T-Test For 1 Sample Mean

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t-test for 1

sample mean
T-test for one-sample Mean Formula
• If the sample size is below 30, we shall use the t-test
formula, as follows:
= population mean
= new sample mean
n = sample size
s = sample standard deviation
T-test for two-sample Mean Formula
• If the sample size is below 30 and involves more than
two independent groups, we shall use the t-test
formula, as follows:
Steps in Hypothesis Testing
1.Formulate the Null Hypothesis (Ho) and Alternative Hypothesis (Ha).
2.Specify - 2.a level of significance and
- 2.b direction of the Hypothesis test.
3. Decide: 3.a Test Statistic to be used (z-test or t-test)
3.b Find the critical value or tabular value from the table below:
df = n - 1
4. Compute for the value of the test statistic.
5. Make a decision. (Disregard the signs – always use positive value)
a. If the computed value of the test statistic is greater than the critical or tabular value,
reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.
b. If the computed value of the test statistic is lower than the critical or tabular value,
accept the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.
Problem 1: The Human resource of a company developed a skilled competency test
for a certain group of skilled workers. The HRD asserted a tentative hypothesis that
the arithmetic mean grade obtained by this group of skilled workers is 100. The test
scores were assumed to be normally distributed. The hypothesis was subjected to a
two-tailed test at 1% level of significance. The test was given to a random sample of
16 skilled workers and the results are: x = 95 and s = 5. Is HRD’s tentative
hypothesis correct at alpha 1%?
Given: x = 95 ; s = 5 ; n = 16 ;
1. Null and Alternative Hypothesis.
Ho: The arithmetic mean grade obtained by this group of skilled workers is 100.
Ha: The arithmetic mean grade obtained by this group of skilled workers is not 100.
Problem 1: The Human resource of a company developed a skilled competency test
for a certain group of skilled workers. The HRD asserted a tentative hypothesis that
the arithmetic mean grade obtained by this group of skilled workers is 100. The test
scores were assumed to be normally distributed. The hypothesis was subjected to a
two-tailed test at 1% level of significance. The test was given to a random sample of
16 skilled workers and the results are: x = 95 and s = 5. Is HRD’s tentative
hypothesis correct at alpha 1%?
Given: x = 95 ; s = 5 ; n = 16 ;

2. a. Specify the level of significance = alpha = 0.01

b. direction of the Hypothesis = two-tailed test
3. a. test statistic = t-test
b. find the critical value by solving for the degrees of freedom
(df) = n – 1 = 16 - 1 = 15
Tcritical value = (df and alpha level and the type of test) = +/-2.947
Problem 1: The Human resource of a company developed a skilled competency test
for a certain group of skilled workers. The HRD asserted a tentative hypothesis that
the arithmetic mean grade obtained by this group of skilled workers is 100. The test
scores were assumed to be normally distributed. The hypothesis was subjected to a
two-tailed test at 1% level of significance. The test was given to a random sample of
16 skilled workers and the results are: x = 95 and s = 5. Is HRD’s tentative
hypothesis correct at alpha 1%?
Given: x = 95 ; s = 5 ; n = 16 ;

4. Compute for the test statistic:

t = -4

tcomp = -4
Problem 1: The Human resource of a company developed a skilled competency test
for a certain group of skilled workers. The HRD asserted a tentative hypothesis that
the arithmetic mean grade obtained by this group of skilled workers is 100. The test
scores were assumed to be normally distributed. The hypothesis was subjected to a
two-tailed test at 1% level of significance. The test was given to a random sample of
16 skilled workers and the results are: x = 95 and s = 5. Is HRD’s tentative
hypothesis correct at alpha 1%?
Given: x = 95 ; s = 5 ; n = 16 ;

5. Make a decision (note: when you compare disregard the sign)

tcomp = 4 > Tcrit = 2.947, therefore we reject Ho and accept Ha
Ha: The arithmetic mean grade obtained by this group of skilled workers is not 100.
Group Activity 4 (30 pts)
Perform the Hypothesis Test Procedure.
A nationwide survey found out that the average time that college
students spent on their personal computer is 10.5 hours per week. A
random sample of 28 college students showed that they spent 8.5
hours per week using their computers with a standard deviation of 1.2
hours. Is the mean time or no. of hours spent by the college students
on their personal computer lower than the national average of 10.5
hours? Use level of significance 0.05.
Per student – must write the problem and solution in the notebook
Then as a group – write the answers in a 1 whole manila paper
Only those with notebook output can get a score for the group activity
T-test for 2 Sample Means

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