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PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College

College of Education

Lesson Planning &

Teaching Demonstration
Prepared by Joriz A. Zosa, LPT
Instructor, College of Education
Basic Parts of a Lesson

Subject Matter
Learning Stages
Basic Parts of a Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Format in our Department

Objectives I. Learning Objective

Subject Matter II. Content
Learning Stages A. Subject Matter
Evaluation B. References
Assignment C. Instructional Material
III. Procedure
A. Classroom Routine
B. Learning Stages
1. Activity
2. Analysis
3. Abstraction
4. Application
IV. Assessment
V. Assignment
Four Basic Parts (ABCD)
1. Audience
Learners/Pupils (Elem)/Students (High school onwards)
2. Behavior
For our teaching demo, focus on Revised Bloom’s
Taxonomy for cognitive domain
Must be observable & measurable
3. Condition
Scope or limitation
4. Degree
Also known as criterion, numerical
Example #1: D

At the end of the lesson, the

learners must be able to
identify at least 10
common nouns from a
given passage.
Example #2: D

Given a digital
thermometer, students
must have identified the
correct temperature with
80% accuracy.
Example #3: D

The student must have

replied in grammatically
corrected French to 95% of
the French questions
spoken orally during an
Subject Matter: (Your topic)
Reference: *Note: You can add online
Instructional Material: *Note: Indicate all
your instructional materials (tangible or
A. Classroom Routine
•Greetings (Smile and make a good impression to
your learners. Introduce yourself properly.)
•Prayer (Say your own prayer.)
•Energizer (Don’t play a video. Lead, sing & dance.)
•Arranging of chairs (Don’t proceed if they don’t
do what you say.)
•Setting of rules (Limit your rules to three only.)
•Checking of attendance
•Review (Should be based on the previous lesson.)
B. Learning Stages 4A’s
*Note: It is advisable for this part to be in “question form”.

1. Activity
Purpose: Stimulate learners’ interest by
communicating on their prior knowledge.
Avoid: Scrambled letters/words, these
aren’t realistic.
For example you’re going to discuss
photosynthesis in a Grade 3 class, you may
have a recall about “Adobong Manok”, and
start it by asking the following questions:
B. Learning Stages 4A’s
*Note: It is advisable for this part to be in “question form”.

Have you tried Adobong Manok?

Who cooks Adobong Manok in your
What are the ingredients and materials
needed in cooking Adobong Manok?
B. Learning Stages 4A’s
*Note: It is advisable for this part to be in “question form”.

2. Analysis
Purpose: Connect/bridge the activity to the
abstraction by asking questions to point
out relevance to the new lesson.
Avoid: Asking learners to guess the lesson
and what they observed without
processing their answers.
“Adobong Manok” continuation
ask the following questions:
B. Learning Stages 4A’s
*Note: It is advisable for this part to be in “question form”.

Can you call it Adobong Manok without the soy sauce?

Can you call it Adobong Manok without the vinigar?
Can you call it Adobong Manok without the chicken?
Can you cook Adobong Manok without fire?
Do you think plants, like humans, need food too to grow
and survive?
Plants need food too to grow and survive. Just like us
eating three or more times a day. And, just like cooking
Adobong Manok, plants need ingredients/materials to
make their own food. This process of plants making their
own food is called “Photosynthesis”.
PRIME MOVER Teacher only
Teacher & Learners
Learners only
B. Learning Stages 4A’s
*Note: It is advisable for this part to be in “question form”.

3. Abstraction
Purpose: Elaboration of the lesson
Avoid: Disorganized flow of questioning, and
questions that only require yes-no answers.
Write at least 30 questions in your
abstraction. Do not include the answer to
your questions in your LP. You need to
memorize the answer to these questions
because you have to discuss them to your
Teacher only
Teacher &
PROCEDURE: Learners only

B. Learning Stages 4A’s

*Note: It is advisable for this part to be in “question form”.

4. Application
Purpose: Assess which part of the lesson
needs clarification and re-discussion.
Avoid: Making lengthy, time-consuming
and exhausting application strategies.
You may have game-based application by
casting review strategies in your slides.
Teacher only
Teacher & Learners
PRIME MOVER Learners only

Purpose: Gauge student learning.
Avoid: Time-consuming and exhausting
activities, and putting unnecessary pressure to
Your assessment should match to your learning
*Prepare a 10-item multiple choice test with
instructions. Include the answer key in your LP.
Also, to save time and money, include these test
items in your slides.
Purpose: Enrichment.
Avoid: Expensive and unrelated assignment
The assignment is optional to be given to students.
However, it MUST be written in the lesson plan to
serve as backup when:
1. The time is not enough to clarify some concepts
2. The scores of the learners in the assessment are
3. The lesson has to be explored further.
P1 Project:
Lesson Plan Criteria
Punctuality 15
Template & Format 10
Completeness 15
Organization 15
Activity-Abstraction Transition & 15
Questioning 15
Objective-Assessment Alignment 15
Total 100

Deadline: P1 Exam Schedule

P3 Project: Teaching Demo Criteria
Punctuality 5
Readiness 5
Neatness 5
Prayer 5
Energy 5
Attitude 5
Classroom Management 5
Delivery 10
Organization & Transition 5
Teamwork 10
Interaction with students 5
Voice Quality 10
Instructional Material 10
Mastery 15
Total 100

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