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Semantic Web – a comprehensive

overview and future scope..


 What is semantic web

 Definitions
 History of semantic web
 Various techniques of S.W.
 Application of S.W.
S.W. Meaning

The word The semantic The Semantic

semantic of something Web = a Web
stands for the is the meaning with a
meaning of. of something. meaning
 The Semantic Web is an evolving development of the World
Wide Web in which the meaning (semantics) of information
and services on the web is defined, making it possible for
the web to "understand" and satisfy the requests of people
and machines to use the web content. ...
 The Web of data with meaning in the sense that a
computer program can learn enough about what the data
means to process it. My rough notes on related "design
 The Semantic Web provides a common framework that
allows data to be shared and reused across application,
enterprise, and community boundaries. It is a collaborative
effort led by W3C with participation from a large number of
researchers and industrial partners. ...
 A concept proposed by World Wide Web inventor Tim
Berners-Lee. States that the web can be made more useful by
using methods such as content tags to enable computers to
understand what they're displaying and to communicate
effectively with each other. ...
What is the Semantic Web?
 The Semantic Web is a web that is able to describe things in a
way that computers can understand.
 The Beatles was a popular band from Liverpool.
 John Lennon was a member of the Beatles.
 "Hey Jude" was recorded by the Beatles.
 Sentences like the ones above can be understood by people.
But how can they be understood by computers?
 Statements are built with syntax rules. The syntax of a
language defines the rules for building the language
statements. But how can syntax become semantic?
 This is what the Semantic Web is all about. Describing things
in a way that computers applications can understand it.
What is the Semantic Web?
 The Semantic Web is not about links between web
 The Semantic Web describes the relationships
between things (like A is a part of B and Y is a member
of  Z) and the properties of things (like size, weight,
age, and price)
 "If HTML and the Web made all the online documents
look like one huge book, RDF, schema, and inference
languages will make all the data in the world look like
one huge database"
 Tim Berners-Lee, Weaving the Web, 1999
Why semantic web???
 Data that is generally hidden away in HTML files is often useful
in some contexts, but not in others.
 The problem with the majority of data on the Web that is in this
form at the moment is that it is difficult to use on a large scale,
because there is no global system for publishing data in such a
way as it can be easily processed by anyone.
 For example, just think of information about local sports events,
weather information, plane times, Major League Baseball statistics, and
television guides... all of this information is presented by numerous
sites, but all in HTML. The problem with that is that, is some contexts, it
is difficult to use this data in the ways that one might want to do so.
 So the Semantic Web can be seen as a huge engineering
solution... but it is more than that.
Semantic Web…

 The Semantic Web is generally built on

syntaxes which use URIs to represent data,
usually in triples based structures: i.e. many
triples of URI data that can be held in
databases, or interchanged on the world
Wide Web using a set of particular syntaxes
developed especially for the task. These
syntaxes are called "Resource Description
Framework" syntaxes.
The Resource Description Framework

 The RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a

language for describing information and
resources on the web.
 Putting information into RDF files, makes it
possible for computer programs ("web spiders")
to search, discover, pick up, collect, analyze and
process information from the web.
 The Semantic Web uses RDF to describe web
The Resource Description Framework

 A triple can simply be described as three URIs. A

language which utilises three URIs in such a way is
called RDF: the W3C have developed an XML
serialization of RDF, the "Syntax" in the RDF
Model and Syntax recommendation.
 RDF XML is considered to be the standard
interchange format for RDF on the Semantic Web,
although it is not the only format.
 For example, Notation3 is an excellent plain text
alternative serialization.
How can it be used?
 If information about music, cars, tickets, etc. were stored in
RDF files, intelligent web applications could collect
information from many different sources, combine
information, and present it to users in a meaningful way.
 Information like this:
 Car prices from different resellers
 Information about medicines
 Plane schedules
 Spare parts for the industry
 Information about books (price, pages, editor, year)
 Dates of events
 Computer updates
Can it be understood?

 The Semantic Web is not a very fast growing

 One of the reasons for that is the learning
curve. RDF was developed by people with
academic background in logic and artificial
intelligence. For traditional developers it is
not very easy to understand.
 One fast growing language for building
semantic web applications is RSS.
The Semantic Web- An example
 Buying and selling used cars
 Suppose a semantic web system was built to
administer the selling and buying of used cars
over the Internet.
 The system would contain two main
 One for people who wanted to buy a car
 One for people who wanted to put up a car for sale
 Let's call the Internet applications for IBA
(I Buy Application), and ISA (I Sell Application).
IBA - The I Buy Application
 People who want to buy a car could use an IBA
application much like this:
I Buy Application (IBA)

In a "real live" application you would be asked to identify
yourself the first time you used it. Your ID would be
stored in an RDF file. Your ID would identify you as a
person with name, address, email, and ID number.
 When you submitted the query, the application would
return a list of cars for sale, and the list could be drilled
down and sorted by year, price, location and availability.
This information would be returned from a web spider
continuously searching the web for RDF files.
ISA - The I Sell Application
 People who want to sell a car could use an ISA
application much like this:
 I Sell Application (ISA)

When you submitted the form, the application would ask

you for more information and store your ID and the
information in an RDF file made available to the web.
 The RDF file would contain information like:

Your ID: Name, address, email, ID number.

Your selling item: type, model, picture, price, description.
Behind the scenes
 Behind the scenes, the "ISA" application creates an RDF
file with a lot of RDF pointers.
 It creates an RDF pointer to a file with information
about you, an RDF pointer to information about Volvo
and Volvo models, an RDF pointer to Volvo dealers and
resellers, about parts, about prices, and much more.
 An RDF pointer is a pointer (actually an URL) to
information about things (like a knowledge database).
 The beauty about this is that you don't have to describe
yourself, or the car model. The RDF application will sort
it out for you.
Will it ever work?

 Chaos? Standards? What do we need? What

are we waiting for?
 A standard by W3C, by Microsoft, by Google?
 RDF is data about data - or metadata. Often
RDF files describe other RDF files. Will it ever
be possible to link all these RDF files together
and build a semantic web?
 No one knows, but someone will try.
Semantic Web Agents
 The semantic web will not be searchable in free text. To search (or
access) the semantic web, we will need some software to help us.
 To use the semantic web, we will need "Semantic Web Agents" or
"Semantic Web Services". These "Agents" or "Services" will help
us to find what we are looking for on the semantic web.
 On the semantic web, we might want to look for information
 The cheapest airline tickets
 Styling that would fit my car
 Books, DVDs, and CDs
 Weather forecasts
 Time schedules and calendar events
 Stock prices and exchange rates
screen scraping and forms:
 For the Semantic Web to reach its full potential, many people need
to start publishing data as RDF. Where is this information going to
come from? A lot of it can be derived from many data publications
that exist today, using a process called "screen scraping".
 Screen scraping is the act of literally getting the data from a source
into a more manageable form (i.e. RDF) using whatever means come
to hand. Two useful tools for screen scraping are XSLT (an XML
transformations language), and RegExps (in Perl, Python, and so on).
 Another alternative is to build proper RDF systems that take input
from the user and then store it straight away in RDF. Data such as
you may enter when signing up for a new mail account, buying some
CDs online, or searching for a used car can all be stored as RDF and
then used on the Semantic Web.
 Applications on the Semantic Web will depend on context generally to let
people know whether or not they trust the data.
 If I get an RDF feed from a friend about some movies that he's seen, and
how highly he rates them, I know that I trust that information.
 Moreover, I can then use that information and safely trust that it came from
him, and then leave it down to my own judgement just to how much I trust
his critiques of the films that he has reviewed.
 Groups of people also operate on shared context. If one group is developing
a Semantic Web depiction service, cataloguing who people are, what their
names are, and where pictures of those people are, then my trust of that
group is dependant upon how much I trust the people running it not to make
spurious claims.
 So context is a good thing because it lets us operate on local and medium
scales intuitively, without having to rely on complex authentication and
checking systems.
Semantic Publishing

 Semantic publishing will greatly benefit from

the semantic web. In particular, the semantic
web is expected to revolutionize scientific
publishing, such as real-time publishing and
sharing of experimental data on the Internet.
Web 3.0
 Tim Berners-Lee has described the semantic web as a
component of 'Web 3.0‘
 . It will be an improvement in the respect that it will still
contain Web 2.0 properties while continuing to add to its
ever expanding lexicon and library of applications.
 There are some who claim that Web 3.0 will be more
application based and center its efforts towards more
graphically capable environments, "non-browser
applications and non-computer based devices... geographic
or location-based information retrieval" and even more
applicable use and growth of Artificial Intelligence
The Semantic Web Stack
 The semantic web comprises the standards and tools of XML, XML
Schema, RDF, RDF Schema and OWL that are organized in the
Semantic Web Stack. The OWL Web Ontology Language Overview
describes the function and relationship of each of these components of
the semantic web:
 XML provides an elemental syntax for content structure within
documents, yet associates no semantics with the meaning of the
content contained within.
 XML Schema is a language for providing and restricting the structure
and content of elements contained within XML documents.
 RDF is a simple language for expressing data models, which refer to
objects ("resources") and their relationships. An RDF-based model can
be represented in XML syntax.
The Semantic Web Stack
 RDF Schema extends RDF and is a vocabulary for
describing properties and classes of RDF-based
resources, with semantics for generalized-hierarchies of
such properties and classes.
 OWL adds more vocabulary for describing properties
and classes: among others, relations between classes
(e.g. disjointness), cardinality (e.g. "exactly one"),
equality, richer typing of properties, characteristics of
properties (e.g. symmetry), and enumerated classes.
 SPARQL is a protocol and query language for semantic
web data sources.

 Some of the challenges for the Semantic Web

 vastness,
 vagueness,
 uncertainty,
 inconsistency,
 deceit.
Automated reasoning systems will have to deal with all
of these issues in order to deliver on the promise of the
Semantic Web.

 Vastness: The World Wide Web contains at least

24 billion pages as of this writing (June 13, 2010).
 Vagueness: These are imprecise concepts like
"young" or "tall". This arises from the vagueness
of user queries, of concepts represented by
content providers, of matching query terms to
provider terms and of trying to combine
different knowledge bases with overlapping but
subtly different concepts.
 Uncertainty: These are precise concepts with uncertain
values. For example, a patient might present a set of
symptoms which correspond to a number of different
distinct diagnoses each with a different probability.
 Inconsistency: These are logical contradictions which
will inevitably arise during the development of large
ontologies, and when ontologies from separate sources
are combined.
 Deceit: This is when the producer of the information is
intentionally misleading the consumer of the
Projects …
 DBpedia is an effort to publish structured data
extracted from Wikipedia: the data is published in RDF
and made available on the Web for use under the GNU
Free Documentation License.
 A popular application of the semantic web is Friend of a
Friend (or FoaF), which uses RDF to describe the
relationships people have to other people and the
"things" around them. FOAF permits intelligent agents
to make sense of the thousands of connections people
have with each other, their jobs and the items
important to their lives.
Projects …
 The Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities
project (SIOC, pronounced "shock") provides a
vocabulary of terms and relationships that model web
data spaces.
 Semantic Interoperability of Metadata and I
nformation in unLike Environments(SIMILE) is a joint
project, conducted by the MIT Libraries and MIT
CSAIL, which seeks to enhance interoperability among
digital assets, schemata/vocabularies/ontologies, meta
data, and services.
Semantic computing

Semantic computing is a field that addresses three core

• Understanding the (possibly naturally expressed) intentions (semantics)
of user and expressing them in a machine processable language
• Understanding the meanings (semantics) of computational content (of
various sorts, including, but is not limited to, text, video, audio, process,
network, software, hardware) and expressing them in a machine
processable language
• Mapping the semantics of user with that of content for the purpose of
content retrieval, management, creation, etc.
Ontology learning

 Ontology learning (ontology extraction,

ontology generation, or ontology acquisition) is
a subtask of information extraction.
 The goal of ontology learning is to (semi-)automatically
extract relevant concepts and relations from a given
corpus or other kinds of data sets to form an ontology.
 The automatic creation of ontologies is a task that
involves many disciplines.
 This usually involves linguistic processors (e.g.
part of speech tagging, phrase chunking).
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