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of Palestinians
in Israel
Historic summary

• Ottoman Empire (1914-1918) vs

• 3 promises
• Defeat the Ottomans
• Jews (identity) get their own
state in Palestine
• The French and English
distribute land
Post first world war

• Many more Jewish people in

• Native population impatient
• English propose the idea of two
separate states
• United Nations propose a new
• The English leave Palestine
Conflict erupts

• The Jewish were prepared

• First wars start
Modern situation

• Palestinians are 21% of the

population in the region (70%)
• 50% of Palestinians in Jerusalem
live outside
• 90% of private owned land
• Laws prevent Palestinians from
owning land.
• 97% of demolition orders in ‘Arab’-sector
• 3 human rights groups were outlawed (October 2021)
• 800.000 Palestinian men, women and children arrested
• >50% convicted

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