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Group Members

Umair Butt
Hashir Ali
Arham Rehman
Jamal Zahid
Reasons Why The Products Fail:

 Targeting The Wrong Market

 Poor Execution
 Failure to Understand Consumer Need & Want
 Incorrect Pricing
Targeting The Wrong Market:

 Company Has a Product

 Duplicate A Product

 No Research

 iPod and Zune

Poor Execution:

 Little Research

 Clash Between Cross-Function Team

 Poor Marketing

 Kodak
Failure to Understand Consumer Need & Want

 Centre of human interaction

 Sales and profit

 Positioning through pricing

 Choosing pricing strategies

 Companies setting prices


Apple Newton PDA


 Not reviewing and updating prices often

 Believing that one price is suitable for all customers

 Pricing the product too low

 Pricing the product too high

 Not focusing on value offered


 Penetration

 Premium

 Competition

 Value based

 Cost based

 Value based pricing

 Effective policies

 Identification of target customers

Delayed market entry:

A product launch is often a make-or-break moment for any company,

whether it's a manufacturer working through wholesale and retail outlets,
or a retailer trying to attract customers to a new product. Effective timing
is critical to attracting customers and optimizing revenue and profit on a
new product
7 pitfalls of products launches and how to avoid them:

Not scheduling effectively

 Dates, times, personnel, teams, tasks and roles.

 Challenging for a growing business

 Recommendations

 Focus exclusively on product launch

 Capable manager to work on project
Forgetting about marketing:

 Earn revenue and build business

 Capable marketing strategy

 Recommendations

 Planning should be done before launch

 Key to success is USP

Nobody knows how to sell it:

 Important to know how to sell the product

 Recommendations

 Educate sales personnel

 Communicate with existing customers

Not sticking to your launch date:

 Deadline streamline the process

 Recommendation

 Deadline should be set realistically

Not strategizing for how the product fits into the rest
of the company’s products and services:

 Product should fit in with the entire product line

 Recommendation

 Identify a way to reach existing customers about the new product.

Not listening to active users and early adopters:

 Feedback loop works if you start listening

 Recommendation

 Plan to get information from beta users

 Take information seriously

Leaving the right people out:

 Management and function departments should cooperate fully.

 Recommendation

 Questions, feedback, and input should be exchanged.


 Ifyou’re ready to take business to the next level, it’s time to unleash a
great product launch. A successful launch is possible, provided you
know and avoid the pitfalls.

 So instead of just focusing on the risks, company should focus on the

success. A single product launch could revolutionize your business and
make your fortune
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