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By :
Asiya Sultana
This power-point will explore what
communication is and the
importance of communication in the
health and social care sector. Types
of communication and theories of
communication. It delves into
barrier of communication and ways
to overcome barriers of
communication. How effective
communication should be
Communication is a process of interaction
with other people to form relationship
(Michie, 2004)
Communication generates feelings
between individuals or groups depending
upon the effectivity through which it is
Fostering connections, conveying ideas,
and building relationships are the key
elements of communication.
Types of communication
Communication can be broadly classified into verbal and non-verbal communication

Verbal Non-verbal
Speaking Writing Bodily movements Facial expression
Voice Gestures gaze
Volume Pitch
posture Eye contact

38% 55% Body Language

Theories of communication
Communication theories builds up the understanding of the process of
communication which in turn helps in improving communication skills.

Argyle(1972) Theory of communication message

idea Idea is Message received Message is Message understood
coded in sent decoded

Schramm interactive Model (2009) explains communication as a two-way process where sender and receiver exchange
ideas, meaningful information and messages by alternating positions through a medium/channel. The sender/receivers
encoding and decoding of messages heavily depend on psychological and physical factors.
Why do we communicate

To change behaviour

To receive/pass COMMUNICAT To get
information E action

To persuade To ensure
Barriers to communications:
• Language barrier: Person with a different nativity may not be fluent with
the language hence will not be able to express themselves.

• Cultural barrier: Inability to communicate due to cultural differences. In

some culture
• Psychological barrier: People suffering from various Psychological disorder
• Physical barrier: Inability to communicate due to health condition which
effects their ability to speak ex: stroke patient
• Environmental barrier: Noise can be a biggest barrier to communication,
service user might not be able to understand due to surrounding noise.
Importance/Benefits of effective
Effective communication is essential in health and social care settings for several reasons.
Firstly, it ensures accurate and clear exchange of information between healthcare professionals.
This enables the delivery of appropriate and timely care, diagnosis, and treatment.
Effective communication also helps establish trust and rapport between healthcare providers
and individuals receiving care, fostering a supportive and empathetic environment. It allows
better understanding of patients' needs, concerns, and preferences, enabling person-centered
In addition, effective communication promotes teamwork and collaboration among healthcare
professionals and in Multidisciplinary Team enhancing coordination, efficiency, and patient
safety. It also plays a crucial role in health education, enabling individuals to make informed
decisions about their health and well-being.
Ultimately, effective communication in health and social care is vital for improving outcomes,
promoting patient satisfaction, and ensuring holistic and compassionate care.
6C’s of effective communication

Communication should be clear and easily

Communication should be precise. For ex : If
Clear understood, avoiding jargon or complex language.
communication within team regarding a service
user /patient use specific language to convey the
concrete Using simple language will help in conveying the
information accurately. For example: asking a

Communication should always be brief and

to the point, avoiding unnecessary details or
Communication should be thorough and
comprehensive, ensuring that all relevant Complete Concise lengthy explanations. For example: PwD
might get confuse if you give them to much
information is shared is complete. For example :
information. They may not be able to
providing complete and accurate details will
understand the information.
facilitate understanding and help in informed

the information being passed

Courteous correct should be free from errors. For ex:
Communication should be when making person centered
respectful, polite, and courteous, care plan the information of the
maintaining professionalism and service user should be correct.

Momand, B., Sacuevo, O., Hamidi, M., Sun, W. & Dubrowski,

A. 2022, "Using Communication Accommodation Theory to
Improve Communication Between Healthcare Providers and
Persons With Dementia", Curēus (Palo Alto, CA), vol. 14, no.
10, pp. e30618-e30618.
Thank you

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