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Toolkit card – 6 mark answer (AO1) Improving your writing –transitions

Write cogently: 6 mark answers (AO1)

One Christian/Islamic belief about N. is…
and connections
In this sentence you state a relevant belief that is held by one part of the 1. To support, add or continue: Besides, Further,
Christian/Islamic community. Improve the sentence, if possible, by saying Furthermore, Also, Another, Likewise, Too, Moreover, In
the denomination. a like manner, In addition, Next, Again, In the same
Evidence for this belief is that the Bible/Qur’an teaches… way, Last, Finally, Similarly, Equally, important
Support your previous sentence by quoting or paraphrasing the 2. To compare and contrast: Also, Just as, In the same
Bible/Qur’an or some other Source of Wisdom and Authority manner, Unlike, In spite of, And, Likewise, Have in
This means that Christians/Muslims … common, Compared to, In contrast, All are, Although,
Now you state how Christians/Muslims are influenced by the belief you In a like manner, Contrasting, However, Like, Similar(ly),
stated in the first sentence. Whether or not, Conversely, Even though, Both, As well
This links to the Christian/Islamic belief… because … as, On the other hand, Yet, Rather than, Besides, The
In this sentence you show your know how this belief connects to or same as, As opposed to, Instead, On the contrary, But,
influences other beliefs. While, Nevertheless, Whereas, Despite
An alternative Christian/Islamic interpretation of N. is… 3. To introduce details or exemplify: For example, As
After stating an alternative belief to the one you chose at the beginning of evidence, In this case, In any case, In fact, In support of,
your first paragraph you then for this second paragraph you follow each As stated in / by, For instance, Such as, According to, In
step outlined above. any event, To illustrate, As a result
4. To show cause and effect: Since, Thus, This results
V Viewpoint
The answer must show an awareness of the differing beliefs held
in, Brought about, Because of, To this end,
Consequently, Made possible, Due to, As a result (of),
by the faith community.
Accordingly, As might be expected, Therefore, Hence,

S Sources of Wisdom and Authority

The answer must be supported by SWaA throughout.
In effect, Was responsible for, Caused by, For this
reason, Leads to If … then
5. To counter: countering transitions:

Obviously many people believe… But
Influence on individuals, communities and societies Evidently others feel… Yet
The answer must show how the belief impacts the actions of those Clearly, opponents maintain… However
who hold the belief.
Surely most want… In contrast
Even though some people support… It’s unlikely that
I Issues related or further details
The answer must show the context in which the belief is held by
Although citizens argue…
Society favours …
I question
On the contrary
the faith community who believe it.
The (This) idea deserves some merit… Nevertheless

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