Science Assessment Student 1

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4. a. describe each creature’s structural features

b. use the environmental data and your science knowledge to analyse how the
features enable the creature to survive in its environment, e.g.
The creature has a long thin body type. It lives in a rocky environment and this feature
would assist the creature to be able to hide under the rocks for protection from predators
and sleep under the rocks for shelter.
Desert Animal
The reason chose the body type is because the fur on that body type reflects
the sun away from it keeping it nice and cool in the hot desert
The reason I chose the head is because it can stick it’s beak down little snake or
lizard holes and the sharp teeth help it chew threw the tough desert animals
The reason I chose the feet is because it pretect’s the animals big feet from the
hot desert floor
The reason I chose the neck is to give the animal more length to get it into the
holes to catch the animals if they run down in the burrow any further
The reason I chose the tail is because it is short an if a animal came up behind it
would not sea it and it and would not be able to bite it
4. a. describe each creature’s structural features
b. use the environmental data and your science knowledge to analyse how the
features enable the creature to survive in its environment, e.g.
The creature has a long thin body type. It lives in a rocky environment and this feature
would assist the creature to be able to hide under the rocks for protection from predators
and sleep under the rocks for shelter.
Rainforest Animal
*The reason I chose this body for the rain forest is because if a bear snake or more is
near it can huddle up into a ball and hide if it feels threatened .

The reason I chose the webbed feet is because it give’s them lot’s of grip on slippery

The reason I chose this head is because it is really good for sucking up grubs worms
and lot’s more.

the reason I chose the tail is because if a animal came up behind it . It would get
scared because it will think it’s a giant snake .

NECK the reason I chose the neck is because it makes it easier to curl up into the ball
5. Use the environmental data to justify the differences
in structural features between the two creatures. 
The reason I did not use the turtle shell for the desert is because it would get very overheated
because the shell would turn into a oven and die

I used the head for both of them because they are both used for the same thing in both areas
it is just a really good head

The reason I didn’t use the webbed feet on the desert is because the hot sand would melt
them or burn them

the reason i didn’t use the big thick tail for the desert is because it would lead like a coyote if
your in America or just a big animal

The reason I didn’t use the big long neck on the rain forest animal is
because a animal would sneak up on it and jump an latch onto the
long neck and kill it
6. Predict how your creature would be affected if most of the
trees were logged in the newly discovered environment. 

The animal would feel confused on were it was and when it found out it would be sad
frustrated angry disappointed and lost on trying to find a new place to go

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