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• To expose to more medical terms and
definitions in the medical fields

• Specific definitions used in microbiology and

histology .

VIRO = Related to viruses

Virology is the science concerned with the study of viruses.

Antiviral drugs are those that kill viruses.

Viremia is the circulation of viruses in peripheral blood.

 IDIO = Related to idea, theme, individual
 Ideology is visionary theorization.
 Ideotic, idiocy: mental deficiency.
 Idiopathic is of unknown cause. The cause
is peculiar to the individual case.
BLAST: An immature cell;
Lymphoblast is an immature precursors of lymphocytes.
Hepatoblastoma is a tumor of immature precursors of
CYTO; CYTE = cell.
Erythrocytes are the red blood cells.
Leukocytes are the white blood cells.
Cytological diagnosis is based on the study of the
morphology of cells.
FIBR/O: Fiber.
Fibroblast: A cell producing collagen fibers.
Fibrous tissue: A tissue rich in collagen fibers.

HIST/O: tissue.
Histiocytes are tissue cells derived from blood
Histology: the study of structure and
constituents of tissues.
 ANEURYSM is weakness and abnormal dilatation of a
blood vessel Ex. Syphlitic and atherosclerotic aortic

 EMBOLISM: A mass of undisolved material transferred

from one part of the circulation and impacted in another.
Ex. Thrombo-embolism detached from deep venous
thrombosis of the leg veins and becomes impacted in
lung circulation (pulmonary embolism).
MORPHO: Form .
Morphology of cells or tissue is their appearance..
Metamorphosis is a change of form or appearance, as in
the life cycle of a frog.
ADENO = Gland.
Adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor of glandular
tissue origin.
 HEMO/HEMATO = Blood.
 Hemoptysis: expectoration of blood.

 Hematemesis: vomiting of blood.

 Hematological tests: investigations of blood diseases.

 LYMPH/O: lymph
 Lymphoma is a malignant tumor of lymphoid tissue.

 Lymph nodes specialized organs of lymphoid tissue.

MUC/O: Viscid fluid.
Mucus is the viscid secretion of glandular epithelium lining
the respiratory passages.
A mucus membrane is the lining epithelium secreting
Mucorrhoea is excessive secretion of mucus.
PROTE/O: Protein.
Proteinacinous fluid: A fluid rich in protein;
Proteolytic enzyme is one that breaks down protein
AMYL/O: Starch.
Amyloid is an abnormal protein with starch like characters.

Andro- related to male

Ex: Androgens are hormones producing male secondary
Gyne- related to a female
Gynecology is the science dealing with diseases related to
the female genital tract.
Pedi- related to the child
Ex: Pediatrics is the study of diseases of childhood.
Pediatrician is the physician dealing with diseases of
Cheiro- related to the hand
Ex: Cheirospasm is muscle spasm of the hand
Cheli/o- related to the lip
Ex: Cheilitis is (inflammation of the lip).
Lapar/o- related to the abdomen
Ex: Laparatomy is surgical exploration of the

Laparoscope is an instrument used to

visualize the abdominal cavity inserted
through a small opening in the abdominal
 Men/o-related to month. Examples:
 Menstrual cycle is the monthly bleeding of
a female.
 Menorrhagia is excessive monthly vaginal
 Oligomenorrhoea is scanty monthly
vaginal bleeding.
 Amenorrhoea is absent menses due to
pregnancy, menopause or ovarian failure.

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