to liquid.
and are latent heats for a unit mass. For the
given mass , the amount of heat needed to
change its phase is 𝑄=± 𝑚𝐿

Again, the sign of (whether positive or

negative) depends on whether is absorbed or
released by the substance.
PROBLEM: Compute the amount of heat
needed to convert a 2.0-kg block of ice at into
steam at
SOLUTION: The total amount of heat needed
for this whole process is the sum of all the heat
involved in each segment of the graph in the
next slide.
Initially, the temperature of
ice increases until it
reaches . From this point,
ice converts into water
without changing its
temperature. Thus, at ,
you can have a mixture of
ice and water at
When all the ice is
converted into water at the
temperature of the water
starts to increase until it
reaches . From this point,
liquid water is converted
into steam, while the
temperature remains
After all of the water is
converted into steam, its
temperature increases as
heat is added to it.
The heat needed to convert the temperature of ice from to is

The heat needed to change the phase of a 2.0-kg block of ice

completely into water is
The heat needed to convert the temperature of water from
to is

The heat needed to change the phase of a 2.0-kg water

into steam is
Finally, the heat needed to convert the temperature of
steam from to is
Doing the same for reverse process- converting
of steam at to ice at , the total heat that must
be released by the system is simply
• Conduction– exchanges or transfers heat
within a body or between bodies that are in
contact with each other. Because
conduction needs a medium for the transfer
of heat, conduction through a vacuum
(empty space) is not possible.
• Convection is the transfer of heat by the
movement of a fluid (gases or liquids) from one
region of space to another.
• Radiation is the transfer of heat by
electromagnetic waves, such as visible light,
infrared, and UV, which can propagate in a
vacuum at the speed of light. (e.g. your palm
feels warm when you place beside the flame.
The heat flows from an area
of higher temperature to an
area of lower temperature
The rate of heat flow through
the rod is called heat current,
which is denoted by the
uppercase letter
Because heat current is defined as energy per
unit time, the SI unit is the same as power: .
is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the
rod and the temperature difference and is inversely
proportional to the length of the rod The thermal
conductivity of the material is

The SI unit of thermal conductivity is The value of the
thermal conductivity depends on the material of the rod.
Materials with large values such as metals are good
conductors of heat. Good conductors are poor insulators.
substance (W/mK) substance (W/mK)
aluminum 205.0 concrete 0.8
brass 109.0 cork 0.04
copper 385.0 fiberglass 0.04
lead 34.7 glass 0.8
By natural
convection, warm
air rises, and cold
air sinks. This
happens because
warm air has a
lower density than
cold air.
All life on Earth depends on the energy from the
sun. the region between Earth and the sun is
nearly an empty space (vacuum). Heat is being
transferred from the sun to Earth via a process
called radiation. The rate of radiation depends on
the nature of the material described by a quantity
called emissivity, which is described as follows:
𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙
𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒

Emissivity, which is a dimensionless number between 0

and 1, depends on the properties of the object’s surface. A
good radiator has large emissivity, whereas a poor one
has low emissivity.
A body can also be described as a good or poor
reflector. An ideal reflector has absorbing none of the
energy but reflecting all of it. Meanwhile, the opposite
of this is an ideal absorber or a black body, with an object
that absorbs and radiates energy at equal rates is in
equilibrium, making its temperature constant.

1. A black pot and a white pot are both filled with water
and are placed under the sun. Which will heat up
2. Suppose you take the 2 pots in a dark place. Which
would cool down faster after a time interval?
The rate of radiation is also proportional to the fourth
power of the kelvin temperature and the surface area of
the emitting object (Stefan-Boltzmann law).
𝐻=𝜎 𝑒𝐴 𝑇
where is a fundamental physical constant called the
Stefan-Boltzmann constant or

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