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Mental Health

“Same world, different view”


SUBMITSED BY- mukesh parjapat

Characteristics of good mental health

Feels good about Uses health skills

themselves  Stress management
 Decision making

Feels comfortable with  Conflict resolution

other people Uses “I messages”

Able to meet the demands Copes/adapts with change

of life
Expresses emotions in
healthy ways Active listener

Is optimistic (positive) Can be part of a team/group

Characteristics of poor mental health

 Does NOT share feelings  “You” messages (blame and

 Emotions control behaviors
 Aggressive and passive

 Is pessimistic (negative)
 Depressed

 Ignores/denies problems  Runs from conflict

 Can not accept change  Close minded

 Lets stress control life  Needs to “run” the group

What word to you see first?
What is a mental illness?

Patterns of _______ or behavior, that cause a person

significant _______ pain or prevents normal functioning.

Answers: thinking & emotional

(Illness: a disease or period of sickness affecting the body

or mind.)
General Causes of Mental Ilnesses

Inherited traits

Negative life experiences (traumatic)

Environmental exposures before birth

 Viruses, toxins, alcohol or drugs

Brain chemistry
 Hormonal imbalances
Mental Health Quiz
Please reply saying: “true or false”

1. Mental illness is more common than diabetes.

2. Mental illness occurs in 1 out of every 4 families in
the U.S.
3. Mental illnesses are treatable.
4. Being mentally impaired/challenged is very different
from having a mental illness.
5. It takes medication, years of intense therapy, and
counseling to treat a mental illness.
If you answered true to all: you’re a M.I. whiz!
There is a chemical imbalance in the brain of a person with a
mental illness.
Optical Illusions
“Same picture, different view”
Say the color of each word
1.   Background

1.1. Barriers and facilitating factors for

seeking treatment

1.2 . Perceiver characteristics: relations with

attitudes toward mental health services

1.3. Purpose statement

2.   Methods

2.1. Participants

2.2. Instrumentation

2.3. Procedures

2.4. Data analysis

3.   Results

3.1. Demographic characteristics

3.2. Benefits of help-seeking

3.3. Barriers to help-seeking

3.4. Stigma-related attitudes

Chart of mental illness
Negative effect of undersolved mental health issue

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