Embedded Computerr

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Embedded computerr

General features
Following are important characteristics of an embedded system:
Requires real time performance
It should have high availability and reliability.
Developed around a real-time operating system
Usually, have easy and a diskless operation, ROM boot
Designed for one specific task
It must be connected with peripherals to connect input and output devices.
Offers high reliability and stability
Needed minimal user interface
Limited memory, low cost, fewer power consumptions
It does not need any secondary memory in computer.
Processing speeds

Embedded processors run significantly slower than ones

used for PCs, laptops, and smartphones. The very slowest,
for example the ATtiny28V, only runs at 1.2 MHz, not
much faster than the 6502 in the Apple ][ 40 years ago.
There are a few — just 44 out of more than 18,000 (0.2%)
listed as in-stock on Digi-Key — rated over 300 MHz, which
is 1/10 the clock speed of a laptop or PC running at 3 GHz.
There are about three thousand listed between 80 MHz
and 300 MHz. The other 15,000 or so (~80%) are
rated below 80 MHz. Speeds of 20 and 32 MHz (1/100 the
clock speed of a laptop or PC) are the most common.
Storage btw it have nun else

Memory is used to store information. Embedded
System majorly contains two memory cells 1)
Volatile 2) Non volatile memory.

Portability is a measure of the ease of using the same
embedded software in various environments. It requires
generalized abstractions between the application program
logic itself and the low-level system interfaces.
Interesting facts

Nun tbh

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