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Coal Laboratory Equipment

Prepared by:

 Sanaullah”stanikzy”
 Assadallah”Afzali”
 Suhrab”Qarishi”
 M.Ismail”khan”
 M.Shoab”khan”
 Ahmadzay “Babak”
 M.Reza”Faqirzada”
1  Ali Aqa”Jafari”
 Mohibullah”Ibrahimi”

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF –



1. Hardgrove Grindaibility Index calculator

2. Determination of moisture in coal
3. Determination of volatile matter
4. Determination of ash content in coal
5. Safety material
6. Simple divider
7. Carbon and sulfur analyzer
8. Software

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

Hardgrove Grindaibility Index calculator

 It measures the grindaibility of coal and is a qualitative

measure of coal.
 It is referred to in mining beneficiation and utilization of

 HGI clear to us that this coal has soft texture and hard
 The grindability of a coal is a measure of its resistance to
 To measure the HGI, we use the HGI machine.

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

Hardgrove Grindaibility Index calculator

 We put 8 grinding balls into

grinding bowl.
 We put this bowl into the
machine and note the result.
 Coal quantity is 50g.
 60 revolution.
 Coal size 30 maicron
 Later we take our sample out
of the machine.
4  When HGI value is high coal
is hard and when HGI value
is low coal is soft.

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One video about HGI

Click to view video

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU
6 Determination of moisture in coal.

 Types of moisture in coal.

 Determination of inherent and surface moisture in coal.

Analysis of coal

Proximate analysis
Ultimate analysis
%moisture,%volatile matter ,
%c,%H,%S,%O,%ash and ,%N
%Ash and fixed carbon

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

7  First sample collection.
 If coal has high level of moisture,then coal has a high
level of density.


 Atmosphere
• For mining
 rain

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

8 Taking sample
20 10 5

20 5 2.5

We have sample=2.5

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

9 moisture

1. We first fine moisture of surface

• We leave our sample in the open air for 24 hours to let
the moisture out.

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

10 1) Second we fine inherent moisture.
• We grind the sample.
• Coal size 212micron.
• We heat coal above 100 centigrade.
• Amount of sample 5g.
• Leave it in the lab for an hour.
• Formula:
• Total moisture=IM+SM

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One video about coal moisture.

Click to view video

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

Determination of volatile matter.

What is volatile matter.

 Volatile matter in coal refers to the components of coal. Except
for moisture,which are liberated at high temperature in the
absence of air.
 Volatile matter does not include”moisture of coal” but includes
water formed during reaction between Hydrogen and Oxygen in
 These gases are present in coal:H2,O2,H2O,CO,CO2,N2,CH4
and other Hydrocarbons.

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

 We first take sample.
13  Volatile matter calculation by moisture free coal sample.
 We take 1g sample.
 We do not leave it to interaction with air,than we leave in machine
without air.Because oxygen does not react with carbon.
 For this,there is too much heat required,For this we put the sample in
the furnace.
 We set the temperature todegrees.
 We leave it in the furnace for 7 minutes.
 In this heat, all its vapors are released.
 We don’t take the sample out of the furnace and cool it in the
atmospheric air, but we make cool in desaketer.
 Then we weigh this sample.

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coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU


coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

One video about volatile matter.

Click to view video

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

Determination of ash content in coal

Analysis of coal

Proximate analysis
Ultimate analysis
%moisture,%volatile matter ,
%c,%H,%S,%O,%ash and ,%N
%Ash and fixed carbon

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

Determination of ash content in coal

 Ash content determines the amount of non-

combustible material in coal.
 Ash content the waste that is left after coal is
combusted (Burned)
 We first take sample collection.
 Size of sample 212 micron.
 We get sample,after pieceing.
 We take 1g sample.
 Temperature of furnace
18  We leave it sample in furnace for 1h.
 And last we use this equation.

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One video about ash


Click to view video

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

Why do we need lab safety equipment? Why Safety Equipment is

 Laboratories are dangerous places. Having the right safety

equipment is important in ensuring the overall health and safety of
workers on a jobsite.

 Safety equipment, also known as personal protective equipment, is

specifically designed to help protect workers against health or safety
risks on the jobsite.

20  By wearing the appropriate safety equipment, workers can decrease

the number of preventable accidents that occur on jobsites every year.

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

Why do we need lab safety equipment? Why Safety Equipment is Important?


coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

Safety Material.

 Head protection.
 Eye and face protection.
 Respiratory protection.
 Hand and Skin protection.
 Hearing protection.
 Fire extinguishers.
 First aid kits.


coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

What is a sample divider?

 Where a number of incremental

samples have been taken and a large
aggregate sample created the sample
divider may be used to reduce the
total sample size.


coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

What is the working principle of sample divider?

 the feed sample is fed at a controlled rate as a

falling stream that is divided either into one part
or into equal segments by the action of a
“circle” of segmental buckets being rotated
beneath the stream.
 The unit operates in accordance with
internationally recognised sampling protocols.


coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

Simple Divider

 Thy are rotating dividers and

sample splitters.
 Thy divide all pourable solids so
accurately that the characteristics
composition of each fraction of
the sample corresponds exactly
to that of the original bulk

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

One video about sample divider.


Click to view video

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

Coal bags.
 Coal bags is a close shape which is used for carrying large
amounts of coal samples.
 Simple bag of them is coal STOCK bag
 coal bag has different size and they can to transfer different
Wight .

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

28 Plastometer

 What is plastometer?
 Plastometer is used for fast testing of the melt mass flow
rate of plastics.

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29 One video about plastromater

Click to view video

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30 Pulverzer

 What is pulverzer?
 A pulverzer or grinder is a mechanical device for the grinding
of many different types of material.
 For example, a pulverzer mill is used to pulverzer coal for
combustion in the steam-generating furnaces of coal power

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31 One video about pulverzer

Click to view video

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Thank you


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.‫انشاءالله به زودی میاورد‬

coal laboratory – 2023 – Energy Engineering Department @ EF – KU

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