State and District Academic Standards Professional Development

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State and District Academic

Standards Professional Development

Joshua D. Winn
Learning Objectives

1. Teachers will understand the importance of effective classroom

management to achieve instructional goals and
2. Teachers will learn and be able to implement CHAMPs expectations in their

• Introduce goals and objectives of professional development training (5

• How CHAMPs can improve instruction (15 minutes)
• CHAMPs introduction and explanation (20 minutes)
• Small group activity (15 minutes)
• Q&A (5 minutes)
What is CHAMPs?

 CHAMPs is a systematic approach to classroom management that aims to

improve classroom behavior as well as improve student engagement.
 CHAMPs provides students with clear expectations so students know exactly
what they should be doing.
 CHAMPs provides students with opportunities to practice certain behaviors
that will lead to their success in the classroom
Why Champs continued

 IMPLEMENTING CHAMPs schoolwide will allow for a unified approach to

classroom management and success
 It allows the school to uniformly improve student behavior that helps them be
successful in school and prepare them to engage respectfully and successfully
in society as adults
 A schoolwide approach to classroom management allows for students to
understand how to act and behave regardless of where they are on campus
(i.e. classroom, hallway, cafeteria, etc.)
CHAMPS Defined

C stands for communication.

H stands for help.
A stands for activity.
M stands for movement.
P stands for participation.
S stands for success.
Alignment with School Mission

 Our school mission is to provide a safe, respectful and rigorous learning

community to ensure students reach their highest potential.
 An effective classroom management strategy aligns with our mission to create
a safe learning environment where students can be successful.
 Effective classroom management allows for a positive learning environment
where high levels of instruction can take place.
Referral Example

TURN AND TALK: How could have CHAMPS

helped prevent this referral?
Small Group Breakout

 Teachers will have 15 minutes to break out into small groups

 Teachers will discuss CHAMPs and plan out what CHAMPs looks like in the
classroom, hallway, cafeteria, dismissal, etc.
Accountability Plan

 It is a school expectation to follow CHAMPs

 The professional development team will be available to answer any questions
you may have as you implement CHAMPs
 The professional development team will be doing walkthroughs to observe
and collect data

 CHAMPs will be a schoolwide initiative

 CHAMPs will allow for our school to improve student behavior and
 Effective classroom management allows for a positive learning environment
where high levels of instruction can take place.
Survey Link


 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. (2015). National Policy Board

for Educational Administration.
 Rodriguez, B. (2021). Is CHAMPS Evidence Based? Ancora Publishing.
 Wong, Y. W. (2018). Utilizing the principles of Gagne’s nine events of
instruction in the teaching of Goldmann Applanation Tonometry. Advances in
Medical Education and Practice.

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