Methods of Research

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Differences Between Research and


● There may not be a ● There is always a

problem, only interest problem to be solved.
in answering a question
or a query.
● A rigorous and broader ● Less rigorous and less
in scope. broad.
● Not necessarily defined ● Defined specifically
specifically. and identified

● All research is intended ● Problem-solving does not

to solve some kind of always involve research.
problem, but this is not
the primary aim.
● Research is conducted ● Problem-solving is
not primarily to solve a always intended to solve
problem but to make a a problem.
contribution to general

● Concerned with broad problems, ● Problem-solving is

recurrent phenomena, and wide concerned with a specific
application through problem and once the
generalization. It is concerned problem is solved that is
with defining and outlining the the end of it.
properties of phenomena, with
forecasting future occurrences
so that they may be predicted
and controlled, and with
describing the relationship or
phenomena by explaining how
and why certain events occurred
or could have occurred.
Kinds and Classification of
1. According to purpose.

a. Predictive or prognostic research has the purpose of determining

the future operation of the variables under investigation with the aim
of controlling or redirecting such for the better.
b. Directive research determines what should be done based on the
findings. This is to remedy an unsatisfactory condition if there is any.
c. Illuminative research is concerned with the components of the
variable being investigated, as for example, “interaction of the
components of educational systems and aims to show the
connections among, for example, student characteristics,
organizational patterns and policies, and educational consequences.”
Kinds and Classification of
2. According to goal.

a. Basic or pure research is done for the development of theories or

principles. It is conducted for the intellectual pleasure of learning. Much of
this kind of research has been done in psychology and sociology.
b. Applied research is the application of the results of pure research. This is
testing the efficacy of theories and principles. For instance, a principle says
that praise reinforces learning. To determine if this is true, one conducts an
experiment in which there are two classes. In one class, he uses praise but
in the other class there is no praise at all. All other things are kept equal. At
the end of the experimental period, he gives the same test to the two
classes. If the scores of the pupils in the class with praise are significantly
higher than those in the class without praise, then the principle is true.
Kinds and Classification of
3. According to the levels of investigation.

a. In exploratory research, the researcher studies the variables

pertinent to a specific situation.
b. In descriptive research, the researcher studies the relationships of
the variables.
c. In experimental research, the experimenter studies the effects of
the variables on each other.
Kinds and Classification of
4. According to the type of analysis.

a. In the analytic approach, the researcher attempts to identify and

isolate the components of the research situation.
b. The holistic approach begins with the total situation, focusing
attention on the system first and then on its internal relationships.
Kinds and Classification of
5. According to scope.

In education, it is a firing-line or on the job type of problem solving

or research used by teachers, supervisors, and administrators to
improve the quality of their decisions and actions; it seeks more
dependable and appropriate means of promoting and evaluating pupil
growth in line with the specific and general objectives and attempts to
improve educational practices without references to whether findings
would be applicable beyond the group studied.
Kinds and Classification of
5. According to scope.

In education, it is a firing-line or on the job type of problem solving

or research used by teachers, supervisors, and administrators to
improve the quality of their decisions and actions; it seeks more
dependable and appropriate means of promoting and evaluating pupil
growth in line with the specific and general objectives and attempts to
improve educational practices without references to whether findings
would be applicable beyond the group studied.
Kinds and Classification of
6. According to choice of answers to problems.

a. In evaluation research, all possible courses of action are specified

and identified and the researcher tries to find the most
b. In development research, the focus is on finding or developing a
more suitable instrument or process than has been available.
Kinds and Classification of
7. According to statistical content.

a. Quantitative or statistical research is one in which inferential

statistics are utilized to determine the results if the study. Inferential
statistics such as correlation, chi-square, analysis of variance, etc.
are used to test the hypothesis. This type of research usually
includes comparison studies, cause-and-effect relationships, etc.
b. Non-quantitative research. This is the research in which the use
of quantity or statistics is practically nil. This is especially true in
anthropological studies where description is usually used.
Descriptive data are gathered rather than quantitative data.
Kinds and Classification of
8. According to time element.

a. Historical research describes what was.

b. Descriptive research describes what is.
c. Experimental research describes what will be.

Historical, descriptive and experimental are the major research methods.

All other methods, kinds and types of research whatever they are called
fall under these three major methods.
Kinds and Classification of
8. According to time element.

a. Historical research describes what was.

b. Descriptive research describes what is.
c. Experimental research describes what will be.

Historical, descriptive and experimental are the major research methods.

All other methods, kinds and types of research whatever they are called
fall under these three major methods.
This is attributing to
supernatural power, the
phenomena that cannot be
The Scientific Method
of Research
1. Determining the problem
2. Forming a hypothesis
3. Doing the library search
4. Designing a study
5. Developing the instruments for collecting data
6. Collecting the data
7. Analyzing the data
8. Determining implications and conclusions from the
9. Making recommendations for further research

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