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Fungsi Transfer G(s)

• Perbandingan variabel output dlm btk transformasi Laplace
dg variabel input dlm btk transformasi Laplace

• Fungsi transfer menggambarkan hubungan 1 variabel output

dengan 1 variabel input
• Variabel input dan variabel output dlm bentuk variabel deviasi
Variabel input

Ada 2 tipe variabel input :

• Variabel input yang dapat dimanipulasi untuk mengatur
proses (manipulated variable, MV)
• Variabel input yang tidak dapat dimanipulasi
(disturbance variable, D)
• Blok diagram fungsi transfer
multiplicate rule

additive rule
Reductive rule
U1 G1 Y = G1.U1 – G2.U2
_ Y
Contoh blok diagram :

(b) +

Coba sendiri
Tinggi cairan dalam tangki

Fo = h / R
R Fo
T ′(s) 1
G(s )= =
T f ′ (s) τ P   s+1

Tangki pemanas berpengaduk

dT ′ 1
+aT ′= T ′i+K F 𝑠𝑡 ′
dt τ
1/ τ K
T ′(s)= T ′i (s)+ F st ′ (s)
s+a s+a
A thermocouple has the following characteristics when it is immersed in a stirred bath:
Mass of thermocouple = 1 g
Heat capacity of thermocouple = 0.25 cal/g ∘C
Heat transfer coefficient = 20 cal/cm2h ∘C (for thermocouple and bath)
Surface area of thermocouple = 3 cm2
(a) Derive a transfer function model for the thermocouple relating the change in its indicated
output T to the change in the temperature of its surroundings Ts assuming uniform
temperature (no gradients in the thermocouple bead), no conduction in the leads, constant
physical properties, and conversion of the millivolt-level output directly to a ∘C reading by a
very fast sensor.
(b) If the thermocouple is initially out of the bath and at room temperature (23 ∘C), what is
the maximum temperature that it will register if it is suddenly plunged into the bath (80 ∘C)
and held there for 20 s?
A heater for a semiconductor wafer has first-order dynamics, that is, the transfer function
relating changes in temperature T to changes in the heater input power level P is

where K has units [∘C/Kw] and τ has units [min].

The process is at steady state when an engineer changes the power input stepwise from 1 to
2 kW. She notes the following:
(i) The process temperature initially is 100 ∘C.
(ii) Four minutes after changing the power input, the temperature is 400 ∘C.
(iii) Thirty minutes later the temperature is 500 ∘C.
(a) What are K and τ in the process transfer function?
(b) If at another time the engineer changes the power input linearly at a rate of 0.5 kW/min,
what can you say about the maximum rate of change of process temperature: When will it
occur? How large will it be?

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