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Using Thematic Analysis

Defining the
National University

Preliminary Results
 Theme as “domain summaries”
(Braun, Clarke, et al. (2019):
Using  Coding development from topics and clustering of
Thematic Analysis semantic meaning.
towards  6 Phases of Reflexive TA [recursive]:
Defining the  Familiarization
National University  Generating Codes
 Constructing Themes
Reflexive Thematic Analysis
 Revise/Review
 Defining/Naming Themes
Data Gathering
 Producing the Report

 Issues of Reliability and Rigour
 Inductive-Deductive Coding and Theme Dev't
(Fereday & Muir-Cochrane, 2006)
 Trustworthiness Criteria (Nowell et al., 2017)
Purposive Sample
 Primary objective:
Using  Cover conceptual/semantic variety;
not to conclusively track changes over time, although
Thematic Analysis inference still possible.
towards  Descriptive, not conclusive.
Defining the Computational Thematic Analysis (Gauthier & Wallace, 2022)

National University  Sampling strategy:

 Privilege textual richness of exemplary texts.
Reflexive Thematic Analysis  Division of corpora within time periods to manage
empirical saturation.

Data Gathering
 Processed search entries (e.g. removed passing

 Sample/N results by time periods:
1800 – 1859 29 220
1860 – 1919 18 155
Definition 1920 – 1959 6 325
1960 – 2020 13 602
League of Nations
United Nations

End of
European Pax Britannica
Revolutionary Wave
Congress of

time periods

“national university” in Digital English Corpora, 1800 - 2019

Source data on Google Books. Figure from Google Ngram (smoothing = 8).
 country flagship organization
 advanced study – research pinnacle
 leading institution – within country ranking
Using  global position – international competition, national pride
Thematic Analysis  state development
towards  central stability - federal republicanism
Defining the  social capital
National University  government training
 ideology
Reflexive Thematic Analysis
 wide accessibility
 secular non-discrimination, mass meritocracy
Data Gathering
 autonomy
 political interference
 material support
 public welfare
 education authority
 cultural identity
“ Among the motives to such an institution, the assimilation of the principles, opinions, and manners of our
countrymen, by the common education of a portion of our youth from every quarter, well deserves attention.

The more homogeneous our citizens can be made in these particulars, the greater will be our prospect of permanent

union. And a primary object of such a National Institution, should be the education of our youth in the SCIENCE


George Washington (1796), "National University" in Maxims of Washington, John Frederick Schroeder (ed.) (1854), New
York: D. Appleton and Company, p. 227.
“ Another circumstance which will operate on the youth of the University, as a powerful incentive to attain
distinction, will be, that their studies will be prosecuted and the result of them exhibited under the eye of the
nation; and not of this nation alone, but also of foreign ones.
The youth of the University will be assembled not only from the several sections of the United States; the high
reputation of the institution, united to the spirit of liberty it will foster, and the full development that will be given,
by its professors, to the engrossing doctrine of human rights, will draw many to it from foreign countries. Some

will repair to it from Spanish America and the West India islands, and some from Greece, Spain, Poland, and other
parts of Europe, where personal and political freedom is prized. A portion of the intellectual chivalry even of Great
Britain, France, and Germany will be found within its walls.


Charles Caldwell (1835), "On the Advantages of a National University, Especially in its Influence on the Union of the States"
in Oxford Addresses, Hanover, Indiana: Joseph G. Montfort, p. 121.
“ And as the blood - life's nutriment - flows through ten thousand arteries from the heart to the extremities of the
body, carrying health and vigor to every part of the frame; so, through every portion of our republican system,
from this self-supplying fountain, would flow abundant streams of knowledge, and high mental enterprise, giving
impulse to talent, vitality to genius, and to the intellect of the nation, lasting, irrepressible energy. The discovery of
many important truths would, doubtless, be made; the cause of letters would be revived; the field of useful arts
cultivated; the domain of science extended; in fine, a higher and more healthful tone would be given to the mental

being of individuals and of the whole nation.


O.P.Q. (1842), "A National University" in Yale Literary Magazine, New Haven, p. 24.
Necessary Criteria
 highly regarded for advanced learning
 Wide recognition academically within and beyond a
Thematic Analysis country.
towards  civic mission
Defining the  Social engagement.
National University
Sufficient Criteria
Reflexive Thematic Analysis
 cultural arbiter
Data Gathering  Substantive and substantial influence/articulator.
 enforced public claims
Themes  Politically-charged.
 Formal connection to central state such as legal
Definition proclamation?
e.g. American racial student admissions in the US
 country flagship organization
 advanced study – research pinnacle
 leading institution – within country ranking
 global position – international competition, national pride
Thematic Analysis  state development
towards  public welfare
Defining the  central stability - federal republicanism
National University  social capital
 government training
Reflexive Thematic Analysis
 ideology
 wide accessibility
Data Gathering
 secular non-discrimination, mass meritocracy
 autonomy
 political interference
 material support
 education authority
 cultural identity

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