HDW Advanced Grammar 7.7

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7 would

Would can express past habits.

When I was a child, we’d play in the woods.
My grandmother would read us stories.

1 If would is stressed, it suggests criticism and irritation.

My husband would borrow my car without asking. It really
annoyed me.
2 Stressed would can also be used to criticize a single past
action. The meaning is ‘that’s typical of you/him/her’.
‘He said you were unkind to him.’ ‘He would say that. He hates

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7.7 would

3 Would is used to express the future in the past. It reports speech

and thoughts.
Ashraf said he’d email me.
I knew you wouldn’t enjoy the job.
4 Wouldn’t can express a refusal on a particular past occasion.
He wouldn’t tell me anything about his new girlfriend.
The car wouldn’t start, so I called the garage.

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7.7 would

Match the function of would to sentences 1–5.

refusal future in the past show irritation that’s typical past habit

1 Dad would come home early from work and play with us.

habitwould say that. She’s never liked me.

3 that’s typical told me she’d meet me in town.


•I asked in the
what past but Sam wouldn’t say anything about it.

5 refusal
Theo would follow us around all the time – we used to get so cross
with him.

show irritation

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