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Initial thoughts
 Attitudes and expression of identity
– Identity function
– Utilitarian function
 Interdiscplinary analysis
– Behaviorism
– Other fields
Classic debate: attitude neutrality (?)
 Neutrality vs. Ambivalence vs. “No information”
– Measurement?
 Societal value
 Possible?
Why Neutrality is Difficult

 #1 Automaticity of attitudes
#2: mere exposure effect
 Zajonc (1968)
– The “Turkish word” study
 e.g., saricik, kadirga, ikitaf
 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, or 25 exposures

 pronounce aloud each time

 Guess good vs. bad meaning

Moreland and Zajonc (1973)
 Subliminal presentation (4 ms)

Test phase:
–“old” vs. and “new” symbols
–Recognition task: chance level
–Liking: old symbols preferred
Additional information about mere exposure effect
 The effects of repeated exposure depend on initial
appraisal of the stimulus

Initially liked, or neutral: increased liking, but:

Initially disliked: increased disliking
Classic Problems in Attitude
1. Response alternatives not
2. Acquiescence (yea-saying) biases
3. Framing

Pro-life vs. pro-choice; “fetus” vs. “unborn child”, etc…

“What is your attitude toward research on animal

“Ifresearch on animal cloning could be used to
advance our ability to prevent cancer, would you be in
favor of such research?”
4. Social desirability effects (Goffman,


Fundamental problem: “how much” of response is due to one

factor or other.
“Classic” (older) approaches
 Vary context in which responses are made
 The “Bogus Pipeline” (Jones & Sigall, 1971)
– Participants “practice” on machine, to convince that can
detect truth from lying
– Then asked to express honest attitudes toward mix of
new attitudes, some mundane, some socially sensitive
Older approaches, continued
 Disguise/mask what’s being asked
– “Symbolic” attitudes
Underlying attitude A1 expressed
(socially unacceptable ) attitude A2
examples of “symbolic” attitudes (Kinder,
 “____ students receive too much financial assistance from the
university” (Boneicki, 1998)

 “Discrimination against Blacks is a thing of the past” (McConahay,


 “Downtown St. Louis has too much crime”

Potential advantages vs. disadvantages?

Tradeoff: efforts to disguise question threaten
construct validity
Newer approach: Implicit Attitudes
 Attitude object (prime)  target
– Presentation of prime assumed to facilitate or inhibit
response to the target
– Semantic priming
 “chocolate” “food” (semantic priming)
– Evaluative priming
 “chocolate”  “good” (direct)
 “chocolate”  “flower” (indirect)
 “chocolate”  “disgusting”

Types of implicit priming tasks
Lexical decision tasks: decide whether target is a word or not

or non-
prime target decision word?”

chocolate “good” response

xxxxxxxx “good” response
Lexical decision tasks, continued

 Construct facilitation indices

– RT (xxxxx  good) – RT (chocolate good)
– (500 milliseconds) - (200 milliseconds) = 300 ms
– 300 ms represents implicit attitude index
Evaluative decision tasks
 Verysimilar to lexical decision, but
judgmental decision different
Is it a
prime target decision good or
a bad
chocolate desirable response

xxxxxx desirable response

some brief demonstrations
 If “A” and “B” are associated in memory, then presenting A should make B more accessible
 Consequences of accessibility: faster to decide if B is
– a word (lexical decision)
– positive or negative (evaluative decision)
Why implicit attitudes potentially
 Potential dissociation
 Conscious vs. unconscious
 Implicit attitudes less “contaminated” by
self-presentational bias (?)
 Implicit attitudes “purer” measures of true
attitudes (???)
Strong argument:
separate systems view
Automatic Implicit
system tasks

(conscious) Explicit
system tasks
The critics speak
“just another attitude measure”
 predictive validity?
– see Lambert, Payne, Shaffer, & Ramsey (2005)

 assumptions may be incorrect

– strong correlations sometimes found
– controllability of reactions to implicit tasks?
 “No such thing as a process-pure measure”
– Larry Jacoby
– No task 100% automatic
– No task 100% controlled
More realistic view?

Automatic Implicit

Controlled Explicit
Subliminal Advertising?
Historical Background
 The James Vicary incident (late 1950s)
– Popcorn sales increase by 50%, he says.
 Media reaction:
 Minds have been “broken and entered” (The New Yorker,
 “The most alarming and outrageous discovery” since the

invention of the machine gun (The Nation, 10/5/57)

 FCC bans subliminal advertising

People’s current views toward
subliminal vs. “regular” advertising:

 Subliminal ads feared more, believed to be

more effective (Wilson et al. 1998)
 Subliminal self-help tapes
– $50 million as of 1990
 Vicary’s claims: fabricated!
 No evidence that subliminal advertising
works in real-life contexts
 Note: Regular advertising EXTREMELY
powerful, but people believe that they are
immune to it (Wilson & Brekke, 1994)
Subliminal influence
in laboratory settings—
growing evidence
So why no evidence (yet) that
subliminal advertising works
outside of the laboratory?
 “Noisy” contexts?
 Temporal distance?
 Fixed attitudes hard to change?
 Maybe does exist, just harder to measure
Could subliminal priming be used
to enhance self-esteem?
 “I like myself, but I don’t know why: Enhancing implicit self esteem by
subliminal evaluative conditioning” (Dijksterhuis, 2004)
 Modified lexical decision task
 The word “I” presented for 17 milliseconds, followed by…
– 50% trials: positive adjectives (e.g. Warm, sweet, nice, sincere, honest,
beautiful, cheerful, smart, strong, wise, healthy, funny, nice)
– 50% trials: non words
 Control participants: positive adjectives replaced with neutral words
(e.g. table)
 Results show enhanced self-esteem, immunity to failure feedback
– Replicates across six experiments

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