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Cloud Computing

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

What is Cloud Storage?

Cloud storage is a model of computer data storage in which the

digital data is stored in logical pools, said to be on "the cloud". The
physical storage spans multiple servers, and the physical
environment is typically owned and managed by a hosting
company. There are three main cloud storage types: object storage,
file storage, and block storage.
What is Object Storage?

Object storage is a computer data storage that manages data as

objects, as opposed to other storage architectures like file systems
which manages data as a file hierarchy, and block storage which
manages data as blocks within sectors and tracks. Object storage
can automatically replicate data and store it across multiple devices
and geographical locations. This can help protect against outages,
safeguard against data loss, and help support disaster recovery
What is File Storage?

File storage—also called file-level or file-based storage—is a

hierarchical storage methodology used to organize and store data on
a computer hard drive or on network-attached storage (NAS)
device. The biggest advantage of file-based storage is probably
that anyone can understand the system. A hierarchical system is
familiar not just from IT but in principle this method is also used in
domestic file folders. In general, it is also quite easy to scale a
system with file storage.
What is Block Storage?

Block storage is technology that controls data storage and

storage devices. It takes any data, like a file or database entry, and
divides it into blocks of equal sizes. The block storage system then
stores the data block on underlying physical storage in a manner
that is optimized for fast access and retrieval.
What are the Pros and Cons of Cloud Storage?

 Pros:
Disaster Recovery (DR)
Access your data anywhere
Low cost

 Cons:
Lack of total control
Difficult to migrate
 Requires Internet
 Security and privacy have been an issue This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Fixed contracts can be a problem

Who are some Cloud Storage Providers?

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