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Prepared By: Meghnaa Sajeevan
Moderator: Dr. Gnanamani

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To provide the key Risk factors Suicide Suicide Stress
datas such as rates and protective warning signs Prevention Management
and trends in factors of interventions
suicide. suicide
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 Each suicide is a personal tragedy that prematurely
takes the life of an individual and has a continuing
ripple effect, affecting the lives of families, friends and
 Every year, more than 1,00,000 people commit
suicide in our country.
 There are various causes of suicides like
professional/career problems, sense of isolation, abuse,
violence, family problems, mental disorders, addiction
to alcohol, financial loss, chronic pain etc.

Global Burden
• An estimated 7,03,000 people a year take their life around the world.
• For every suicide, there are likely 20 other people making a suicide
attempt, that roughly equates to 1.4 crore people attempting suicide across
the globe.
• Post-COVID has heralded the mental health issues globally, accelerating
the rates of attempted suicide and death by suicide rate.

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National Burden 1,64,033 death by suicide
occurred in the year 2021

Approximately the attempt to commit

suicide is 20 times more

32,80,660 attempted suicide

per year according to NCRB

As per WHO, there is currently

three times the reported case

This makes suicide an epidemic

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Suicide Rates 2017-

According to National Crime Records Bureau

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Rate of Suicide in
States/UTs during 2021

•Majority of suicides were reported

in Maharashtra (22,207)
•Followed by 18,925 suicides in
Tamil Nadu
•14,965 suicides in Madhya
•13,500 suicides in West Bengal and
•13,056 suicides in Karnataka
•These 5 States together accounted
for 50.4% of the total suicides
reported in the country.

Percentage of
suicide acc. To
educational level
As you can see, there is a
drop in the suicide percentage
as the educational status of an
individual increases.
•Causes of Suicides
•'Family Problems' and 'Illness' were
the major causes of suicides which
accounted for 33.2% and 18.6% of
total suicides respectively during 2021.
•"Drug Abuse/
•Alcoholic Addiction' (6.4%),
•'Marriage Related Issues'(4.8%).
•'Love Affairs' (4.6%),
•'Bankruptcy or Indebtedness' (3.9%),
•'Unemployment' (2.2%)
•Failure in Examination’ (1.0%),
•"Professional/Career Problem (1.6%)
•'Poverty* (1.1%) were other causes of
•Means Adopted for Committing
•The means adopted for committing
suicide varied from the easily available
and effective means such as
consumption of poison, jumping etc. to
more painful means such as self-
inflicted injuries, hanging etc. Like
previous year, 'Hanging' (57.0%),
consuming 'Poison' (25.1%),
'Drowning' (5.1%) and 'Fire/Self-
Immolation' (2.6%) were the
prominent means/mode of committing

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A c/o Mosquito Repellant Poisoning A c/o Ant Killer Powder Poisoning

Suicide is an MLC case and should be reported to the police.

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• Talking about wanting to die or to  kill oneself.
• Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.
• Looking for a way to kill oneself
• Acting anxious or agitated
• behaving recklessly

Suicide Warning •

Sleeping too little or too much.
Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.

Signs •

Withdrawing or feeling isolated.
Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.
• Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.
• Talking about being a burden
• Displaying extreme mood swings to others.

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Rating Scales for Suicide Behaviour and Related Mental Health
• The most widely used scales for rating suicidal behaviour include:
• The Scale for Suicidal Ideation has good reported reliability and validity and measures three major
factors: active suicidal desire, specific plans for suicide, and passive suicidal desire.
• The Suicide Intent Scale measures the degree of suicide intent.
• The Risk-Rescue Rating Scale is an interviewer-administered measure that assesses the lethality and
intent of a suicide attempt.
• The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale assesses severity of suicidal ideation and tracks suicidal
• The Beck Hopelessness Scale is a self-report inventory designed to measure three major aspects of
hopelessness: feelings about the future, loss of motivation, and expectations.
• The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale is a clinician-applied scale rating dimensions of depression.
• The Beck Depression Inventory is a multiple-choice self-report inventory that measures the severity
of depression.

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Level of Suicide Prevention
• Suicide prevention can be divided into three levels:

Primary: Primary prevention aims to provide programs and services to prevent a

suicide attempt. It focuses on reducing the risk factors and promoting the protective
factors associated with suicide
• Secondary: Secondary prevention aims to provide programs and services after an
attempted or completed suicide. It addresses the short-term impact and effects of
• Tertiary: Tertiary prevention programs and services are long-term responses and plans
to address the after-effects and consequences of suicide such as providing care.

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On Going Suicide Prevention Initiatives


1.National Mental Health Policy 2014
United Nation Sustainable WHO guidance on suicide 2.Mental Healthcare Act, 2017
Development Goals prevention (4key strategies) 3.NMHP
1.Health and promotion of 1.Restricting success to means of 4.Mental Health & Psychosocial
wellbeing suicide support in emergencies
2. Reduce premature 2.Working with the media to 5.National Palliative Care Program
mortality from NCDS ensure responsible reporting of 6.Ayushman Bharat
3. Reduce Suicide by suicide 7.National Programme for prevention
prevention and treatment of 3.Helping young people to develop of cancer, Diabetes, CVS & Stroke
substance use skills to cope with various 9.Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram &
stressors Rashtriya Kisho Swasthya Karykram
4.Early identification, management 10.School Health Ambassador Initiative
& surveillance 11.Nasha Mukti Abhiyaan Task Force
12.Nasha Mukt Bharat
13.National Suicide Prevention
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WHO Initiative - Live Life
•Leadership in policy and multisectoral
•Interventions for implementation
•Vision for innovation, financing, and delivery
•Evaluation, monitoring, surveillance and research
•Less means by restricting access
•Interaction with media for responsible reporting
•Form the young in their life skills
•Early identification, management and follow-up

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National Mental Health Program
It was launched in 1982 to ensure availability of mental health services for all,
especially the communities at risk and underprivileged section of the population.
At present the program covers 512 districts in 36 states.

The program strategies are :

1. Integration of mental health with primary health care.
2. Provision of tertiary care institutions for treatment of mental disorders.
3. Eradicating stigmatisation of mentally ill patients and protecting their rights
through regulatory institutions like the Central Mental Health Authority and the
State Mental Health Authority.

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National Mental Health Policy 2014

It enlists prevention of mental disorders, reduction of suicide

and attempted suicide as core priority areas.
The Policy suggests multiple interventions to prevent suicides.
These involve:
-Creating awareness about and de-stigmatising mental health
-Addressing discrimination and exclusion associated with
mental disorders
-Addressing substance abuse and dependence
-Establishing crisis intervention centres and helplines
- Establishing guidelines for responsible media reporting of
-Restricting access to means of suicide
-Monitoring of both, mental health of the population and
impact of mental health programmes
Mental Healthcare Act 2017

• Previously, in India attempted suicide was a punishable offence.

Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code stated that “whoever attempts
to commit suicide and does any act towards the commission of such
an offence shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term
which may extend to one year or with a fine or with both".
• In 2017, this law was deemed counter-productive and was revised
under the Mental Healthcare Act
• Under the Section 115 of MHCA, 2017, state "Not withstanding
anything contained in section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, any
person who attempts to commit suicide shall be presumed, unless
proved otherwise, to have severe stress and shall not be tried and
punished under the said Code".
• The Govt. Has taken upon itself the duty to provide care and
treatment and rehabilitation of a person having severe stress and
attempted suicide.
National Suicide
Prevention Strategy
• Goals and Objectives
• It is evident that suicide is a major public
health concern in India.
• Majority of suicides are preventable.
• National suicide prevention strategy has
been developed to address this need.
• The National Suicide Prevention Strategy
aims to reduce suicide mortality by 10%
in the country by 2030. This is in
comparison to the suicide prevalence in the
year 2020.
• It delineates the 'REDS' path for suicide
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What is the REDS path?
•It delineates the following:
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•Reinforce leadership, partnerships and institutional

capacity in the country
•Enhance the capacity of health services to provide
suicide prevention services.
•Develop community resilience and societal support
for suicide prevention and reduce stigma associated
with suicidal behaviors.
•Strengthen surveillance and evidence generation.

NSPS Implementation Objectives of NSPS

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Strategies to Prevent Suicide

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Stress Management
Many of us are facing challenges that can be stressful and overwhelming. Learning to cope
with stress in a healthy way will help you, the people you care about, and those around
you become more resilient.

Stress can cause the following:

• Feelings of fear, anger, sadness, worry, numbness, or frustration.
• Changes in appetite, energy, desires, and interests.
• Trouble concentrating and making decisions.
• Nightmares or problems sleeping.
• Physical reactions, such as headaches, body pains, stomach problems, or skin rashes.
• Worsening of chronic health problems and mental health conditions.
• Increased use of alcohol, illegal drugs (like heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine),
and misuse of prescription drugs (like opioids).

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Stress Management

• Relaxation or Meditation
• Anticipatory guidance
• Guided imagery
• Biofeedback
• Crisis intervention

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• 1. Find a support system. Find someone
to talk to about your feelings and
• 2. Change your attitude. Find other ways
to think about stressful situations.
• 3. Be realistic. Set practical goals for
dealing with situations and solving
problems. Develop realistic expectations of
yourself and others.
• 4. Get organised and take charge. Being
unorganised or engaging in poor planning
often leads to frustration or crisis
situations, which most always leads to
feeling stressed.
• 5. Take breaks, give yourself "me time.”
• 6. Take good care of yourself.
• 7. Learn to say "no.“
• 8. Get a hobby, do something different.
20XX Presentation title • 9. Therapy can be life changing.
Strong mind, Stronger you.

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1.Park's Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine Textbook by K. Park
2. IAPSM's Textbook of Community Medicine

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Thank you

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