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National University of Modern Languages

Department of Media and Communication Studies

Course: Fundamentals of ICT

Course Code: MCIT-111
Credit Hours: 3
Program: BS 1st (Media & Communication Studies)
Topic: Internet and Web Applications
Instructor: Rabia Yousaf
What is The Internet?
 The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible
network of networks. Through interconnected
computer networks, the Internet enables individuals
and businesses to share information, resources, and
services. Because no single individual or group of
individuals controls the Internet, it is imperative that
certain rules and guidelines are adhered to so that it
can function efficiently.
Diagram of Internet
Internet Usages
2. Send and receive emails
3. Download files
4. Post your opinion to a newsgroup
5. Chatting
6. Surf the world wide web
7. Business
8. Shopping
9. Entertainment
Internet Applications
 The World-Wide Web(WWW)
 Electronic Mail(E-Mail)
 An email client
 A web based mail
 File Transfer Protocol(FTP)
 Search Engine
 Chatting
 Video Conferencing
 E-Commerce
1. World Wide Web (WWW)
 The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked
hyper text documents accessed via the Internet
 With a web browser, one can view web pages that may
contain text, images, videos, and other multi media and
navigate between them via hyperlinks
 It use a protocol called HTTP–Hyper text Transfer
 HTTP defines how messages are formatted and
transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers
should take in response to various commands.
 A Uniform Resource Locator ,or URL is the address
of a document you'll find on the WWW.
 The elements in a URL:
 Protocol://server's address/filename
 Example:
1. World Wide Web (WWW)
2. Electronic Mail (Email)
The transmission of messages over
communications networks.
It is a fast and efficient way to communicate
with friends or colleagues.
You can communicate with one person at a
time or thousands; you can receive and send
files and other information.
Basic email functions:
1. Send and receive mail messages
2.Save your messages in a file
3. Print mail messages
4. Reply to mail messages
5. Attach a file to a mail message
2. Electronic Mail (Email)

Email address:
Some one@mail server
The email address has three parts:
1. a user name
2. an "at" sign (@)
3. the address of the user's mail server
3. Email Client

An email client is a computer program

used to manage a user's email.
Popular email clients include Microsoft
Outlook, Pegasus Mail, Mozilla's Thunder
bird ,and Apple Inc.'s Mail.
4. Web-based mail
A web based mail Is an email service
intended to be primarily accessed via a
web browser.
Very popular web mail providers:
Yahoo ! Mail
Web mail is popular as it allows you to
send or receive e-mail from anywhere
5. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
The protocol for exchanging files over the
Used for moving files between two hosts on a
TCP/IP network.
FTP is most commonly used to download a file
from a server using the Internet or to upload a
file to a server.
To do FTP, a user invokes one of two
1 get-the command for transferring a file
from another server to your own computer.
2. put-the command for moving a file from
your computer to another one.
6. Search Engine

A search engine is
designed to search
for information on
the internet.
Search engine
presents the search
results in the form of
a search results list.
The search results
can be web pages,
images, videos, and
other type of files. –Bing
7. Chatting
Chatting is the other
method for Internet
It enables people
connected any
where on the
Internet to join in
live discussions.
Chat sessions allow
many users to join Examples:
in the same free-
form conversation, •MSN Messenger
usually centered •Yahoo Messenger
around a discussion •IRC
topic. •Pidgin
8. Video Conferencing
A video conference
is a set of
technologies which
allow two or more
locations to interact
via two-way video
and audio The other components required for a
videoconferencing system include:
transmissions •Video input and output
simultaneously. •Audio input and output
•Data transfer
9. E-Commerce
Electronic commerce or E-Commerce consists of the buying
and selling of products or services over electronic systems
such as the Internet and other computer networks.
It includes the entire online process of developing,
marketing, selling, delivering, servicing and paying for
products and services.
Some common applications related to electronic
commerce are the following:
1. Domestic and international payment systems
2. Group buying
3. Automated online assistants
4. Online shopping and order tracking
5. Online banking
6. Shopping cart software
7. Electronic tickets
What is The Web Application?
A Web application is an application that is invoked
with a Web browser over the Internet.
 Ever since 1994 when the Internet became available
to the public and especially in 1995 when the World
Wide Web put a usable face on the Internet, the
Internet has become a platform of choice for a large
number of ever-more sophisticated and innovative
Web applications.
 In just one decade, the Web has evolved from being
a repository of pages used primarily for accessing
static, mostly scientific, information to a powerful
platform for application development and
Diagram for Web Application
Web Application
New Web technologies, languages, and methodologies make it
possible to create dynamic applications that represent a new
model of cooperation and collaboration among large numbers of
 For example, searching and tagging have become standard
components of a new generation of collaborative applications
and processes.
Future developments in Web applications will be driven
by advances in browser technology, Web internet infrastructure,
protocol standards, software engineering methods, and
application trends.
Applications of Web
Modern Web applications: examples
Early Web applications offered mostly textual user
interfaces and limited interactivity. Today’s Web
applications offer rich interfaces, are interactive, and
support collaboration among users.
Some web applications are:
1. Google docs
3. Wikipedia
4. Blog Systems
5. Key components of modern Web applications
1. Google docs and spreadsheets is a recent service
offered by Google that provides the traditional word
processing and spreadsheet functionalities as a Web
 They are streamlined services that support the most
often-used features and do not support many
features that are offered by commercial word
The interface looks very much like a typical desktop
The user does not have to press a submit button after
every change (a hallmark of the first generation Web
 The user’s data is automatically saved in the
You can even drag a piece of text in the window.
2. is a Web application that helps users manage
and share their bookmarks.
As the amount of information on the Web has grown, it has
become more and more difficult to keep track of the
information you find and want to remember for future
The bookmark feature in browsers was intended for this
purpose but it has limited functionality.
 lets users store bookmarks and tag those
bookmarks with user-defined terms.
The tags are therefore available to the user from anywhere
on the Internet and they make it easier to search for
bookmarks. Further, by sharing bookmarks and tags, users
can help each other find related Web pages.
The system can also suggest tags that other users have
applied to the same document, thus giving the user ideas on
how to classify a document.
3. Wikipedia has become one of the most popular sites on
the Internet.
It is used by many as an authoritative source of
information, from finding definitions of technical terms to
explanations of current events.
The key feature of Wikipedia is that its content is produced
by users. Anyone can add or edit the information on
In contrast to a traditional printed or on-line encyclopedia
that employs professional editors and writers to produce and
structure and authenticate its content, Wikipedia relies on
social structures to ensure the creation and correction of its
The vast numbers of users of the Internet form a large
pool of potential volunteers.
 The Wikipedia is updated constantly rather than following
the multi-year release cycle of a traditional encyclopedia.
4.Blog Systems
According toWikipedia, “A blog is aWeb site where
entries are made in journal style and displayed in a
reverse chronological order.”
A fundamental feature of blogs is that it creates the
ability of readers to interactively leave comments for
others to see and comment on.
 Blogs (Web logs) first appeared on the
A blog is a Website managed by the user; content is
added by “posting.”
These posts are often organized in categories and can be
commented on by other users.
The traffic on blogs is intense and bloggers often cite
other blogs within their posts.
5. Key components of modern Web applications
Some features stand out as key features, like.
 Searching
User participation
 User interaction and
 Collaboration
Web 4.0(2020-2030)

Web 4 is “based on wireless communication (mobile

devices or computer) connecting people and objects
whenever and wherever in the physical or virtual world in
real time” .
The GPS(Global Positioning System) which helps
people to find their way is a good example for this type.
Web 5.0(Future)
Web 5.0 is still progressing and does not complete its formation however, it
is defined as linked, emotive and symbolic web that communicates with
In addition, it is based on emotional association with humans. It functions
like a personal assistant.
Technology and human interaction becomes inseperable.
Now, technology cannot understand how humans feel however, there are
already some startups like wefeelfine and emotiv that seek to explore
human emotion.

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