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Navalta, Jan Rey A.
Apilado, Reylan D.
Zafra, Wandell C.
Magumcia, Glenn Paul N.
Escober, Eric M.
Ramos, Rommel B.
Espino, Bernie A.
Tagalan, Kristobal A.
Simeon, Andrei B.
Sangrano, Ryan.
IUPC name
Condensed formula CH4
Molecularformula - CH4

Navalta, Jan Rey A.

Total of Hydrogen =4
Total of Carbon= 1

IUPAC Name: Methane (CH⁴)

Physical Properties of
Mothane"colorless, odorless, and
non poisonous gas.'melting point =
182.50C."boiling point =
169.5oC.its molecule is
Chemical Properties of Methaneproduces a symmetrical."it is lighter than
large amount of heat when it air."it is slightly solublo in water
undergoescombustion.mothano causes but fairly solublein ether and
halogenation, which causos halogenatoms alcohol
into molecules.*tho latont heat of
vaporization is 510KJkg.the critical
pressuro of CH4 is 45.96 bar."methane is
produced when plants docay. It is
alsoflammable gas.Methane is extromely  USES OF METANEdomestic and industrial fuel.*shoe polish.printing
povweriul, sinco methano canhold 20 turing.tiro manufacturing.manufacturo of mothyl alcohol."used in the
times more heat than C02 generation of olectricity.*used as rocket fuol in its refined liquid form.*usod
as anti freezo ingredient in industries."it is a common ingredient in is used to sanitizo product.used in automobiles, ovens and wator
heater as fuol. used in gas- fired power stations.used in the teating of gas
appliances.*used in gas cookers.

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