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 The rapid growth of online shopping has been driven by the increasing use of mobile
devices, and mobile applications have become a significant tool for online
shopping. Android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems, and a large
number of users use Android smartphones and tablets. The use of mobile
applications for online shopping has revolutionized the way consumers shop online,
providing them with a convenient and user-friendly platform to purchase goods and
Problem Statement

 Despite the fact that there are other platform for online shopping, there is a common usability
and user experience issues with Android applications for online shopping. Kim et al. (2014)
found that users often encounter difficulties with product search, navigation, and checkout
processes. Other studies have identified issues related to app speed, security, and privacy
concerns (Zhou et al., 2017).
Research Objectives

 Main objective
The primary objective of this research is to develop an Android application for online
shopping that offers an exceptional user experience. The application should be
tailored explicitly to the user's needs, and allow easy navigation of products, provide a
secure payment gateway, and empower customer engagement.

 Specific objectives
• To define the requirements for an efficient Android application for online shopping.
• To develop an Android application with excellent features and functionality that
guarantee seamless online shopping.
• To test the application to assess its usability and effectiveness in enhancing the user
• To target the smartphone users between the age of 18-34. According to a report by
eMarketer, smartphone users aged 18-34, also known as millennials and Gen Z, are
themost active mobile shoppers (eMarketer, 2022).
Research Questions
• What are the most common usability and user experience issues that users
when using Android applications for online shopping?

• How do users perceive the usability and user experience of Android applications for
online shopping, and how do these perceptions vary by demographic factors such
as age and gender?

• What are the key design factors that contribute to the success of Android
applications for Online shopping, and how do these factors vary across different
types of products and services?

• How do the features and functionalities of successful Android applications for

shopping compare with those of successful web-based e-commerce platform?
Significance of the Research Study

 The project will help to identify the most common usability and user experience
encountered by users of Android applications for online shopping, and provide
recommendations for addressing these issues. This can improve the overall quality
of mobile shopping apps and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Conceptual Framework

 Zhou et al (2017) have identified common usability and user experience issues with
Android applications for online shopping. For example, research by Kim et al. (2014)
found that users often encounter difficulties with product search, navigation, and
checkout processes. Other studies have identified issues related to app speed,
security, and privacy concerns (Zhou et al.,
Conceptual Framework…………………….cont’d

 A comparative analysis of successful mobile shopping apps across different

industries can provide valuable insights into effective design strategies. Kumar et al.
(2018) identified several design factors that were critical to the success of mobile
shopping apps, including personalized recommendations, user reviews, and easy
checkout processes.
Theoretical Framework

 Effective strategies for addressing security and privacy concerns in mobile shopping
apps. Jansen et al. (2015) clear and concise privacy policies could help increase
users' trust and confidence in mobile apps. Other studies have identified the
importance of implementing secure payment options, two-factor authentication, and
encryption protocols (Sathishkumar et al., 2020).
Theoretical Framework…………………..cont’d

 Improving payment systems in mobile shopping apps. Li and Li (2019 implementing

one-click payments, auto-fill features, and payment reminders can help improve the
user experience and increase conversion rates. Other studies have identified the
importance of integrating with third-party payment platforms, such as PayPal or
Alipay, to offer users additional payment options (Wu and Chen, 2019)
Empirical Research Studies

 Mobile analytics is a critical tool for retailers and app developers to track and
analyze user behavior and app performance. According to research by Sahoo et al.
(2020), mobile analytics can help retailers understand user preferences, optimize
app design and functionality, and improve marketing strategies.
Empirical Research Studies…………………..cont’d

 The use of mobile analytics in mobile shopping apps. For example, research by
Alqahtani et al.(2020) found that implementing analytics tools, such as Google
Analytics or Mixpanel, can help retailers track user engagement, retention, and
conversion rates. Other studies have identified the importance of using data-driven
insights to inform app design and marketing strategies, such as personalized
recommendations, push notifications, and targeted promotions (Zhang et al., 2021).
Research Design

 The project will follow the design science approach UML diagrams which include-use
case diagrams, dataflow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, interaction
diagrams and activity diagrams. All this diagrams will show the system from a
different perspective.
Research Design…………………….cont’d

 Technology to be used

It will be developed using a combination of programming language technologies such

as Java Programming language, and Firebase Real-time Database by Google.
Firebase Real-time Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that allows real-time
synchronization of data across multiple clients. It provides an easy-to-use and
scalable solution for sharing resources among users or applications.

The system will have a user-friendly interface and Will be designed to meet the needs
of all stakeholders
Research Design…………………….cont’d

 Population size
 the target population will consist of 15 respondents
Research Design…………………….cont’d

 Sampling Technique
 A simple random sampling technique will be used to select sampling units from the
population in each stratum.
Research Design…………………….cont’d

 Sample Size
 A sample size (S) of 15 respondents will be studied from the total population. The
study will employ stratified random sampling in which it will be stratified according
to their area of project.
Data Collection Tools

 questionnaires
 Interview
 literature review analysis.
Data Collection Techniques

 The study will employ the use of questionnaires and interview schedules that will
provide the primary data while literature review analysis will be used to gather
secondary data.
Data Analysis

 The literature review will be analyzed thematically to identify the latest trends and
 The data generated by questionnaires, interview and observation schedules will be
checked, edited organized and computer coded to reduce the mass of data
obtained into a form suitable for analysis.
Ethical Consideration

 Ensure ethical considerations are taken into account throughout the research
process, including obtaining informed consent from participants, maintaining
confidentiality of data, and ensuring no harm comes to participants during the
research process.

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• De Silva, V., & Suryadevara, N. (2019). An analysis of usability factors affecting
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Consumer Services, 47, 1-10.
• Kim, H., & Park, J. (2017). An analysis of user satisfaction and usability of mobile
shopping applications. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 37, 8-22.
• Lian, J. W., & Yen, D. C. (2014). Online shopping drivers and barriers for older adults:
Age and gender differences. Computers in Human Behavior, 37, 133-143.
• Meuter, M. L., Ostrom, A. L., Bitner, M. J., & Roundtree, R. (2003). The influence of
technology anxiety on consumer use and experiences with self-service technologies.
Journal of Business Research, 56(11), 899-906.
eMarketer. (2022). US Smartphone Shoppers by Age, 2019-2025. Retrieved from
• Zhang, K. Z., Zhang, Z., & Cheung, C. M. (2018). From e-commerce to social
commerce: A close look at design features. Electronic Commerce Research and
Applications, 27, 139-153.

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