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Associate Professor IV
Agronomy & Plant Breeding
College of Agriculture, CMU
What is a farm?

A farm – is a highly organized

integrated set of operation which
exist in a complex of natural, social,
political and economic
What is a farming system?

Farming system – the manner in which

a particular set of farm resources is
assembled within its environment by
means of technology for the
productionof primary agricultural
products, excluding post harvest
processing and marketing)
What is a farming system?
Farming system – a farming pattern or mix of
farming enterprises that a family allocates its
resources (land, labor, capital) to efficiently
exploit the existing environment (rainfall, soil
properties, solar radiation, market, credit
infrastructures, and service institution) for
the attainment of the family’s goal (increase
income, improve quality of life, etc.)
Farming system

Farming system is a decision making and

land-use unit comprising the farm house
hold, cropping and livestock systems that
produces crop and animal products for
consumption and sale.
-complex inter-related matrix of soil, plants,
animals, implements, power, labor, capital
and other inputs controlled in part by
families and influenced to varying degrees
by political, economic, institutional and
social forces that operate at many levels.
Farming system

Farming system is the scientific integration of

different interdependent and interacting farm
enterprises for the efficient use of land, labor
and other resources of a farm family which
provides year round income to the farmers
specially located in marginal zones.

Farming system – represents an appropriate

combination of farm enterprises viz. cropping
system, livestock, poultry, fisheries, forestry
and the means available to the farmer to raise
them for increasing profitability.
Concepts of Farming System
A FS practiced by a farmer is the result of a
complex interaction of a number of components
at the center of which is the farmer. It is a
unique and reasonably stable arrangement of
farming enterprise that the households
manage according to a well defined practice in
response to the physical, biological and socio
economic environments and in accordance with
the household goals, preferences and resources.
This system involves the allocation of
production resources such as land, labor,
capital and managerial skills to the
production of crops, livestock, on farm and
off-farm enterprises in a manner that
provides attainment of the family’s goal

The functioning of a FS requires decisions

about the qualities and quantities of inputs
to be used to produce a desired combination
of products, which are influenced by the
total environment in which a farmer operates
What comprises the total environment of a
farm system in which a farmer operates?

The total environment in which the farmer

operates include:
a. technical environment (soil, water and
b. human environment
What are the factors that composed a human

1. Exogenous factors (community

structures, values and external
institutions for both inputs & outputs)

2. Endogenous factors (attitudes, goals,

needs and priorities)
What are the different perspective of FS

1. FS is strictly technical sense

-confined to the production of crops and
animals and the interaction of the 2 main
components (crops and animals)

2. FS Sub-components and its On-farm and

Off-farm elements
What are components of a farming system?

It includes the main components, namely:

a. farm household
b. Farming activity (crops + livestock)
c. Non-farming activities such as carpentry
work, driving, food vending, sari-sari
store, etc.
d. On-farm and off-farm elements
There is supplementary or complementary
role of non-farming to farming activities.
Different Perspective of FS
3. Farming/Agricultural Systems Hierarchy

Within farm systems, there is a farming

system which leads to the perspective of
hierarchical systems or systems sub-systems.
In a given farm, there is socio-economic
subsystems, crop and animal agro-ecosystem.
A crop agro-ecosystem is composed of soil,
weeds, pests and crop sub-systems.
4. Farming Systems in Rural/Urban Development
vis-à-vis Productivity & Market

The FS as influenced by both natural and

socio-economic factors should not be viewed
in isolation with rural/urban development. The
activities in both the rural and urban sectors
directly and indirectly affect FS via the market.
When the population does not have sufficient
purchasing power, prices of farm products are
low which serves as a dis-incentives to farmers
to produce more, so agricultural productivity
Different Perspective of FS

5. FS & Its Linkage Relationship with DAR and

National Industrialization

Farmers were asked why they do not plant

intercrops under coconut and their reply
a. We do not have seeds.
b. Landlords prohibit planting crops
c. We do not have the assurance to be still
here when the crops bear fruits.
Different Perspective of FS

6. FS in Relation to Food Systems

Study of FS should also include the

linkage relationships between the domestic
and international policies as they influence
agricultural production. Agricultural
production is influenced by
In perspective, FS is the catalyst of
agricultural production.
Different Perspective of FS

7. FS and Issues on Sustainability

What is the bottom line issues of FS

development in relation to human kind’s
continued survival?
Wealthy nations and poor nations are not
equally guilty with respect to environmental
degradation, loss of genetic resources,
greenhouse effect and overall decline in the
quality of life for the whole human kind.
Attributes of FS

 FS is Location or Condition Specific

 The location impressed upon the topography

of the land, moisture regime, altitude, latitude,
jointly defines climate. Climatic variability
affects mostly the crops species/variety/breed
suitable as well as the management practices
that would be employed
Attributes of FS

 FS is Farmer-based or Farm Driven

 The main actor or protagonist is the farmer.

His goals/aspirations in life, his skills and

capabilities, and his ways of making decisions
in a given situation are crucial to the designs
and mixtures of commodity and our
enterprise in the farm. The farmer & his
household is the central features of the farm.
The farmer is the “boss”.
Attributes of FS

 FS is Participatory

 Farming is a dynamic and constantly

evolving/changing human venture (ad-
venture0. As a system, it needs change or
improvement of existing parts. While FS is
farmer-driven, farmers need to interact with
one another, also need non-farmers
(scientists, etc) who shall look at the science
and technology dimension of farming.
Attributes of FS

 FS is Process-oriented

 In carrying out activities or planned change

of improvement, modifications should be
done in due process which means that a
farmer has the right to be heard.
Modifications envisioned should incorporate
the practical need for learning new
innovations/technologies to be correctly
Attributes of FS
 FS is Integrative or wholistic in nature

 This may refer to the farm activities of

enterprises components in the farm (crops +
livestock + aquaculture). The integrative
aspects relate to how the outputs (by-products,
e.g. crop residues) could be inputs to other
components (feed or source of fertilizer). The
wholistic attribute of FS relates to the
operationalization or joint action of the
Farming system is a means of utilization of
land resources involving the culture of crops
and animals, from establishment to
utilization. Thus, there are several types of
farming systems adoptable to farmers.
1.Based on Enterprise Mix(es) –
or diversified farming (multiple cropping
2. Based on the Dominant Crop(s) which form
the Major Enterprise (Rice-based, coconut-
based, etc)
3. Based on Agro-environment
a. Moisture regime/water source - rainfed
or irrigated
b. topography – lowland or hilly farming
e.g. Agroforestry & SALT
c. elevation/altitude – High land, Hilly land,
4. Based on Use of Farm Inputs
 High External Input (HEI) FS – associated

with modern agriculture (green revolution)

characterized by the use of chemical
fertilizers, pesticides and
HYV seeds
 Low External Input (LEI) FS – biodynamic

farming, permaculture, nature farming, etc.

which are purest and pursue farming
chemical free
5. Based on the Central or Unique Feature of
the Farm

 Crop Centered FS
 Livestock Centered FS (ruminants, non-

 Integrated Crop + Livestock FS
 Integrated Crop + Aquaculture FS
 Integrated Livestock + Aquaculture FS

6. Evolving Type of FS

 Recreational or hobby farming FS

 Agrotourism-oriented FS – farm resort &
Open farm-farm level marketing

7. Specialized FS

 Production of high value cutflowers

(anthurium, orchids, etc)
 Aquaculture – fingerlings production,

aquarium fish, etc.

Elements of a System

1. Objective: All system (Natural or Artificial)

are designed to achieve certain
objectives (single, multiple objectives).
Objectives are achieved by employing
resources within a framework of
constraints. Objectives, resources and
constraints interact to make the system
Elements of a System

2. Interaction – is a dynamic, hence, the

system will co-evolve or change with
different objectives, resources
combinations and a new set of
Elements of a System

3. Resources – are at the same time,

constraints when they occur in limited
quantities or when their quality
General Types of Farming Systems

1) Lowland Farming System – generally refers

to crop or animals (including fish)
production in paddy fields or swampy areas,
where there is a continuous or regular
availability of water
e.g. lowland rice
General Types of Farming Systems

2) Upland Farming System – refers to the

growing of crops and/or animals in relatively
flat or plain areas where water is not regularly
available except through precipitation
(rainfall) or irrigation.
General Types of Farming Systems

3) Hilly Farming System – the production of

crops/and or animals in areas with slope of
more than 18%. In classification of natural
resources, these areas are identified as
Agroforestry. But the definition of
Agroforestry today is made simple to cover
a wide range of areas without reference to
their slope.
General Types of Farming Systems

4. Agroforestry – involves the culture of crops

and animals in any combination, together
with a woody perennial. This includes
areas whether flat or sloping.
General Types of Farming Systems

5) Highland Farming System – this is

oftentimes interchange with hilly lands,
because of their similar topographic features,
but this is concerned more on agricultural
areas of higher elevation of at least 800-
1000 m above sea levels. These are
characterized with relatively lower
temperatures throughout the year.
General Types of Farming Systems

6. Dry Farming or Dryland Farming System –

the practice of growing profitable
crops without irrigation in areas
which receive an annual rainfall of
500mm or even less

Dry land agriculture – the cultivation of crops

entirely under rainfed condition.
Classifications of dry land agriculture on the basis of
annual rainfall:

1.Dry farming – cultivation of crops where annual

rainfall is less than 750mm and crop failures due to
prolonged dry spell during crop period are most

2. Dry land farming - cultivation of crops where annual

rainfall is more than 750mm but less than 1150mm.
Dry spells may occur, but crop failures are less
classifications of dry land agriculture on the basis of
annual rainfall:

3. Rainfed farming - cultivation of crops where annual

rainfall is more than 1150mm. There is adequate
rainfall and drainage becomes the important
problem in rainfed farming.
Cropping System

Cropping System refers to the pattern or

arrangement of crops in time and space, as
well as the process of growing them.

Polyculture Farming System involves the

mixture of annuals crops with other annuals,
annuals with perennials, or perennials with
perennials, or perennials with perennials
planted in spatial pattern
Cropping System

Cropping Pattern – The yearly sequence and

spatial arrangement of crops or of crops and
fallows on a given area.

Monocropping – a method of crop production

in which only one crop is grown annually in
the same parcel of land (perennial
monoculture and annual crop monoculture)
Cropping System

Multiple Cropping – growing of more than one

crop on the same land in one year.

Determinants of Cropping System:

1. Rainfall (moisture)
2. Soil and topography
3. Market accessibility
Benefits o f Multiple Cropping
a) Increased erosion control
b) Insurance against crop failure
c) Labor & harvesting are spread more evenly
during the cropping season and storage
problem may be minimize
d) Results to an efficient utilization of
resources by plants of different heights,
rooting system & nutrient requirements
e) Diseases & pests do not spread rapidly in
mixed cultures as in pure cultures since all
crops involved are not susceptible to the
same extent
Problems of Multiple Cropping

1) Soil fertility – Since more crops are grown

per unit area, a bigger drain of nutrients
from the soil is expected. Greater input is
2) Chemical stability of the soil – As cropping
intensity is increased, the CEC of the soil
becomes crucial. The frequent tillage
combined with high levels of chemicals
may cause rapid shifts in soil pH
Problems of Multiple Cropping

3) Weeds
4) Insects
5) Diseases
6) Nematodes
7) Crop Management – different species
planted together may require different
farm inputs, cultural practices, etc.
Types of Cropping System

a) Slash & Burn

b) Monoculture
c) Multiple Cropping

Monoculture – only one crop is grown in a

given area throughout the year
Types of Monoculture:
1. Perennial Monoculture
2. Annual crop monoculture
Types of Monoculture

a) Perennial monoculture – this involves the

planting of trees especially on steep slopes
and heavy clay soils. Rubber, ipil-ipil and
coconut are suitable trees under this
b) Annual crop monoculture – this system
utilizes both upland and lowland annual
crops like rice, corn and vegetables
Types of Multiple Cropping

1. Sequential cropping – growing of two or

more crops in sequence on the same field
within a 12 month period, with the
succeeding crop planted only after the
preceding crop has been harvested such that
a farmer managed only one crop at any time
on the same field. A sequential cropping is
denoted by a hyphen (-) between two
succeeding crops.
Types of Sequential Cropping
Double cropping – growing two crops in
sequence, seedling or transplanting one
after the harvest of the other – also called
sequential cropping
Triple cropping – growing three crops in
sequence, seedling or transplanted one
after the harvest of the other
Ratoon cropping – the development of a new
crop without replanting from buds on the
root system, stubble or stems of the
preceding crops, a harvest not necessarily
for grains. Rice under certain conditions
can be a ratooned crop.
Selection of Crops for Sequential Cropping

 Marketability
 Family benefits
 Environmental requirements of crops
 Skills required
 Stability of crops
 Cost and risk of each crop
General considerations in sequential cropping

 Change in maturity of varieties (early or

 Earlier planting or direct seeding, and
 Rapid turn around between crops
2. Intercropping

Intercropping is the growing of two or more

crops simultaneously on the same field
such that the period of overlap is long
enough to include vegetative stage.
Intercropping is denoted by a (+) sign
between any two crops grown

 the growing of two or more crops

simultaneously on the same piece of land,
base crop necessarily in distinct row
arrangement, or with or without a row
arrangement (row intecropping or or mixed
 - includes alley cropping, strip cropping,

contour cropping, paired row cropping, skip

cropping, parallel cropping, companion
cropping, multi-storeyed cropping, and
synergetic cropping.
Major intercropping systems:

1. Parallel cropping – cultivation of such crops

which have different natural habitat and zero
e.g. mungbean (30-35 days after sowing) +
maize (50 days after sowing)

2. Companion cropping – intercropping where

the production of both intercrops is equal to
that of its solid planting
e.g. mustard/potato/onion + sugarcane
Major intercropping systems:

3. Multi-storey/Multi tiered/Multi level –

cultivation of two or more than two crops of
different heights simultaneously on a certain
piece of land in any certain period
e.g. sugarcane + mustard + onion/potato

4. Synergetic cropping – the yields of both

crops are higher than of their pure crop on
unit area basis.
e.g. sugarcane + potato
Types of intercropping system

1. Additive series intercropping – one crop is

main crop or base crop and another crop is
intercrop. The intercrop is introduced into
the base crop by adjusting or changing the
crop geometry. The plant population of the
base crop is the same to what is the
recommended population in pure stand
whereas that of the intercrop is less.
Types of intercropping system

2. Replacement series intercropping – both the

crops are component crops. Neither is the
base crop nor is the intercrop. The plant
population of both component crops is less
than their recommended population in pure
Types of Intercropping

Mixed intercropping – growing of two or more

crops simultaneously intermingled in the
same plot with no distinct row arrangement
Row cropping – an intercropping where at least
one crop is planted in rows
Pre-requisites of Successful Intecropping:
Adequate supply of available water and it must be
available at the time it is needed
2. Adequate and timely supply of seeds, fertilizers and
crop protection materials
3. Use of short duration varieties and hybrids
4. Development of new market, processing and
new uses of crops
5. High man-hour requirement
6. Better understanding of scientific agriculture
or a need for a better farm manager
Selection of crops for intercropping

1. The crop should not be a host to any pests

and diseases that will attack both crops
2. The growth of one crop especially the
shorter crop should not be faster or earlier
than the other crop
3. Nutrient preferences of crops should be
4. Should not heavily shade the other crop
3. Relay Intercropping (relay cropping)

Relay intercropping/relay cropping – growing

of two or more crops together, but seeding or
transplanting the succeeding one after
flowering and before the harvest of the
former crop.
 If the planting of the second crop is done

before the flowering stage of the first crop,

the cropping pattern is intercropping. Relay
cropping is denoted with a slash (/) between
Other types of Cropping Patterns
 Strip cropping – the growing of two or more
crops simultaneously in separate plots
arranged in strips that can be independently
 Sorjan cultivation – system of crop
cultivation in parallel beds and sinks
wherein lowland crops are planted in the
sinks and upland crops are grown in beds.
Two successive upland crops can be grown
in beds during the year and the rice crops in
the sinks.
Other types of Cropping Patterns

Alley cropping – the system follows an

alternate succession of the strips or
hedgerow croppings of perennial crops
established along the contour of the slope
and an open space or alley which is devoted
to annual agricultural crops. There are two
types of alley cropping: the terraced and
Types of alley cropping

1) Unterraced slope – the hedgerows of trees

are planted along the contour and the alleys
devoted to agricultural crops that also
follow the contours.

2) Terraced slope – the hedgerows of trees are

planted near the outer edges of terrace
benches to serve as erosion control and
windbreaks. Strips of agricultural crops are
grown along the terrace benches.
Limitations of Multiple Cropping

a) Allelopathy – refers to the detrimental

effects of higher plants of one species on the
germination, growth or development of
plants of another species. The primary effects
of allelopathy on crop production is
associated with the toxins released or exuded
by plants which are either products of
metabolism of waste product to prevent
Limitations of Multiple Cropping

b) Morphological differences – the difference

in form or structure of the component crops
especially in terms of height, leaf
distribution, and formation of the branch will
greatly influence the degree of competition
(light, water, nutrients) between and among
species. The morphological difference is
primarily related to “mutual shading” which in
turn is directly related to photosynthesis.
Solutions to solve morphological
problems in multiple cropping
a) Select component crops that do not produce
too much shade or tolerant to shade
b) B) use crops with contrasting maturity
c) Plant the shorter crop earlier than the taller
d) Modify the row arrangement or spacing to
enhance more light penetration
Crop rotation
 The growing of different crops in a definite
order of succession on the same land.

Advantages of crop rotation:

 Increased yields
 Better control of weeds, pests and diseases
 Maintenance of organic matter content of the
 Balanced utilization of nutrients in the soil
 Better distribution of farm labor and less
economic crisis
Integrated rice farming
 It refers to a system of growing rice in
combination with other crops and other
components of production outside the crop
such as fish culture and livestock raising.
The various component of production that
are integrated into the system arte those that
complement or intersupport each other so as
to maximize total productivity.
Hilly Farming System

Hilly lands or sloping uplands are rugged

terrain with 18% slope or greater and in
elevations ranging from near sea level to
above 1000m. These are prone to excessive
erosion and productivity is limited unless soil
conservation measures are observed and
Systems of Hilly Farming
 Contour hedgerows and alley cropping
 Contour bunding with hedgerows
 Hedgerows planting on terraced slopes
 Grass strips as contour vegetative barriers for
soil erosion
Cropping Systems for Hilly Areas

Harold R. Watson and Warlito A. Laquihon of

the Baptists Rural Life Center at Bansalan
Davao del Sur developed a cropping system
for hilly areas. They termed it SALT (Sloping
Agricultural Land Technology) which won a
1985 TOYM award for Watson.
SALT Cropping System
SALT system can prevent soil erosion,
improves soil fertility and provides a
continuous income from diverse crops
planted on the hilly land.
Basically, SALT involves planting field crops
and perennial crops in bands 3-5 m wide
between double rows if N2 fixing shrubs and
trees planted along the contour. These
minimizes soil erosion and maintain soil
fertility. Field crops include legumes, cereals,
and vegetables while the main perennial
crops are cacao, coffee, banana, citrus and
fruit trees.
SALT Cropping System
SALT help considerably in the establishment of
a stable environment. The double hedgerows
of leguminous shrubs or trees prevent soil
erosion. Their branches are cut every 30-45
days and incorporated back into the soil to
improve its fertility.
The crop provides permanent vegetative cover
which aids the conservation of both water
and soil. The legumes and perennial crops
maintain soil and air temperatures at levels
favorable for enhanced growth of different
agricultural crops.
Steps of SALT
1. Making of A-frame
2. Determining the contour lines
3. Cultivating the contour lines
4. Planting seeds of different N2 fixing trees &
5. Cultivating alternate strips
6. Planting permanent crops
7. Planting short-term crops
8. Trimming of N2-fixing trees
9. Practicing crop rotation
10. Building green terraces
SALT 2 Technology
It was developed for small-scale low-income
farmers on slope land in tropical Asia,
combines crop production with the raising of
small livestock (dairy goat). A farm of one-
half hectare is divided into two parts, one for
forage crops, the other for food and cash
crops. Livestock are fed on the forage crops,
mainly leguminous shrubs, which are planted
in hedgerows along the contour and around
the boundary of the farm. Twelve does raised
under this system for dairy provided an
annual net income of more than $1000.
Agroforestry and Tree Farming
Agroforestry is a land-use system in which
agricultural crops/and or livestock and forest
trees are raised on the same land either
sequentially through rotational use or
simultaneous. The forest trees are grown for
use as pulp, timber, fiber board and electric
posts. In the hedgerow alley system, the
hedgerows may be occupied by fast growing
trees which are left to grow until they are
harvested at the right age.
Agroforestry …

The trees provide the barrier to soil erosion

and the alleys are utilized for food crop
production. The disadvantage of the use of
forest trees as hedgerows is the shading
effect on the alley crops.
Necessity of Agro-forestry:

1. Continuous supply of fuel and fodder

2. Ecological balance
3. Free oxygen through photosynthesis
4. Acts as windbreaks
5. Creates employment opportunities
Objectives of agro-forestry

1.Diversified and or more sustainable

production at a higher level from the
available resources.

2. Economically superior land use with

intensive agro-forestry systems on fertile
soils of small and marginal farmers
In hilly areas, the practice of agro-forestry has
been developed - - -

1. To get material for cheap and light type of

2. To meet the basic requirements of fuel
wood in the locality;
3. To get fodder for livestock and green
manure for agricultural crops; and
4. To get protection from cool breeze to
agricultural crops.
Types and Components of agro-forestry

1.Agri-silviculture – the growing of agricultural

crops along with the forest crops. It means
agricultural crops + forest crops

2. Sylvi-pastoral systems – a land management

system in which forests are managed for
the production of wood as well as for
rearing of domesticated animals.
Types and Components of agro-forestry

3.Agri-silvi-pastoral systems – agricultural

crops + forest crops + pasture management

4.Agri-horti-silvicultural systems – agricultural

crops + horticulture + silviculture

5.Multipurpose forest tree production –

forestry for the multipurpose benefits or uses
Characteristics of Tree and Plant Species Suitable for Agro-forestry Systems

1. Amenable for early wide spacing for

2. Possess self pruning practices
3. If not self-pruning, they should be able to
tolerate relatively high incidence of pruning,
4. Low crown diameter to bole diameter ratio
5. Light branching habit
Characteristics of Tree and Plant Species
Suitable for Agro-forestry Systems

6. Tolerant to shade
7. Their phyllotaxies should permit the
penetration of light to the ground
8. Their phenology should be advantageous to
the growth of the annual crop in association
9. Their rate of litter fall and litter decomposition
should have positive effects upon the soil
Objectives of agroforestry

1. Diversified and or more sustainable

production at a higher level from the
available resources.

2. Economically superior land use with

intensive agro-forestry systems on
fertile soils of small and marginal
Objectives of agro-forestry
3. Production of basic needs of farmers:
food, fruit, fodder, fuel etc from their
own piece of land; and

4. Enhancement of land productivity and

sustainability in lands affected by low
soil fertility, high erosion and high soil

Examples of tree species for agroforestry:

Falcata (Albizzia falcataria)

“Kaatongan bangkal” (Anthocephalus chinensis
Mahogany (Sweitenia macrophylla)
Yemane (Gmelina arborea)
Bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta)
“Gubas” (Endosperma peltatum)
“Banlag” (Xylopia ferruginnea)
What is a forest?
Forest – a complex organism, compost of
distinct biological units called forest
communities that have come into being by
the combined action and reaction of a
variety of organisms with complex factor of
the habitat that them-selves changed both
in space and time.
Role of a forest:

1. Productive – production of timber, pulp,

fuel. Wood, fodder and minor forest
products (gum, lac, honey, herbal drugs,

2. Protective – protection of environment,

moderation of climate, soil
conservation and amelioration,
prevention of soil erosion,
regulation of water supplies, control of
floods and recycling of nutrients. It
also served as “pollution sink”.

 Waste or by-product utilization – waste

of one subsystem becomes an input
to other subsystem.

 Improved space utilization – two or more

subsystems essentially occupy part or
all of the space required for an
individual subsystem
Integrated Farming System ---

The linking together of two normally separate

farming systems which become subsystem of a
whole farming systems (Edwards, 1985)
Advantages of IF

 Increased productivity
 Greater income
 Improved cash flow
 Fuller employment
 Better diet for the farmer and his family
 Spread of both biological and economic risk
Design Criteria for IF

1. Crops – The choice of crops depends on a

number of factors: soil condition, water
availability, temperature, market, seeds,
capital and its complementation to other
2. Livestock – The choice of livestock
depends on: culture, species of animals,
feeds and feed conversion, capital and
Design Criteria for IF

3. Fish - The rationale of integrating fish

with crop and livestock is the large
amount of wastage on crops, specifically
vegetables, before and during harvest
and of nutrients present in the feed that
is recovered from the manure: 72- 89% N,
61-87% P and 82-92% K.


1. Rice - Based Farming Systems

 Rice - Fish Culture
 Rotational Rice - Fish
 Taro - Fish Culture
2. Coconut-Based Farming Systems
3. Sugarcane-Based Farming System
4. Corn-Based Farming Systems

 Pig-Fish
 Chicken-Fish
 Duck-Fish
 Buffalo-Fish


Multiple cropping refers in a system of
cropping in which as many crops as
possible are grown on the same
land within a year. It is geared
towards maximizing productivity per
hectare by keeping the land occupied
with crops throughout the year.
Factors to consider in Multiple Cropping

 Availability of irrigation water

 Use of quick maturing varieties
 Change from traditional methods of growing

crops to a new system of cropping

 Availability of labor
 Liberal use of fertilizers and adequate pest

D. Crop Rotation (Sequential) and

 Crop rotation is the growing of different

crops in a definite order of succession on
the same land. The crops in rotation
form a mutual and beneficial allelopathic
D. Crop Rotation (Sequential) and Allelopathy

 Increased yield
 Better pest control
 Maintenance of organic matter content in

the soil
 Balanced utilization of nutrients in the soil
 Better distribution of farm labor and less

economic risks
A. Cropping Pattern in Irrigated Lowland
Rice Farming System

 Rice-Rice (R-R) Pattern

 Rice-Rice-Rice (R-R-R) Pattern
 Rice Garden – a cropping pattern in which
rice is planted in small garden-like plots
within the farm and harvested
continuously at regular intervals
throughout the year
B. Cropping Pattern in Rainfed Lowland Rice FS

1. Rice-Rice Pattern
2. Rice & Upland Crops Sequential Cropping
Pattern with 2 approaches:
2.1 Rice-Upland Crops – crops after rice
2.1 Upland Crops-Rice – crops before rice
3. Rice-Rice-Upland Crop and upland Crop-
Rice-Upland Crop – fitted for areas with
evenly distributed rainfall the year round. It
makes use of early maturing varieties.
Land Equivalent Ratio (LER)

 It is used to measure the yield advantage of

intercropping wherein the yield of the crops in
mixed culture is compared with that grown in
pure stand.

 Formula of LER:

LER = Xi/Xj + Yi/Yj

where: Xi and Yi are intercrop yields
Xj and Yj are sole crop yields

 It is the sum of the fraction of the yields of

the intercrops relative to their
corresponding sole crop yields.

 A LER index value higher than 1 indicates

the advantage of intercropping.
Multi-storey Cropping

 It is a combination of perennials and/or the

growing of annuals with perennials of
different stature in a row or mixed

 It is a low resource (OTA, 1988), resource-

poor (WCED, 1987), undervalued-resource
agriculture (Chambers, 1989) wherein
properties of the physical environment
and/or commercial infrastructure do not
allow widespread purchased of inputs.
Features of LEISA

 Optimize use of locally available resources

 Combining different components of the FS

such as plants, animals, soil, water, climate

and people
 Complementary and synergistic effects
 If external inputs are used, maximum

recycling and minimum detrimental impact

on the environment is given emphasis


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