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PERT Program Evaluation & Review Technique

Module: 03-04 PERT

Modified: February 20, 2003

CVEN 349 - Maxwell



Introduce the ideas that:

Construction is a variable process. there are few constants. These variations cause risk in estimating any outcome. And There are ways to deal with that risk.

CVEN 349 - Maxwell


Learning Objectives:

Assuming a normal distribution, be able to make statistical inferences about estimated completion times, based on variable task times.

CVEN 349 - Maxwell


PERT Basic Concept

First used by NASA to Flow-Chart and Schedule their projects. Approach is used for projects where the activity durations and costs are largely guess work that is, SWAGs. Works surprising well on large projects because of the math and statistics.

CVEN 349 - Maxwell 3/20/2003

Basic Statistical Ideas

Mean = X-bar = (Lo + 4*ML + Hi)/6 S.D. = sigma = (Hi Lo)/6

Lo = Estimate for Minimum Value ML = Estimate for Most Likely Value Hi = Estimate for Maximum Value

Use the Delphi Technique or some other systematic process to get estimates for Lo, ML, Hi Central Limit Theorem (CTL) forces Normality
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1. Take a standard process activity flow diagram.

2. Add Time Estimates from Delphi or other technique.

3. Apply to Activity Diagram and Find Critical Path

Central Limit Theorem

Given N samples of size M drawn from the same population of unknown distribution. The Mean of the distribution of the sample means (DSM) is an unbiased estimator of the population mean. The Variance of the DSM is an unbiased estimator of the Variance of the population divided by the sample size M. Standard Deviation = SQRT of the Variance The DSM approaches normal as M approaches infinity. M = 30 is generally OK.

CVEN 349 - Maxwell


The Problem is the Shape of the Curve What Distribution?

We assume Normal for ease of use but the tails are too thin causing an underestimation of extreme cases. A Triangular is easier to use but the tails are too fat causing overestimation of extreme cases. A gamma distribution appears a best fit to most unsymmetrical cases.

CVEN 349 - Maxwell 3/20/2003

4. Find Expected Duration


CVEN 349 - Maxwell


5. Make Statistical Inferences


CVEN 349 - Maxwell


The application to construction should be obvious.


CVEN 349 - Maxwell


Class Assessment

Take out a piece of paper and write 1 sentence on the least clear topic of the day
Pass it forward.


CVEN 349 - Maxwell


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