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Verbal bullying:
This type of bullying involves using words to hurt
someone. Examples include name-calling, teasing,
insulting, and making negative comments about
someone's race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
This type of bullying involves using digital technology to harass
or humiliate someone. Examples include sending threatening or
hurtful messages through social media, spreading rumors or lies
online, and posting embarrassing photos or videos.
Social bullying:

This type of bullying involves manipulating someone's

relationships with others to hurt them. Examples
include spreading rumors, excluding someone from a
social group, and using peer pressure to force someone
to do something they don't want to do.
Physical bullying:

This type of bullying involves using physical

force to hurt someone. Examples include hitting,
punching, kicking, spitting, and pushing.
What to do?
● Bullying is a serious issue that can have negative effects on a victim's mental and physical health. There are several ways
to stop bullying:
● Creating a positive school or community culture: Support kindness and respect as values that are modeled by all
members of the community. This can be done by posters, and public events.
● Educating students, teachers, and parents about bullying: Give information on what bullying is, how to recognize it, and
what steps to take is anybody is bullied. We can organize workshops, training sessions, or seminars.
● Encouraging: Encourage students to speak up if they witness bullying, and provide them with strategies for doing so
safely and effectively. We can give them a script to follow, or practice with them in role-play scenarios.
● Put clear consequences for bullying behavior: Make it clear that bullying will not be tolerated, and put clear
consequences for those who do it. This can be suspension from school.
● Providing support for victims: Offer counseling or other forms of support for victims of bullying, and make that they feel
safe and supported at school.

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