DRR Final Na Gyud

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Module 7
There are various programs in several organizations around the
world that discuss different studies on the natural hazards of
hydro-meteorological phenomena and how to minimize their
impacts. Floods, tropical cyclones, drought and desertification
are among those threats resulting from natural processes or
phenomena of atmospheric, hydrological or oceanographic
nature. Climate change is having a significant effect on the
predicted growth of these natural hazards.
What is it?
Hydro, basically, means water. Meteorological is a phenomenon that are observable
weather events which illuminate and are explained by the science of meteorology.
Meteorology is a branch of science that deals with the study of the that focuses on
weather processes and forecasting.
Hydrology is the study of water on the surface of land, in soil and underlying rocks,
and in the atmosphere, particularly with respect to evaporation and precipitation.
Hydrometeorology is the study of atmospheric water especially precipitation, as it
affects agriculture, water supply, food control, power generation, etc. It pertains to the
occurrence, motion, and changes of state of atmospheric water (Disaster Reduction
Resource Manual, 2008).
Hydro-meteorological phenomena
The most prevailing type of hydro-
meteorological hazards in the country is
typhoon and its sequential effects of rain and
windstorms, as well as floods.
HURRICANE? CYCLONE? TYPHOON? Those three words are similar they
are tropical cyclone but they just use distinctive terms for a storm in different
parts of the world, A cyclone is an intense low-pressure area which is
characterized by strong spiral winds towards the center, called the "Eye" in a
counter-clockwise flow in the northem hemisphere.
Photo Credit Aural Image of Cyclone
(Hurricane Ivan Sept 2014
Like tornadoes, typhoons happen when warm
wind mixes with cold air, creating intense wind,
rain and flooding. Typhoons and hurricanes are
the same type of storm, but they happen in
different places. Typhoons occur in the Pacific
Ocean around Hawai and Asia (northwest
Pacific) Hurricane occur on the eastem seaboard
along the United States and Central Amenca
(northeast Pacific)
The table shows the

Modified Public Storm

Warning Signals (PSWS) in

the Philippines. The

following are impending

Hydro- meteorological hazards
A. Tropical cyclones
1. Strong wind
Strong wind hit the Eastern Samar Province in central Philippines last Ma
13, 2020 lots uprooted trees on the street, as Typhoon Vongfong battered t
country. Strong winds and heavy rain have also battered the island of Boh
which was devastated by a 72-magnitude earthquake three weeks ago. Mo
than 270,000 people in the area are already living under tarpaulins and in
makeshift shelters, and the extreme weather threatens to intensify the
humanitarian emergency last November 2013.
Hydro- meteorological hazards
A. Tropical cyclones
2.Excessive Rainfall/flood- It is important to listen to the news on the
radio or TV set to know the impending signs. As PSWS is issued
information regarding typhoons or cyclones, you should be aware of
what is expected and plan the steps you are going to go through
Constant listening to the latest weather update is highly advised. Color
coding is usually uttered by the weather specialist. For you to have a
clear understanding of the color-coded rainfall advisones, study the
color-coded rainfall advisories. Impending signs and warnings for
excessive rainfall or flood.
Kinds of flooding base on location and duration
A. Location
B. 1. River Flooding –
when the water
normally flowing in
the channel overflows
its banks and spreads
out onto the
surrounding land. This
causes major
problems for people
Kinds of flooding base on location and duration
A. Location
2. Coastal Flooding-occurs when
normally dry, low-lying land is
flooded by seawater. The extent
of coastal flooding is a function
of the elevation in land
floodwaters penetrate which is
controlled by the topography of
the coastal land exposed to
Kinds of flooding base on location and duration
A. Location
3. Urban Flooding is the
inundation of land or
property in a built
environment, particularly
more densely populated
areas, caused by rainfall
overwhelming the capacity
of drainage systems, such
as storm sewers.
Kinds of flooding base on location and duration
B. Duration
1. Flash Flooding is a rapid
flooding of low-lying areas
washes, rivers, dry lakes and
depressions. It may be caused by
heavy rain associated with a
severe hundent hurricane,
tropical storm, or meltwater
from ice or snow flowing over
ice sheets or snowfields
Kinds of flooding base on location and duration
B. Duration
2. Sheet Flooding an expanse of
moving water into which the
transient streams of all
accompanied by lighanis regions
spread out as they issue from the
mountains upon the plains.
Kinds of flooding base on location and duration
B. Duration
3. Storm Surge in Coastal Areas
– a rising of the sea as a result of
atmospheric pressure changes
and wind associated with a
Kinds of flooding base on location and duration
B. Duration
4. Landslide-it is the movement
of rock, earth or debris down a
sloped section of land. It is by
rain, earthquakes, volcanoes, or
other factors that make the slope
Kinds of flooding base on location and duration
B. Duration
5. Thunderstorm – is a weather
condition that produces
lightning and thunder, heavy
rainfall from cumulonimbus
clouds and possibly a tornado. It
is a violent local atmospheric
disturbance accompanied by
thunder, and heavy rain.
Kinds of flooding base on location and duration
B. Duration
6. La Niña / El Niño- La Niña is the abnormal cooling of sea
surface temperatures that cause heavy rainfall while El Niño
refers to the abnormal warming of sea surface temperatures in
the Pacific, which causes droughts and below-normal rainfall.
It has brought losses to Philippine agriculture. Approximately,
La Nina is the opposite of El Nino. Each El Nino or La Nina
episode usually lasts for several seasons (Disaster Reduction
Resource Manual, 2008)
Come up with as many
solutions as possible. Write
them all down, even the
ones you don't think are
Small Group
Share all of your ideas and
group together the ideas that
are similar.
Big Group Activity
Sort the grouped ideas into even larger buckets.
Big Group
Can you add something to
one of the ideas or improve
an idea bucket?
Which solutions have
resonated with you? Which
solutions most align with the
Time to vote
Next Steps
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• Aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt labore.
Thanks for your time!

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