Lesson 1o Head Muscles

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1. Temporal muscle 1.Muscles of the cranial vault

2. Masseter muscle 2. Muscles around the orbit

3. Medial pterygoid muscle 3. Muscles around the nose
4. Lateral pterygoid muscle
4. Muscles around the mouth

5. Muscles of the auricle

Muscles of mastication

Muscle Origination Attachment Function

1. Masseter muscle Lateral and medial surfaces Masseteric tuberosity Raises the mandible,
of the zygomatic arch closes the mouth

2. Temporal muscle Temporal fossa and Coronoid process Anterior bundles raise the
temporal fascia mandible, posterior
bundles push the
mandible back

3. Lateral pterygoid Superior head – Pterygoid fovea and capsule of Bilateral contraction:
pterygoid muscle infratemporal surface of the temporomandibular joint pushes the mandible
the sphenoid, inferior forward; unilateral
head––lateral plate of the contraction: pulls the
Pterygoid process mandible in the opposite

4. Medial pterygoid Pterygoid fossa of the Mandible, pterygoid Raises the mandible, closes
muscle sphenoid tuberosity the mouth
Epicranial muscle 1. Occipitofrontal muscle 2.tendon helmet (epicranial aponeurosis),
3. temporoparietal muscle
1.Orbicularis oculi muscle
2.Corrugator supercilia muscle
Nasalis muscle.
Transverse part (narrows the nasal openings)
alar part (widens the nasal openings).


1.Muscles of the cranial vault (2)

2. Muscles around the orbit (2)

3. Muscles around the nose (1)

4. Muscles around the mouth (11)

5. Muscles of the auricle (3)

5. Also known as ”TRUMPETER” muscle
Muscles around the mouth
6. Levator labii superioris muscle
7. Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle
Muscles around the mouth
8. Zygomaticus minor muscle 9. Zygomaticus major muscle
Muscles around the mouth
10.Levator anguli oris muscle 11. Risorius muscle
Muscles of the auricle
1.The anterior auricular muscle 2. The superior auricular muscle 3. The posterior auricular muscle

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