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1. A variable potentiometer has a total resistance of
2.0 kΩ, and is fed from a 10 V supply. The output

is connected across a load resistance of 5.0 kΩ.

(i) Determine the loading error for the slider positions

corresponding to:
(Xi / Xt) = 0, 0.25, 0·5, 0.667, 0·75, and 1.0.

(ii) Use the results to plot a graph of loading error

against the ratio, (Xi / Xt)?
K = (Xi/Xt) ERROR

0 0

0.25 0.174

0.50 0.454

0.75 0.524

1 0
Fig. (A) Potentiometer as a position sensor
(B) Gravitational fluid level sensor with a float
Potentiometers have several drawbacks:
• 1. Noticeable mechanical load (friction).
• 2. Need for a physical coupling with the object.
• 3. Low speed.
• 4. Friction and excitation voltage cause heating of the potentiometer.
• 5. Low environmental stability.
• Some more limitations and disadvantages of potentiometers as displacement measuring devices are given below:
• 1. The force needed to move the slider (against friction and arm inertia) is provided by the displacement source.
This mechanical
loading distorts the measured signal itself.
• 2. High-frequency (or highly transient) measurements are not feasible because of such factors as slider bounce,
friction, and inertia
• resistance, and induced voltages in the wiper arm and primary coil.
• 3. Variations in the supply voltage cause error.
• 4. Electrical loading error can be significant when the load resistance is low.
• 5. Resolution is limited by the number of turns in the coil and by the coil uniform_x0002_ity. This limits small-
displacement measurements.
• 6. Wear out and heating up (with associated oxidation) in the coil or film, and slider contact cause accelerated
Problem: 2.
• The output of a potentiometer is to be read by a recorder of 10 k Ὡ input
• Non-linearity must be held to 1 per cent.
• A family of potentiometers having a thermal rating of 5 W and resistances
ranging from 100 Ὡ to 10 kὩ in steps of 100 Ὡ -is available.
• Choose from the family - the potentiometer that has tbe greatest possible
sensitivity and also meets other requirements.
• Find the maximum excitation voltage permissible with this potentiometer.
• What is the sensitivity, if the potentimeter is a single turn (360 º) unit?
From the Eqn., the maximum possible percentage linearity = 15 x Rp/Rm.
Therefore, the maximum resistance of potentiometer, with I per cent linearity and a
recorder with a resistance Rm= 10,000 Ὡ across it is :

We know, P = V2 /R
3. A helipot is provided with 400 turns / mm. The gearing arrangement is such that the

motion of the main shaft by one revolution causes 5 revolutions of the potentiometer

shaft. Calculate the resolution of the potentiometer.


The resolution of the potentiometer without the gearing

arrangement = (1/400) mm = 25 μ m.

With gearing arrangement, which causes 5 revolutions of

potentiometer shaft with one rotation of main shaft, the
resolution = 25 / 5 = 5 μ m.
Problem 4:
A 10-turn, 50 K Ω potentiometer, with 100 % Linearity, uses a 40 volt supply.
Find the voltage at the mid-point when the potentiometer is loaded with:
a. 500 k Ω.
b. 25 KΩ.
c. Interpret the results obtained.
Solution 4:
a. Since the Load of Rm = 500 KΩ .... is >> 25KΩ (Mid-point Res.),
The voltage at the mid-point = ½ of 40 V = 20 V...(i.e., No load)

b. If Rm = 25 KΩ load is connected at the o/p of potr.,

Then eo = 12.5 KΩ x 40 V = 13.33 volt.
(12.5 + 25) kΩ

c. This means that the Sensitivity of the Potentiometer is:

(13.33 V / 05 turns) = 2.67 V / turn, as against
Sensitivity of Un-loaded potentiometer = (20 V / 05 turns); (given) = 4 V / turn.
Hence, sensitivity drops due to loading of a potentiometer..
Problem 5:
• A high-precision mobile robot uses a potentiometer,
attached to the drive wheel, to record its travel, during
autonomous navigation.

• The required resolution for robot motion is 1 mm, and

the diameter of the drive wheel of the robot is 20 cm.

• Examine the design considerations for a standard

(single-coil) rotatory potentiometer to be used in this
Solution: -

• Assume that the potentiometer is directly connected (without gears) to the drive wheel.
• The required resolution for the pot is: -

• This resolution is feasible with a coil-type rotatory pot.

• From Equation, the number of turns in the coil
• Assuming an average pot diameter of 10 cm and denoting the wire diameter by d,
• since there are 625 turns covering the entire circumference of the pot we have:
Potentiometer circumference
or, d = 0.5 mm:
• Now, taking the resistance of the potentiometer to be 5 Ω and the resistivity of the wire to be 4 μΩ cm,
the diameter D of the core of the coil is given by

• Hence,
Advantages of Potentiometric Transducers
• There are several advantages associated with potentiometer devices,
however, including the following:

1. They are relatively inexpensive.

2. Potentiometers provide high-voltage (low-impedance) output signals.
3. For most applications output requires no amplification.
4. Transducer impedance can be varied simply by changing the coil resistance
and supply voltage.
5. They are simple in design and robust.
Drill Problems: -

Problem 5:
• A potentiometer output is connected to an amplifier;
the input resistance of the amplifier is comparable to
the mid-setting resistance of the potentiometer.
• Derive an expression for percentage error in the
potentiometer output, from the first principles, with
the help of relevant diagrams, expressions, and
interpret the percentage error graph. (10)
• Problem 6:
• Derive an expression for the output voltage of a
loaded Potentiometric Transducer.
• Plot its characteristics. (6)
• Problem 7:
• Derive an expression for the percentage Error of
a loaded Potentiometric
• Plot its characteristics. (5)
Drill Problems: -
• Problem 8:
• A single-turn potentiometer has a input range of 0 to
270 deg. angle.
• Its resistance between the two fixed ends is 100 kΩ.
• It is excited by a 5.0 V DC supply, and a voltmeter of
500 kΩ internal resistance is connected between one
end, and the wiper contact of the potentiometer.
a) Find the sensitivity of the potentiometer, and that
of the whole setup.
b) What is the percentage error at the mid-range input?
Simple Q’s & Ans.

• 1. What is potentiometer?
• Basically a resistance potentiometer, or simply a -POT, (a resistive potentiometer used
for the purposes of voltage division is called a' POT) consists of a resistive element
provided with a sliding contact. The' POT’ is a passive transducer.
• 2. List the materials used for potentiometer?
Materials used 'for potentiometer are:
(a) Wire wound potentiometer:
1. Platinum
2. Nickel chromium
3. Nicker copper
4. Some other precious, resistive element.

(b) Non-wire wound potentiometer:

(i) Cermet
(ii) Hot moulded carbon
(iii) Carbon .film
(iv) Thin metal film
Classify potentiometers?

• Potentiometers are classified:

(a) Based on operation:

(i) Translational potentiometer.
(ii) Rotary potentiometer.
(iii) Helipot.
(iv) Non-linear potentiometer.

(b) Based on material used:

(i) Wire wound potentiometer.
(ii) Non-wire wound potentiometer.
List the factors influencing the choice of transducers?

(b) Sensitivity.

(c) Operating range.

(d) Accuracy.

(e) Cross sensitivity.

(f) Loading effect.

(g) Environmental compatibility.

(h) Insensitivity to unwanted signals.

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