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D a niel Trujillo
Purpose of Motivating Operation
01 Why we use it

Motivating Operation
02 How it works and what it looks like

03 What makes a reinforcer reinforcing
Overview -Response Deprivation Hypothesis

Pop Quiz
04 Were you paying attention
• It is not enough to expect compliancy from our clients.
• Our clients may not understand why targets, activities, events, ect... are important.
THE PURPOSE • When an EO (Establish Operation) is met, we can use the MO (Motivation) to evoke a target behavior. 
• It is not enough/fair to expect that your client is going to engage in a boring Hello Circle. 
OF • It is not enough to expect you to engage in a boring power point. 

MOTIVATION • If there is low motivation in our sessions and in our meeting the real concern should be "What could I
do to motivate my (client/ team)? " 
Dictionary Definition: the process of encouraging or establishing a belief or
pattern of behavior, especially by encouragement or reward.

ABA Definition: Reinforcement is a function of the relation of a consequence
immediately following a behavior, which increases the odds that the behavior will
occur again in the future.
When you want something When you don't want something
E s ta b lis h E s t a b lis h
ing ing
Establishing M o t iv at i
Operation MEffect
Evocative o t iv a t i Abative Effect Abolishing Operation
on on

Increase Value Evoke Behavior Abative Behavior Decrease Value

(Value Altering) (Behavior Altering) (Behavior Altering) (Value Altering)

The Establishing Operation is where MO is established and Abative effect is the consumption of the Established
the motivation to have access to stimulus is presented which operation. The abative effect decreases the motivation for
leads to an increase in a behavior. the stimulus and becomes an Abolishing Operation.
E s t a b lis h E s t a blis h
ing ing
Establishing M o t iv at i
Operation Mo
Evocative t iv a t i
Effect Abative Effect Abolishing Operation
on on
A person becomes thirsty after a bike ride. Since they are The person who was thirsty will then have access to
thirsty, they will respond to the motivation for water by something to drink and consume fluids to quench their
evoking the action of 1.) Stopping what they are currently thirst. By drinking, the person will no longer be thirsty and
doing. 2.) Responding in a way to obtain something to drink the state of wanting something to drink will no longer be
(Establishing Operation & Evocative Effect) desirable. The stimulus looses the value of motivation for the
period of time and has exhausted its value. The Operation
can be recycled or will cease for a period of time until the
Establishing Operation is re established. 


DEPRIVATION Withholding reinforcement with the purpose
of making that object or activity valuable.

When a reinforcer is deprived, it increases the motivation for

that item/activity. You are able to evoke a bx that perhaps the
student would not normally engage in.

This it e m s ho uld no t be a c c e s s ib le o n a   fre q ue nt

b a s is , no r s ho uld it b e una t t a ina b le.  

• E xa mp le : I f y ou a r e hungr y , t he d e p riv a t io n o f
fo o d inc re a s e s y o ur m o t iv a t io n t o e a t . F o o d is
t he m o t iv a t ing re info rc e r, a nd t he b e ha v io r is
e a t ing .  

The longer the deprivation of The shorter the deprivation of

reinforcer reinforcement

The higher the chance of The lower chance of

engaging in Low P Bx engaging in Low P Bx


Antecedent: Response: Reinforcement:

MO & SD Low P Bx High P

Premack Principle

First Then

Then you can engage in Reinforcement which is a

First engage in Low Probability Bx. High Probability Bx.


Premack Principle

First Then

Then you can engage in Reinforcement which is a

First engage in Low Probability Bx. High Probability Bx.


The latency after the target response

and the delivery of the reinforcer.

• It is important that the delivery of the

reinforcement is immediately after the
target response. If reinforcer is not given
immediately after the target response, the
behavior being reinforced may be unclear.
If on a schedule of reinforcement, the
reinforcer should still be given
immediately after the last target.

• Example: If client engages in target

response and then picks nose, and during
nose picking reinforcement is delivered,
the nose picking bx may be reinforced. 

The amount of reinforcement given or the

amount of time with reinforcement given

• It is important to consider how much of the

reinforcer is going to be given. Too little and
client will lose MO. Too much and client may
satiate on item. 

• Example: If client works for 10 tokens for one

piece of m&m. Client may not want to work for
reinforcer because it is too much work.

• If client is given an hour of iPad after same

work above, the client will satiate with the item
and retrieving back of reinforcer may come with

Pairing the reinforcement with the

target behavior.

• It is important that the reinforcer is

given at specific times for
a specific response and that the consumer
knows how to gain access
to reinforcement 
• The reinforcement is contingent on target,
if target is not complete the client can still
have access to a noncontingent

• Example: If a client is potty training, they

may have a contingent reinforcement for
Alexa was supervising at North Creek High School and she was getting cold, but she forgot her jacket at the other school that she
was supervising at. She got the courage to take Daniel’s jacket to her next meeting. Alexa’s snatching of Daniel’s jacket is a form of

A.) Evocative Effect C.) Abolishing effect

B.) Abuse of Power D.) Deprivation

E s ta b lis h E s t a b lis h
ing ing
Establishing M o t iv at i
Operation M oEffect
A.) Evocative t iv a t i Abative Effect Abolishing Operation
on on

Increase Value Evoke Behavior Abative Behavior Decrease Value

(Value Altering) (Behavior Altering) (Behavior Altering) (Value Altering)

The Establishing Operation is where MO is established and Abative effect is the consumption of the Established
the motivation to have access to stimulus is presented which operation. The abative effect decreases the motivation for
leads to an increase in a behavior. the stimulus and becomes an Abolishing Operation.
Stephanie really does not want to get any work done today. She has an Math assignment that is due tomorrow, but all she
really wants to do is scroll through YouTube and escape reality. According to the Response Deprivation Hypothesis, What
antecedent strategy should we use to motivate Stephanie to engage in Low Probability task of working?

A.) Forced Choice C.) Transitional item

B.) Empty Threat D.) Premack Principle


The longer the deprivation of The shorter the deprivation of

reinforcer reinforcement

The higher the chance of The lower chance of

engaging in Low P Bx engaging in Low P Bx


Antecedent: Response: Reinforcement:

MO & SD Low P Bx High P
Jared goes for a run. As he is running he starts to get thirsty, but then he realized that he left his water bottle at home, and
therefore did not have water to drink while he was in the middle of his run. As it relates to water, Jared was ______?

A.) Satiated C.) Deprived

B.) Stupid D.) Response Blocked

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