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Volleyball is a game played by two teams, usually of six players on a side, in which the players use their hands to bat a ball back and forth over a high net,
trying to make the ball touch the court within the opponents’ playing area before it can be returned. To prevent this a player on the opposing team bats the
ball up and toward a teammate before it touches the court surface—that teammate may then volley it back across the net or bat it to a third teammate who
volleys it across the net. A team is allowed only three touches of the ball before it must be returned over the net.
The year was 1895 and physical director William G. Morgan had a problem. The newly created game of
basketball, while popular with the kids, was proving to be too strenuous for the local businessmen. He
needed an alternative - something these older gentlemen could play without too much "bumping" or

• It had to be physical - playing a game, after work and at lunchtime, should provide exercise, but it also
had to relax the participants - it couldn't be too aggressive.
• It had to be a sport, Morgan said, "with a strong athletic impulse, but no physical contact."
• So, he borrowed. From basketball, he took the ball. From tennis the net. The use of hands and the
ability to play off the walls and overhangs, he borrowed from handball. And, from baseball, he took the
concept of innings.
• He termed this new game "Mintonette". And though admittedly incomplete, it proved successful
enough to win an audience at the YMCA Physical Director's Conference held in Springfield,
• Massachusetts the next year.
It was at this conference that Dr. Alfred Halstead, a professor at Springfield College, suggested a two
word version of its present name. "Volleyball".
• The game of volleyball was quite a bit different from what we're used to. It was played on a smaller
25'x50' court, with an unlimited number of players hitting the ball an unlimited number of times, on
either side of a 6'6" high net. Things tended to get a little crowded.
• Each game was broken up into nine innings, each inning made up of three outs, or "serves". These
serves could be helped over the net by a second player if the server didn't quite reach the net.
• The basketball originally used proved to be a little too heavy, and the subsequent use of a basketball
bladder was too soft. Morgan remedied this by contacting A.G. Spalding, a local sporting goods
manufacturer who designed a special ball - a rubber bladder, encased in leather, 25" or so in
circumference. The "volleyball".
• Though still in its infancy, the sport was slowly developing and with the YCMA taking the reins, Morgan
was confident volleyball would continue to entertain and relax the boys down at the "Y".
• What he probably didn't realize was that he had just created what would become the second most
popular team sport in the world.
• In 1916, in the Philippines, an offensive style of passing the ball in a high trajectory to be struck by
another player (the set and spike) was introduced. The Filipinos developed the "bomba" or kill and
called the hitter a "bomberino".
Volleyball is typically played on a rectangular court that is 18 meters long and 9 meters wide, with
a net in the center that is 2.43 meters high for men's competition and 2.24 meters high for women's
competition. The court is divided into two halves by the net.

Each team is allowed three touches to return the ball over the net, and the ball must not touch the
ground on their side of the court. The game is won by the team that reaches a specified number
of points first (usually 25 points) and is ahead by at least 2 points. A match is typically played as a
best-of-five sets format, with each set going up to 25 points, except for the fifth set (if needed),
which goes up to 15 points.

The boundaries of the court are marked by lines, with the sidelines running the length of the court
and the end lines running the width of the court. Attack lines are also marked on each side of the
court, which determine where players are allowed to jump from when attacking the ball.
Additionally, a center line divides the court into two equal parts and determines which team serves
the ball first in each set.

Overall, the volleyball court provides a designated playing area for teams to compete in a fun and
challenging game that requires quick reflexes, strong communication, and strategic thinking
The fundamental elements of a volleyball court
1. Net: The net is placed at the center of the court, dividing it into two equal parts. It should be 9.5
meters long and 1 meter wide for indoor volleyball, and 8 meters long and 1 meter wide for beach volleyball.
The height of the net should be 2.43 meters for men's volleyball and 2.24 meters for
women's volleyball.

2. Court dimensions: The volleyball court is rectangular in shape and measures 18 meters in length
and 9 meters in width. The court is divided into two halves by the net.

3. Attack lines: The attack lines are drawn 3 meters from the net on each side of the court. These
lines indicate the area from which back-row players are allowed to spike the ball.

4. Service line: The service line is drawn at the back of the court, 9 meters from the net. This is
where the player who is serving must stand to serve the ball.

5. Antenna: Antennas are placed on opposite sides of the net to mark the boundaries of the playing
area. They are attached to the net, extend 80 cm above it, and are 10 mm in diameter.

6. Centerline: The center line runs perpendicular to the net and divides the court into two halves.
It is used to determine which team serves the ball in each set.
Volleyball Basic Uniforms

The basic equipment needed to play volleyball includes:

1. Knee pads: Knee pads are used to protect the knees when diving or sliding on the court.

2. Athletic shoes: Athletic shoes with good traction and support are essential for playing volleyball,
as they provide stability and prevent injuries.

3. Uniform: Players typically wear shorts and a jersey or tank top that is either sleeveless or has
short sleeves. The colors of the uniforms should contrast between the two teams.

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