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English VI

Q4- Week 5
Compose clear and
coherent sentences
using appropriate
grammatical structures

 Prayer
 Checking of
Health protocols
Directions: Choose the correct
coordinating conjunctions to
complete the following sentences.
1. I was told to hurry up (but, so,
for) I have to find my towel first.

2. A pillow is thrown at me
(but, or, and) I have to throw it
3. Rose refuses to eat the cake
(so, nor, and) wants to taste
the ice cream.
4. We should not waste food,
(or, for, so) it is costly these
5. They go home before dark
(but, or, and) wait for the
beautiful sunset.
The use of proper
conjunction is of high
importance. A conjunction is
a part of a speech that acts
like a bridge because it joins
or connects two or more
words, phrases, and
clauses together.
Two Kinds of Conjunctions
 Subordinating
 Coordinating
Subordinating Conjunction
-is a word that joins an
independent clause
(main clause) and a
dependent clause-
(subordinate clause
This kind of conjunction
starts a dependent
clause and signals that
the dependent clause
has information that
needs to be added to the
independent clause.
The information can
show a contrast,
comparison, condition,
cause and effect, and
We call them 5Cs.
Here are some common
subordinating conjunctions
and their respective function
As soon as the vaccines
arrived in the country, the
groups with highest risks will
be vaccinated first.
The underlined words
comprise the dependent
clause (subordinate
clause). It begins with a
subordinating conjunction
as soon as that is
The conjunction as soon as
served its purpose as
chronology because it is
used to express the
sequence of two events.
-the arrival of the vaccines in the
country and
-the vaccination of the groups
with highest risks
Finally, the group of
words inside the box is
called the independent
clause (main clause)
because it can stand
expresses a
complete thought
even without the
dependent clause.
Choose the correct
subordinating conjunction to
complete the sentence.
1. (Even though, After, So that)
the country has several
ordinances implemented on
proper health protocol, the
number of COVID-19 cases is
still increasing.
2. The frontliners
should wash their
hands (as well as,
though, after) any
contact with the
3. Take care of
yourself always
(before, because,
if) prevention is
better than cure.
4. (Unless, While,
However) the people
will truly observe
proper health protocol,
we cannot end this
covid-19 pandemic
5. Covid-19 spreads
from person to person
(as well as, until, as
though) touching
contaminated objects
and surfaces.
A. Complete each
sentence with the
appropriate subordinate
clause. Be guided by the
function of the given
subordinate conjunction.
1. Always wear your
mask because
2. Wash your hands
with soap as well as
3. As long as
______, everybody
needs to lessen
the time spent in
public places.
4. We must follow
the proper health
protocol before
5. People are
advised to stay at
home unless
-What is a subordinating

- What are the examples

of subordinating
Complete the
sentences below to
form a meaningful
Ana washes her hands with

soap and water so that

____________.Before ______, she sees
to it that she wears a face mask and a
face shield for protection. Aside from
this, Ana observes social distancing
while ____________. Even if ________,
she finds time to exercise daily.
Also, she eats fruits and vegetables
because _________________________.
Additional Activities

-Write a paragraph with at

least 5 sentences. Use
conjunctions in your
Additional Activity

Choose the correct conjunction to
complete the sentence
1. (Even though, Even if) it rained a lot, we
enjoyed the holiday.
2. She talks (even if, as if) she is rich.
3. Kim studies very well (whenever,
because) she wants to have a better
4. We will attend the party (whenever,
unless) the rain will stop.
5. Father works very hard (so that, in order
that) we will have something for a living.
Answer these questions:
1. What is meant by
subordinating conjunctions?
2. What are the 5 C’s of
subordinating conjunctions?
3 Give a sentence using
subordinating conjunction.
Choose the correct
conjunction to
complete the sentence.
1. ____it rained a lot,
we enjoyed the
A.Even though
2. She talks
____she is rich.
A. if
B. as if
C. while
3. Kim studies very
well ____ she wants
to have a better
A. since B. after
C. because
4. We will attend the
party _____ the rain
will stop.
A. unless B. as if
C. so that
5. Father works very
hard _____we will
have something for
a living.
A. as if B. while
C. so that
Make sentences using the
following subordinating
1. so that
2. because
3. while
4. if ever
5. after

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