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Legal Issues in Selection
Chapter 4

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Legal Issues in Selection
For selection programs, legal policies
the records that must be kept on all
employment decisions
The determination of fair treatment of all
applicants, and
The methods for identifying the job
relatedness of selection devices
Failure to do so can lead to charges of
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Legal Issues in Selection (2)
Every selection program should have two
A) Maximizing the probability of making
accurate selection decisions about applicants,
B) ensuring that these selection decisions are
carried out in such a way as to minimize the
chance of a judgment of discrimination being
made against the organization

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Federal Regulation of Business
Federal Regulation in employment and
selection in particular is known under the
title of Equal Employment Opportunity
EEO Laws and Executive Orders
EEO laws are Federal laws designed to eliminate
discrimination in HR management decisions
EEO executive orders are statements made by the
executive branch for the same purpose, but directed
to organizations that do business with the federal
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Federal Regulation of Business
EEO Laws and Executive Orders
EEO Laws and Executive Orders (2)
Title VII Civil Rights Act of 1964 (CRA)
Governs private employers, unions, employment
agencies, federal, state and local governments
Prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, race,
color, religion or national origin
1972, expanded and strengthened
1978, amended to prohibit discrimination based on
pregnancy, childbirth or related conditions
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC) is the enforcing agency
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Table 4.1 – Major EEO Laws and
Executive Orders Regarding Selection

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Federal Regulation of Business
EEO Laws and Executive Orders
EEO Laws and Executive Orders (3)
Civil Rights Act of 1991
Amends the CRA of 1964
Addresses the extent of evidence to be proven, the
ceiling for damages for discrimination, the
adjustment of scores on selection tests based on
race, and establishes the Glass Ceiling Commission
Passed to counter a series of U.S. Supreme Court
rulings which increased plaintiff’s burdens of proof
and reduced those of defendant firms
Returned burdens of proof to their former state
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Federal Regulation of Business
EEO Laws and Executive Orders
EEO Laws and Executive Orders (4)
Executive Order 11246
Applies to contractors who do more than $10,000 in
business with federal government
Prohibits same discriminatory acts as Title VII
Requires contractors with more than $50,000 in
business with government and more than 50
employees to develop affirmative action plans
Enforced by the Department of Labor, Office of
Federal Contract Compliance (OFCCP)

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Federal Regulation of Business
EEO Laws and Executive Orders
EEO Laws and Executive Orders (5)
Executive Order 11478
Applies EEO policy to civilians employed by
federal government
Prohibits discrimination based on race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, handicap or age
Establishes a continuing affirmative action program
in each executive department and agency
EEOC collects data and monitors compliance in all
federal agencies

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Federal Regulation of Business
EEO Laws and Executive Orders
EEO Laws and Executive Orders (6)
Executive Order 13087
Amends Executive Order 11478 to include sexual
Executive Order 13672
Amends Executive Order 11478 and 11246 to include
gender identity
Age Discrimination in Employment Act
Applies to private industry, federal, state governments,
employment agencies, labor organizations
Prohibits age discrimination against those 40 or older
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Federal Regulation of Business
EEO Laws and Executive Orders
EEO Laws and Executive Orders (7)
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
Prohibits discrimination against qualified people with
disabilities in all areas of employment
Enforced by the EEOC
Applies to employers with 15 or more workers
ADA Amendments Act of 2008
Passed to counteract Supreme Court judgments that
restricted and limited the definition of disability as set
out in the 1990 Act
Redefined “disability” and “major life activity”
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Federal Regulation of Business
EEO Laws and Executive Orders
EEO Laws and Executive Orders (8)
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
Provides civil and criminal sanctions for knowingly
employing an alien (person from another country) not
authorized to work in the U.S.
Prohibits knowing and intentional discrimination
against foreign job applicants
Firm required to verify the applicant’s work

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Federal Regulation of Business
EEO Laws and Executive Orders
EEO Laws and Executive Orders (9)
Constitutional Amendments and Civil Rights
Acts of 1866 and 1871
Complaints may be pursued based on the 5th & 14th
Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and the CRA of
1866 and 1871
Amendments prohibit deprivation of employment
rights without due process
CRA of 1866 applies to making and enforcing
CRA of 1871 applies to state and local governments
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Federal Regulation of Business
EEO Laws and Executive Orders
EEO Laws and Executive Orders (10)
This and That Stuff
Obesity – not a protected characteristic, but morbid
obesity (100+ pounds overweight) is a disability
Smoking – not a protected characteristic; primarily a
state law issue; in some states, employers can refuse to
hire smokers
Ethnic restaurants – issue is whether an ethnic
restaurant can select only those applicants in that
specific demographic group, to be “authentic;” no
cases, but such selection likely constitutes national
origin discrimination
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Employment Discrimination
What constitutes discrimination based on
court decisions and actions by regulatory
agencies such as EEOC
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection
Procedures represent the joint statement of
agencies empowered to enforce EEO laws
Describes what evidence will be considered and
how an employer may defend selection
Given “great deference” by courts
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Employment Discrimination –
Discrimination Defined
Distinguish between adverse impact and
Adverse impact – differences in outcomes of
selection program for demographic groups
Discrimination – no job-related explanation for
an adverse impact
Disparate Treatment
Different standards applied to various groups even
though there may not be intentional prejudice
 Ex: Not hiring women with young children

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Employment Discrimination –
Discrimination Defined (2)
Disparate Impact
Selection standards applied uniformly to all
groups of applicants, but result is to produce
differences in the selection of various groups
Central issue is differences in the percentages of
selected applicants from different demographic
A seemingly neutral requirement (high school
diploma) may disqualify many tho not necessary
for job performance
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Employment Discrimination –
Evidence Required
The legal burdens for plaintiffs and
defendants are different depending on
whether the case is a disparate treatment or
disparate impact case
Plaintiff must establish a prima facie case
Burden shifts to defendant to rebut charges or
provide a legally permissible explanation for the
employment practices under question

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Table 4.2 – Presentation of Evidence
in Title VII Discrimination Cases

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Employment Discrimination –
Evidence Required (2)
Disparate Treatment Evidence
Follows the McDonnell Douglas Rule:
1. Plaintiff belongs to a protected class
2. Plaintiff applied and was qualified for the job
3. Despite these qualifications, plaintiff was rejected
4. After rejection, position remained open and
employer continued to seek applicants from people
who had the plaintiff’s qualifications
Employer provides job-based explanation
Plaintiff proves that reason given is pre-text
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Employment Discrimination –
Evidence Required (3)
Disparate Impact Evidence
Statistical evidence shows that employment
practices negatively affect some demographic
groups; this establishes a prima facie case
The firm presents evidence that the selection
process is job related, not illegal, because of
business necessity, a BFOQ or validity
Plaintiff may then show that there is an alternate
means which has less adverse impact

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Employment Discrimination –
The Use of Statistics
Two main types of statistics:
Stock Statistics – used to compare proportions
of various demographic groups with regard to
results of selection decisions;
Most common is between percentage of a specific
demographic group in the firm, and the percentage of
that same demographic group in an external
comparison group, at one point in time

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Figure 4.1 –
Revised EEO-1 Form

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Table 4.3 – Some Relevant Labor
Markets Used for Statistical Comparisons

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Table 4.4 – Demographic Composition of
First/Mid Level Officials & Managers…

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Employment Discrimination –
The Use of Statistics (2)
Two main types of statistics: (2)
Flow Statistics – compares proportions that
occur at two points in time
Common test is four-fifths rule; ratio of any
group must be at least 80% of the ratio of the
most favorably treated group
A common flow statistic in selection is:

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Employment Discrimination –
Definition of Internet Applicant
The OFCCP definition:
1. Person must submit interest in employment
through the internet or electronic devices
2. Firm is considering hiring for a position
3. Person’s expression of interest indicates
he/she has the basic qualifications for the job
4. The person must not remove himself or
herself from consideration
5. Internet applicants are those use email,
resume databases, job banks, etc.
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Uniform Guidelines on
Employee Selection Procedures
A joint statement of the EEOC, Civil
Service Commission, Dept. of Labor and
Dept. of Justice as to characteristics of
acceptable selection procedures
The primary reference for court decisions,
cited in many cases

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Uniform Guidelines –
Determination of Adverse Impact
Address selection systems that produce
adverse impact
If none exists, only recordkeeping requirements
Rule in judging discrimination is whether
selection procedure leads to adverse impact,
demonstrated statistically
Exceptions, including four-fifths rule

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Uniform Guidelines –
Selection Methods; Defense
Uniform Guidelines state that any method
of selection that results in an employment
decision is covered, not only scored
selection tests
Defense of Selection Program
For selection programs that have adverse
impact, the firm may cease to use them and
adopt others with no adverse impact, or may
show its practices are valid, perhaps by
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Uniform Guidelines –
Selection Requirements
Selection Requirements
Skills and abilities easily learned by training are
not acceptable selection requirements
Requirements drawn from higher level jobs
permissible only if a majority of people move to
higher level job within a reasonable time (5 yrs.)
Sets rules for the use of cutoff scores in
consideration of hiring

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Uniform Guidelines –
All firms must keep information about
demographic characteristics of applicants and
those selected
Firms with fewer than 100 employees should
record by sex, race and national origin the
number of people selected, promoted and
terminated for each job level
Selection procedures should be described

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Uniform Guidelines –
Comments about Uniform Guidelines
Uniform Guidelines given great weight by
judges, juries
But selection researchers and managers
have advanced our knowledge of several
issues; for example
Guidelines require validation study in each
selection site, but research demonstrates that
validity can be generalized from several
previous studies
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Affirmative Action Programs
A firm would adopt an AAP in three
A) the firm is a federal contractor
B) the firm lost a court discrimination case or
has signed a consent decree, or
C) the firm is voluntarily attempting to
implement EEO principles

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Affirmative Action Programs -
Federal Contractor
Required for those with contracts of
$10,000 or more per year
Governed by OFCCP
Requires 3 main activities:
Utilization analysis
Determine goals and timetables
Steps required to accomplish goals

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Affirmative Action Programs-
Voluntary AAP
Voluntary programs conflict with Title VII’s
prohibition on race-based employment
decisions; reverse discrimination claims
U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that
voluntary AAPS must:
Be temporary
Have no permanent adverse impact on white
Be designed to correct an imbalance between
minority and nonminority workers
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Selection Court Cases
Table 4.5 reviews selection issues
representative of:
Demographic issues
Measurement issues
Different selection applications
Most cases tell us what is not acceptable,
rather than what is
Not possible, as selection practices are too
varied and interrelated
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Table 4.5 – Key Issues in
Major Selection Court Cases

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EEO and
Job Performance Measurement
Performance Measurement and the Uniform
Guidelines (UG)
Section 2.B – UG applies to tests and other
selection procedures used as the basis for any
employment decisions
Any procedure that contributes to any
employment decision governed by UG

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EEO and
Job Performance Measurement (2)
Performance Measurement and the Uniform
Guidelines (UG) (cont.)
Section 14.B(3) –
scores on tests not to be treated as input to measure
job performance
Performance measure must represent important or
critical job behaviors
Some measures (absenteeism, tardiness) can be used
without referring to job performance
Section 15.B(5) – data used to develop job
performance criterion must be made explicit
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EEO and
Job Performance Measurement (3)
Court Decisions Addressing Performance
Rulings made on basis of features of the
appraisal systems
Primarily concerned with fairness of process
Studies have found differences in scores
between whites and blacks
Adverse impact may occur but not be indicative of

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EEO Summary
Basis of Discrimination
Race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age
(over 40), physical and mental handicaps
Evidence of Discrimination
Is a pattern of discrimination visible over time?
Options of the Organization
If large demographic selection differences:
Discontinue current procedures, develop alternatives
Conduct a validation study to support the procedures
and show they are job-related
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