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Lesson 14:

Following Simple
Let’s Read
Danny and Pete are visiting a friend.
They have to cross the street so they
can get on a jeepney on the other side.
Let us find out if they are good
citizens. Read their conversation
Answer the following questions.
1. Where are Pete and Danny going?
2. What does Danny tell Pete to do before they cross
the street?
3. Where should people go when crossing the street?
4. Where do the two boys wait for a jeepney?
5. Are Pete and Danny good citizens? Explain your
Think About It!
We are all citizens of our country. But
who among us deserve to be called
“good citizens”? Find out how Mang
Tomas proves that he is a good citizen.
“Mang Tomas, the Good Citizen”
Mang Tomas is an old farmer in a small town in
Nueva Ecija. He owns a farm that produces enough
harvest for his family. He sells his harvest to provide
for the needs and education of his children. Mang
Tomas has high regard for education. He wants his
children to receive good education so they will
become good and productive citizens.
“Mang Tomas, the Good Citizen”
Mang Tomas knows his obligations and
responsibilities to his community and country. He
collects the receipts of his earnings and goes to the
office of the Bureau of Internal Revenue to pay the
corresponding taxes.
On his way to the BIR office one day, Mang Tomas
bumped into his friend, Mang Felipe.
Mang Tomas, the Good Citizen
“Hi! Good morning, Mang Tomas,” greeted Mang
“ What are you doing here?” asked Mang Felipe.
“ I’m going to file my taxes. It’s almost the end of
the quarter,” said Mang Tomas.
Mang Tomas, the Good Citizen
“You are such a good citizen,” said Mang Felipe.
“You know that the government cannot do
anything if the citizens do not pay their taxes,”
continued Mang Felipe.
“The government needs the money to provide
services to the people. The money will be used to
build roads, bridges, schools, and hospitals.
Mang Tomas, the Good Citizen
It will also be used to sustain healthcare services and
provide scholarship grants to deserving students in
our country, explained Mang Tomas.
“Okay, Mang Tomas. You have explained everything
like a teacher. I think we should invite you to speak in
our school. We need to make children aware of their
duties and obligations as citizens of our country,” said
Mang Felipe.
Mang Tomas, the Good Citizen

A month later, Mang Tomas delivered a lecture in

Mang Felipe’s school. He talked about good
citizenship. Mang Tomas prepared a chart that stated
the characteristics of a good citizen.
A good citizen should…
1.Respect the symbols of his/her country.
2.Obey the laws and regulations of the community.
3.Raise community concerns if there are any.
4.Respect the right of others.
5.Support the activities of the community.
6.Pay his/her taxes willingly and promptly.
7.Vote wisely.
8.Work with others in caring for the environment.
Application: page 118
What did you learn about good citizenship? Answer the
following questions in complete sentences.
1. Who is Mang Tomas? Describe him.
2. From the pointers that Mang Tomas shared, which ones
do you practice?
3. Which of Mang Tomas’s pointers do you not practice?
Quiz; Do It! Page 119
What should a good citizen do in the following situations? Write your answers on the
1.) After the typhoon, the barangay captain calls for the people to help clean the streets
so vehicles could pass. Bert has just finished his breakfast and is about to read the
newspaper when he hears the barangay captain’s call. As a good citizen, what should
Bert do?
2.) You and your friends walk down the street. You pass by a food stall and buy orange
juice and barbecue. After eating, your friends throw their thrash on the ground. As a
good citizen, what will you do?
3.) You and your friend stroll at the park. You happen to pass by a poster which says
“Keep off the grass.” Your friend ignores the poster and walks on the grass. What will
you do?
4.) It is just two days before the national elections, and while Ellen and her friends are
walking, they see two men posting campaign materials on the wall of the school. What
should they do?
Assignment; Live It! page 120
As a grade five pupil, how can you
show that you are a responsible
citizen? Illustrate your answer and
write a short paragraph about it.

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