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ROLL NO. = 04
Healthcare System Analysis
BASED ON AI In the Netherlands, 97% of healthcare invoices are
APPLICATIONS AND digital. A Dutch company uses AI to sift through
RESEARCH the data to highlight mistakes in treatments,
workflow inefficiencies, and helps area healthcare
systems avoid unnecessary patient hospitalizations.
1. AI These are just a sample of the solutions AI is
offering the healthcare industry. As innovation

APPLICATIONS pushes the capabilities of automation and digital

workforces, from providers like Novatio, more

USED IN solutions to save time, lower costs, and increase

accuracy will be possible.

There’s no doubt that crop yields, quality, and labor practices are more efficient
now than they were 500, or even 50 years ago.
However, there’s still a major need (and field) for improvements.
The global human population is exploding, with an estimated 9.9 billion of us on
the planet by 2050  and with food demand projected to leap 35%—56% in that
time. And that’s not to mention climatic changes that make resources like water
and farmable land scarcer.
Luckily, technology provides us with yet another solution: AI.
From leveraging computer vision technology for crop and soil monitoring to
disease detection and predictive analytics, the agriculture industry is entering a
whole new phase of evolution—thanks to AI.
NASA'S autonomous rovers are one of the most important AI applications. These rovers roam planet surfaces,
currently on Mars, and need to make decisions and avoid obstacles while calculating the best routes without
mission control’s say-so. Autonomous rovers are behind some of the most important discoveries made on
A sub-field of neural language processing (NLP), sentiment analysis, (also known as emotion AI or opinion
mining) is behind the work conducted by scientists to create intelligence-based assistants that will support
astronauts in future missions to the Moon, Mars, and more.
Sentiment analysis will extract and recognize opinions from text data, like reviews, forums, social media, and
more. These assistants will then understand and anticipate the needs of the crew, alongside understanding
mental health and emotions so that actions can be taken in case of an emergency.
Robots can also be helpful in physical tasks, such as docking, spacecraft navigation, and more.
Google Maps use navigation systems like GPS to map out our planet, however, we don’t currently have a
similar tool for extraterrestrial objects. Without navigation satellites around Mars or the Moon, scientists have
to get creative.
In collaboration with Intel, a team of researchers from NASA developed an intelligent navigation system in
2018. This system uses AI to explore planets, and the model was trained on millions of photos from several
missions to create a virtual Moon map.
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This book looks at both the positive potentials of automation
and the risks posed by massive job losses, focusing on how
people will adapt to this new reality. Susskind argues that we
need to develop ethical frameworks for governing artificial
intelligence and robotic automation, so that their potential is
harnessed for everyone’s benefit. He believes that if we
recognise the challenges ahead of time and plan accordingly,
then a world without work could be an opportunity for
meaningful prosperity rather than a cause of despair. A World
AI IN POPULAR Without Work is an important read for anyone interested in
CULTURE understanding the technological shifts reshaping our
economic system today.
It provides invaluable insight into how automation can be
embraced for the benefit of humanity. Susskind shows that it
is possible to create a world without work that is prosperous,
A BOOK equitable, and meaningful – one in which everyone has
access to resources and opportunities to thrive. He argues
NAMELY : A that we must act now to ensure this future doesn’t become an
unfulfilled promise, outlining potential solutions such as
World Without universal basic income, retraining programs, and public
investment in infrastructure. In this ground breaking book,

Work Susskind makes a compelling case for preparing for the

future of work.
Currently, new technologies are changing the nature of work, with robots taking over low-skilled jobs, and artificial
intelligence replacing many middle-skilled occupations. As AI is being used in a variety of industries to make tasks faster
and more efficient, Susskind discusses how these changes will affect workers as well as job markets, wages and inequality.
From healthcare to finance, AI technology is helping companies automate processes, uncover insights, reduce costs and
improve customer experiences. In the medical field, AI can be used to diagnose illnesses more accurately than humans alone
and to develop new treatments faster than ever before. In the retail sector, AI helps businesses personalise customer service
and increase sales by analysing consumer behaviour. And in the banking industry, AI can be used to detect fraud quickly and
accurately .The potential for AI extends far beyond what we have seen so far. For example, advancements in natural
language processing could enable computers to understand human speech as well as a person does. This could revolutionise
the customer service industry and make it easier for businesses to interact with customers.
Additionally, AI technology could be used to create autonomous vehicles and robots that can perform a variety of tasks,
from delivering packages and cleaning buildings to providing care for the elderly. As AI technology continues to evolve, so
too will its applications in our daily lives. The possibilities are endless when it comes to utilising AI. But with great power
comes great responsibility; companies must ensure that their AI systems comply with privacy regulations and ethical
guidelines. They should also take steps to minimise potential negative impacts on society, such as job loss due to automation
or unequal access to certain services based on socio-economic status. By understanding the potential risks associated with
using AI, we can ensure that we use this powerful technology responsibly and for the benefit of all. AI is an incredibly
powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionise the way we live, work and play.
The book urges readers to see the potential of automation as an opportunity rather than a threat
though, and provides practical advice on how to harness its power for the benefit of
humanity. Susskind explains, for example, how technology has been disrupting work for
centuries and why this process of automation is likely to continue.  He also examines the
potential of technology to create new kinds of occupations and how governments can tackle
job displacement. Susskind proposes a series of policies that could help society adjust to this
rapid change, such as retraining programs, universal basic income and increased investment in
health care and education.
By exploring both the risks and rewards posed by automation-driven economies, A World
Without Work highlights the challenges that lie ahead and suggests ways we can create a more
equitable and prosperous future.  With its insightful analysis and practical advice, this book is
a thought-provoking guide to making sense of our ever-changing world and how best to
embrace technological progress in order to ensure prosperity for all. Readers will also glean
ideas on preparing for the future of work and exploring ways to create a more equitable and
prosperous future. 
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South Korea has been forced to
sharply increase imports of "kimchi"
— arguably the most important dish
on every family's mealtime table —
giving rise to concerns about the
AI PROJECT CYCLE quality of foreign versions of the fiery
fermented staple. Government
statistics show that South Korea
imported kimchi with a value of
Expensive rate of popular $169.4 million (€157.7 million) in
Korean Dish “Kimchi” in 2022, up 20.4% over the previous
South Korea and year, Yonhap News reported. (Also
in India too.
 3 popular and delicious Korean recip
es you must try)
And while it remains a critical part of the national cuisine, changes in society have
inevitably impacted the dish. Traditionally, women would gather to prepare the
ingredients and start the natural fermentation process, ensuring that there would be
sufficient to feed the family through the bitter cold winter months.
Today, that tradition has faded and most people purchase pre-prepared kimchi during
their regular visits to the supermarket.
Consumers have largely been able to rely on domestic sources for their kimchi needs,
although that has been changing. A couple of bad seasons have impacted cabbage
crops, increasing prices and reducing availability, but the broader rise in prices —
everything from vehicle fuel to electricity and the cost of ingredients — has made it
harder for producers to remain competitive.
Squeezed by rising costs and falling numbers of consumers, restaurants have been
quick to switch to imported kimchi.
"The price of absolutely everything has been rising for the last year and it's the same
for domestic kimchi manufacturers," said Lim Eun-jung, an associate professor of
international studies at Kongju National University — and someone who can
remember making kimchi with her grandmother as a young child.

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